I've always said I don't know how this Q post can happen. But now with Trump being more public about Q I think this post is now able to happen and will be an easy step to, "yes, of course Trump is part of the Q team." I'm aware some people think Trump won't be the one sending this message, but either way, it still stands that NOW there's a much stronger tie with Trump and Q.
Also some of us had the luxury of having the time to research and break through all the propaganda programming.
I think the part of the reason middle class single moms are the last group to “get it” is because they are working all the time, be it a at job or just with their kids. They have barely if any time to themselves to research this stuff. The little time they do get to relax they watch stupid shows that (unknowingly to them) reinforces the propaganda programming they’re fed though fake news and “woke” people.
There’s also just people who don’t care but I think if most people knew what was going on they would care.
I'm a middle class mom and take it from me, most moms out there love to distract themselves with gossip, celebrity culture, and trash tv, leaving little to no time for productive learning. I know, I have to have conversations with other moms at my kids' events and my god these ladies are so damn boring to talk to, i have nothing in common with them. Ugh, the things I put up with for my kids. Luckily I've been "awake" my entire life thanks to my family teaching me about the illuminati and nwo in the early 80's when I was a child.
Oh I know. I was close with a bunch of my friends moms (not like that) and saw it first hand. I knew they were good people with good hearts but they were still falling for the BS. It was so sad. Especially seeing my own mom fall for the same stuff and she’s very intelligent and knew something was up but didn’t get the same education from her parents that you did.
What do you think will get the gossip/trash TV lovers to wake up?
Why does MSM still refer to "qanon"? Is it because they don't want people searching for just "Q"? Or are they really so ignorant, and unwilling/lazy to look into it for themselves, and just keep calling it qanon because that's what they all do?
Why does MSM still refer to "qanon"? Is it because they don't want people searching for just "Q"?
"QAnon" was cleverly crafted as a GOOGLE SEARCH TERM
This way, the only data anyone will find when searching the term is the pre-cooked mushy disinfo that passes for "information" about Q and his students, who are a "theory".
The sole exception I can find is the pro-Q, patriotic "Joy in Liberty", which uses the bizarre nonsense term all over their site for some unknown reason.
I used to follow Lionel for a bit. He's an interesting guy, but I think Alex Jones probably told him to stop endorsing Q lest he no longer be invited onto Infowars as a guest host. Lionel also seemed uncomfortable about Q outing Corsi, but then later Jones himself found out what a turd he was.
If you needed to reach the people, but anything you said would set off an attack what would you do?
Create a Q?
It would not surprise me in the least to find out that the Q that was posting the drops is Trump. He has had access to the intel through General Flynn and Admiral Rogers since the beginning.
I agree with you; but to be fair even if Trump was disavowing Q, people on this board would just say "of course he has to disavow Q, do you know what optics are?"
I hate to break this to you and/or everyone, but everyone endorses Q, whether they have the perspicacity and fearlessness of insight to realise that for themselves or not.
When one realises the nature of Q, you will cease even caring about Q, or DJT, or geopolitics, or the ism-schism game in general.
You'll stop caring about pedos, the illuminati, intersectionality, etc. etc.
In truth, all the ideas that "progressives" espouse are in fact good ideas when you get to the root of them. It's just that people don't really understand the concepts that underlie them, and that goes for their supporters as well.
I used to be such an antagonist of "Equity, Diversity, Inclusion", but once I had a closer look at it, I realised that what I was seeing was not a deliberately absurd, destructive and un-winnable pseudo-philosophy designed to distract from some sinister undertaking, but rather the symbology of an emerging "religion", which is the same religion as all the religions, but expressed more coherently and completely, which better suits our current age, where access to information has made it such that the truths that our current range of cargo-cult religious cliques don't have the capacity to transition to. Their adherents are too attached to the version of the narrative they have personally applied to the teachings.
I'm not saying religions are bad, but anyone seriously devoted to finding out the truth behind all this, what is really going on, is not going to be satisfied with what any of them have to offer. Personally, I feel as if the strictures they impose on their adherents are designed to be vexing, counterintuitive, etc. in order to prompt their most ardent scholars to keep asking Questions.
