Until they add those "100 updoodles" and "1000 updoodles", the one up vote shall have to suffice.
However, fear not. Surely the Lord Kek, in his compassion, knows and values every little upvote given with a sincere heart by patriotic and loyal pedes.
A random thought that popped into my head - what if after "the Great Awakening" we don't have 50 states, or what if we DONT HAVE THEM NOW, if some of the conspiracies regarding USA Inc vs. our real USA are in play?
I had heard that the convention of states type meeting already happened and 34 joined in, 10 no's (Dem governors you can guess which ones) and a few on the fence thinking. Hawaii declined and will return to the kingdom of Hawaii. Being from the PNW I do wonder if now is the time to move. The west coast is lost.
Interesting that Q a mc outages to vote and says that our vote matters.
It may not feel like our vote matters - but one thing is for sure: MAGA wave after MAGA wave makes cheating extremely difficult. Even if it will be stolen, we need to vote. It is the minimum level of participation in civics. We should also think about running.
We will do our job and protect the vote? ABSOLUTELY, that is what 2020 election was all about if you think 5D, because in 2016 "they never thought she would lose"
in 2020 they never thought B-den would win, They WANTED Trump to overturn the 2020 election so they would burn the US.to the ground and blame Trump and the media would make it almost believable( to the normie) that is why there was so much overwhelming evidence even though most branches of govt. shut that down there was a PATH to do so Trump did not take it., Also remember the first 3 to 5 months of the B-den show? no organization what so ever, dozens of key positions not filled and some still not, NEVER has happened. look at the early footage they are in a fog, can't fake that. we don't know all the details yet something is afoot.
There's been a lot of what I would call unwarranted hopium around here over the last couple of years.
But things are absolutely heating up bigly. Even my jaundiced eyes are open in anticipation for what's coming in the coming months.
"There's been a lot of what I would call unwarranted hopium around here over the last couple of years."
Perhaps. But back on PDW, the dooming was so thick it was like a river fog. A little extra hopium does us all good.
Yur thinking of hopermectin. Recommended by 9 out of 10 pepes.
I wish I could give more than one up vote for "hopermectin."
Until they add those "100 updoodles" and "1000 updoodles", the one up vote shall have to suffice.
However, fear not. Surely the Lord Kek, in his compassion, knows and values every little upvote given with a sincere heart by patriotic and loyal pedes.
I regret I have but one updoot tp give.
Upvote for using "jaundiced eyes".
A random thought that popped into my head - what if after "the Great Awakening" we don't have 50 states, or what if we DONT HAVE THEM NOW, if some of the conspiracies regarding USA Inc vs. our real USA are in play?
That's starting to sound like one world government territory. hmmmmm
I wasn't actually thinking about one world government, rather a different configuration (or number) of our states.
we don't have to get that fancy, just stop the cheating in elections and clean up the corruption.
And dismantle the corporation, returning control to the people (and not the corporation).
The reason there is so much corruption is because the corporation has infiltrated.
Reference: https://rumble.com/v1h04b7-they-stole-the-keys-to-our-liberty-and-were-taking-them-back.html
I had heard that the convention of states type meeting already happened and 34 joined in, 10 no's (Dem governors you can guess which ones) and a few on the fence thinking. Hawaii declined and will return to the kingdom of Hawaii. Being from the PNW I do wonder if now is the time to move. The west coast is lost.
It isn't that easy
Massive upvotes went to a post last week "disproving" the USA Corp theory
I don't know what to think, or if I should care, since I can't change the corporate status anyway
thanks fren.
What did scavino highlight????
the onlything i found on his truth. https://truthsocial.com/@DanScavino/posts/109012343849414249 ...not on twitter. unless it was at the rally
The flag with NO stars!
I mean did he post it
Dan Scavino did post on Truth Social a video that ends zoomed in on with the flag with no stars. There is a link on two's post above. 👆
Welcome fren!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEBLbWLldR0 (41 sec)
thanks fren
Interesting that Q a mc outages to vote and says that our vote matters.
It may not feel like our vote matters - but one thing is for sure: MAGA wave after MAGA wave makes cheating extremely difficult. Even if it will be stolen, we need to vote. It is the minimum level of participation in civics. We should also think about running.
We will do our job and protect the vote? ABSOLUTELY, that is what 2020 election was all about if you think 5D, because in 2016 "they never thought she would lose" in 2020 they never thought B-den would win, They WANTED Trump to overturn the 2020 election so they would burn the US.to the ground and blame Trump and the media would make it almost believable( to the normie) that is why there was so much overwhelming evidence even though most branches of govt. shut that down there was a PATH to do so Trump did not take it., Also remember the first 3 to 5 months of the B-den show? no organization what so ever, dozens of key positions not filled and some still not, NEVER has happened. look at the early footage they are in a fog, can't fake that. we don't know all the details yet something is afoot.
food for thought
Am I the only one that actually looked close enough to see the stars? They are there, you just need to look harder.
they fact that they were hidden..lighting..was on purpose
That I can get behind.
They are black stars.
I don't get it. Why only 7 stripes too. I know it means something, but, what?
Well I keep voting, the keep stealing it.