We are simply at a point in the human story where technology has enabled those of us inclined to individuate and reach a more maximal potential than at any other time in known history. People are getting smarter, not dumber – it just seems that way because some choose to use technology to change themselves into better people, while others do not.
We are at a point now where the "truth" and its implications might find a wide enough audience to actually catch on and become a real Great Awakening.
I'm not even talking about unknown concepts, they're espoused everywhere. All religious texts, movies, philosophy, mathematics.. every discipline. It's possible to arrive at a state of "true enlightenment" (regardless of what that implies to you – you're right – I'm talking in the sense of 'understanding oneself, reality, god, society, all the things (all) in such a way that everything fits together perfectly) via the study of anything. However, unless you gain enough knowledge in more than one field of knowledge, the important process of seeing how the trees unite may not come easily.
Personally, I had to make huge sacrifices in my life before I was able to 'get it'. Being an intellectual is greatly enabling, but it also makes the task harder too. I mean, you can have a 100 piece or 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle of the same size and of the same picture. If you've got a sophisticated mind, you'll simply need to search for longer to really convince yourself.
I'm the type of person for whom Jesus and Buddha could appear out of a puff of smoke and say "explain this, then, smartypants", and you'd find me reading everything I could about how that could possibly happen.
I'll just conclude now with this: THE NEWS IS FAKE.
Not "this news" vs "that news". There is no news that is not fake. If you are watching any news, including 'alternative' news, in the hope of finding reassurances for your fears (or reasons to have new and different fears) –– that is all you will get out of it. A better thing to do if you hear of some news that makes you feel something hope, love, hate, regret, disappointment, etc. whatever, you should think HARD about why that might be.
Look inside yourself. The answers are all there. The truth about you is the truth about everyone. Say to yourself "I am a ......". That statement is true in a way, no matter the designation. If you feel any resistance saying those statements, you can ask yourself 'how might that be'.
Everyone on this board is a faggot, a pedo, a murderer, liar, cheat, adulterer, etc. They are not "the other". There is no "other", it's just a continuum.
That's not just about 'US' - the semi-enlightened sages on this message board vis-a-vis the benighted great resetters or whatever, it's about everyone.
If you're given to seeing 'satanic' or 'freemason/illuminati/....' symbolism everywhere, throughout the entire entertainment industry, and think that some secret human clique is behind it all. Please! At least stop worrying about it. You must admit to yourself that if 'that' is the 'enemy', then you've lost well and proper at this point. But, an enemy so powerful they can recruit the entire planet? C'mon, it's not something that we can manage on our own. We really can't.
All those 'satanic' esoteric symbols are as ancient as time. They are all clues as to the nature of this reality. They are SPEAKING TO YOU, MAN. You are not seeing the "boy lover" symbol in that spiral triangle. I mean, it IS their symbol, and for them I think it represents the big triangle comforting or loving the little triangle. Pretty simple. But, remember, it's an ancient symbol, and it's related to fundamental mathematical truths about the self and this reality. Try considering it to be a representation of a game of turbo-snake (like on nokia), but on a trigonal plane.
Anyway, I can't tell you the answer. It's written any and everywhere if you can read between the lines.
The one hint I would give - i.e., one thing I didn't directly figure out and would have been helped, I think, if I had read this somewhere and been able to believe it, is the following:
THERE ARE NO LIES IN THIS WORLD, just incomplete understandings.
IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO 'SIN', it is impossible to do anything wrong. This is a place essentially mathematically configured to provide an equally satisfying living experience for everyone. Don't ask "how could THAT be true!?", ask "How might I see that this is true? How might I agree?"
Never ask why something is not, only why it IS FOR YOU.
Anyway, peace out, just warming my fingers up. AMA.
1,000% yes!! The normies are being woken up slowly. They have years of CNN brainwashing to get out of their system. We’re waking up 100 million Americans, it takes time. It sucks, but we’re going to win once this is all over.
Anons know!
I've always said I don't know how this Q post can happen. But now with Trump being more public about Q I think this post is now able to happen and will be an easy step to, "yes, of course Trump is part of the Q team." I'm aware some people think Trump won't be the one sending this message, but either way, it still stands that NOW there's a much stronger tie with Trump and Q.
There has always been a strong tie between Trump and Q for anyone who was paying attention.
With all the corruption and brainwashing it took a while to get enough people paying attention but we’re almost there.
Now now NOW! Why not now?!
It had to be this way
Just a few posts that come to mind.
Some people are just better than others when it comes to sleeping through alarms.
Also some of us had the luxury of having the time to research and break through all the propaganda programming.
I think the part of the reason middle class single moms are the last group to “get it” is because they are working all the time, be it a at job or just with their kids. They have barely if any time to themselves to research this stuff. The little time they do get to relax they watch stupid shows that (unknowingly to them) reinforces the propaganda programming they’re fed though fake news and “woke” people.
There’s also just people who don’t care but I think if most people knew what was going on they would care.
I'm a middle class mom and take it from me, most moms out there love to distract themselves with gossip, celebrity culture, and trash tv, leaving little to no time for productive learning. I know, I have to have conversations with other moms at my kids' events and my god these ladies are so damn boring to talk to, i have nothing in common with them. Ugh, the things I put up with for my kids. Luckily I've been "awake" my entire life thanks to my family teaching me about the illuminati and nwo in the early 80's when I was a child.
Oh I know. I was close with a bunch of my friends moms (not like that) and saw it first hand. I knew they were good people with good hearts but they were still falling for the BS. It was so sad. Especially seeing my own mom fall for the same stuff and she’s very intelligent and knew something was up but didn’t get the same education from her parents that you did.
What do you think will get the gossip/trash TV lovers to wake up?
Y’all deserve a medal by the way.
Not enough recognition.
Every single day
More and more people come over from the darkness to the light of awareness
And finally understand that Trump and Q have been working together
But nobody—not one single person—
Is going in the opposite direction
From understanding that fact to thinking "Those Q people are a theory!"
Why does MSM still refer to "qanon"? Is it because they don't want people searching for just "Q"? Or are they really so ignorant, and unwilling/lazy to look into it for themselves, and just keep calling it qanon because that's what they all do?
"QAnon" was cleverly crafted as a GOOGLE SEARCH TERM
This way, the only data anyone will find when searching the term is the pre-cooked mushy disinfo that passes for "information" about Q and his students, who are a "theory".
The sole exception I can find is the pro-Q, patriotic "Joy in Liberty", which uses the bizarre nonsense term all over their site for some unknown reason.
Probably to counter the Google effort you cited; hopefully they get more hits on their site because of it.
Which is more retarded:
Educated members of news media and government constantly referring to a person—and the millions of other people who study his work— as a "theory"...
Regular people accepting that nonsense unquestioningly and joining in with the absurdity?
Since when can a theory be people?
"I've got a theory!"
--Yeah? What is it?
Anyone who was on the fence before should be off now
I used to follow Lionel for a bit. He's an interesting guy, but I think Alex Jones probably told him to stop endorsing Q lest he no longer be invited onto Infowars as a guest host. Lionel also seemed uncomfortable about Q outing Corsi, but then later Jones himself found out what a turd he was.
If you needed to reach the people, but anything you said would set off an attack what would you do?
Create a Q?
It would not surprise me in the least to find out that the Q that was posting the drops is Trump. He has had access to the intel through General Flynn and Admiral Rogers since the beginning.
I agree with you; but to be fair even if Trump was disavowing Q, people on this board would just say "of course he has to disavow Q, do you know what optics are?"
I hate to break this to you and/or everyone, but everyone endorses Q, whether they have the perspicacity and fearlessness of insight to realise that for themselves or not.
When one realises the nature of Q, you will cease even caring about Q, or DJT, or geopolitics, or the ism-schism game in general.
You'll stop caring about pedos, the illuminati, intersectionality, etc. etc.
In truth, all the ideas that "progressives" espouse are in fact good ideas when you get to the root of them. It's just that people don't really understand the concepts that underlie them, and that goes for their supporters as well.
I used to be such an antagonist of "Equity, Diversity, Inclusion", but once I had a closer look at it, I realised that what I was seeing was not a deliberately absurd, destructive and un-winnable pseudo-philosophy designed to distract from some sinister undertaking, but rather the symbology of an emerging "religion", which is the same religion as all the religions, but expressed more coherently and completely, which better suits our current age, where access to information has made it such that the truths that our current range of cargo-cult religious cliques don't have the capacity to transition to. Their adherents are too attached to the version of the narrative they have personally applied to the teachings.
I'm not saying religions are bad, but anyone seriously devoted to finding out the truth behind all this, what is really going on, is not going to be satisfied with what any of them have to offer. Personally, I feel as if the strictures they impose on their adherents are designed to be vexing, counterintuitive, etc. in order to prompt their most ardent scholars to keep asking Questions.
We are simply at a point in the human story where technology has enabled those of us inclined to individuate and reach a more maximal potential than at any other time in known history. People are getting smarter, not dumber – it just seems that way because some choose to use technology to change themselves into better people, while others do not.
We are at a point now where the "truth" and its implications might find a wide enough audience to actually catch on and become a real Great Awakening.
I'm not even talking about unknown concepts, they're espoused everywhere. All religious texts, movies, philosophy, mathematics.. every discipline. It's possible to arrive at a state of "true enlightenment" (regardless of what that implies to you – you're right – I'm talking in the sense of 'understanding oneself, reality, god, society, all the things (all) in such a way that everything fits together perfectly) via the study of anything. However, unless you gain enough knowledge in more than one field of knowledge, the important process of seeing how the trees unite may not come easily.
Personally, I had to make huge sacrifices in my life before I was able to 'get it'. Being an intellectual is greatly enabling, but it also makes the task harder too. I mean, you can have a 100 piece or 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle of the same size and of the same picture. If you've got a sophisticated mind, you'll simply need to search for longer to really convince yourself.
I'm the type of person for whom Jesus and Buddha could appear out of a puff of smoke and say "explain this, then, smartypants", and you'd find me reading everything I could about how that could possibly happen.
I'll just conclude now with this: THE NEWS IS FAKE.
Not "this news" vs "that news". There is no news that is not fake. If you are watching any news, including 'alternative' news, in the hope of finding reassurances for your fears (or reasons to have new and different fears) –– that is all you will get out of it. A better thing to do if you hear of some news that makes you feel something hope, love, hate, regret, disappointment, etc. whatever, you should think HARD about why that might be.
Look inside yourself. The answers are all there. The truth about you is the truth about everyone. Say to yourself "I am a ......". That statement is true in a way, no matter the designation. If you feel any resistance saying those statements, you can ask yourself 'how might that be'.
Everyone on this board is a faggot, a pedo, a murderer, liar, cheat, adulterer, etc. They are not "the other". There is no "other", it's just a continuum.
That's not just about 'US' - the semi-enlightened sages on this message board vis-a-vis the benighted great resetters or whatever, it's about everyone.
If you're given to seeing 'satanic' or 'freemason/illuminati/....' symbolism everywhere, throughout the entire entertainment industry, and think that some secret human clique is behind it all. Please! At least stop worrying about it. You must admit to yourself that if 'that' is the 'enemy', then you've lost well and proper at this point. But, an enemy so powerful they can recruit the entire planet? C'mon, it's not something that we can manage on our own. We really can't.
All those 'satanic' esoteric symbols are as ancient as time. They are all clues as to the nature of this reality. They are SPEAKING TO YOU, MAN. You are not seeing the "boy lover" symbol in that spiral triangle. I mean, it IS their symbol, and for them I think it represents the big triangle comforting or loving the little triangle. Pretty simple. But, remember, it's an ancient symbol, and it's related to fundamental mathematical truths about the self and this reality. Try considering it to be a representation of a game of turbo-snake (like on nokia), but on a trigonal plane.
Anyway, I can't tell you the answer. It's written any and everywhere if you can read between the lines.
The one hint I would give - i.e., one thing I didn't directly figure out and would have been helped, I think, if I had read this somewhere and been able to believe it, is the following:
Anyway, peace out, just warming my fingers up. AMA.
1,000% yes!! The normies are being woken up slowly. They have years of CNN brainwashing to get out of their system. We’re waking up 100 million Americans, it takes time. It sucks, but we’re going to win once this is all over.
Ha, I totally agree!!
Who or what is this "Qanon"