Look at the date (19th), Time 4:49 / Worth remembering.
Look at this post from Stormy Patriot Joe on Truth Social.
Note the time on the Fox News pic (4:49)
Casket being lowered.
Notice the date on this Q drop.
Did Q know, 4 years in advance, the Queen’s body would be at Windsor Castle for a Private Service that was locked out to public?
Go to the 34:00-minute mark of the And We Know video below and look at what the Storm Rider says about the UK government. The white hats in the UK military have King Charles under military control.
With the Queen's death, the monarchy died. King Charles, the son of the Queen, takes the thrown however he brings many dark secrets with him that Trump knew about, this will put the King in checkmate. During Trump's visit with the Queen, Trump unveiled that their dark secrets were no longer secret, the powers that be knew the truth. The child trafficking and pedophilia would end the monarchy. Have you noticed the face of King Charles recently, he has dread written all over his face.
Trump visited the Queen in July 2018, then 18 months later Prince Harry and Megan got the hell out, they knew what was coming.
Read the Mirror article how Harry and Megan were trashing the Royal family. They use the term racism as the reason they left, we know it was something different and they couldn't say it...pedophilia.
The Queen sat at the helm of the Tri-city Empire. With the death of the Queen this Empire will be destroyed. Washington DC will no longer be a corporation of the Empire.
Pope Francis instructs Vatican entities to move all funds to Vatican bank by Sept. 30
Do you know why? Pope knew the Queens death was coming and he knew about Trump's EO 13848.
All of the banks and corporations associated with the Vatican financial system is trying to protect themselves. Remember the Vatican has never been audited. You can place your ill-gotten gains in the Vatican bank, no questions are asked.
This will not protect them. They are actually making it easy for the asset confiscation process. Remember there were rumors that the Vatican satellite was used to perform some of the election fraud. The current Pope is evil, he will be taken down and Vatican assets will be seized. I have heard it may be as much as $350 trillion. This is where NESARA comes in. This tri-city group have been stealing from humanity for many years and it is coming to a end, thank you Jesus.
2 Chronicles 7:14
If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
Keep Praying
Stay say my frens!!!
Nice proofs. Not sure I buy the NESARA thing tho
People were claiming that the NESARA/GESARA thing was happening during the Pandemic - but the opposite was true. It was the largest upward transfer of wealth, while people got a few crumbs off the table and thought it was amazing.
Agreed. The NESARA thing ruins the whole proof for me. Other than that, it seemed pretty good though...
I am extremely suspicious of NESARA/GESARA as well.
We have nothing that shows NESARA, etc., exist, and I find it interesting that tards like Ward still have their YT channels up while guys like Cates and Patel are gone.
‘Thank you Jesus’, Amen. 🙏🏽
This post represents a sea-change of GAW's collective understanding of the levers of power in this world!
How so? We have been talking about this stuff for years. I see nothing new here other than J's own analysis.
This post was so good up until you mentioned NESARA 🤦♂️
Regardless, it's still a very intriguing post.
I am not to sure that Harry and Meghan are innocent. She is a product of Hollywood, and she manipulated herself into the Royal family and controls Harry. I am not to sure those children are legitimately their children. Why did the queen approve the mixed marriage? Will we ever know?
Harry throws a up devil horns around Meliania & Dresses up in Nazi regalia just like his Nazi Uncle, King Edward the VIII.
F*ck red headed faggot Nazi bastard.
I remember Harry said he didn't want to be treated like his mother re : media, paparazzi and that was one of the reason he decided to leave in the US (where everyone knows there is no paparazzi)
Not sure if he really meant media, paparazzi
Interesting too after this comment of lying in state for 4 years:
That's certainly odd.
What if we're watching a movie that's a re-run and it already happened and just playing out as if it's happening now? That would more explain future proves the past or seeing into the future.
Great proofs, and summary. Nice juicy post!
Good stuff - I wonder when the Pope will die so we can get to the Israel for last part of the movie - my vote is the Pope will die 10/08/2022 - Snow White is gone now time for The Godfather
Why would the queen be Snow White who was an innocent victim? That doesn't make sense.
Cannot get to the TS posts but everything else seems correct.
Thanks for the post.
Great post thank you and Amen!
Vatican making that move was very telling imo
Masons took over the church after 1961 & Vatican II. Rip out the cancer but leave the church alone; it’s the foundation of Western civilization & the original church of Jesus & Apostles. I know Protestants hate hearing that but it’s true & it’s why the Devil has worked very hard in the attempts to destroy her from within with Homos, Pedo & Judeo-Masonic infiltrators.
I heave heard the church is being attacked by the Devil argument before. I look at it this way. Why would I be a member of the church that contradicts the teachings of Jesus more than any other church. The pope calls himself God on earth, they have manipulated the Bible. Kept secrets, the lord does not dwell in secrets. Anything in secret is inherently evil and the work of Satan. They go against the words of God. They adopted paganism and corrupted worship. In the same way that Santeria is African witchcraft disguised as Roman Catholicism, Roman Catholicism is paganism disguised as Christianity.
Well, I think God has allowed it to exist for 2000 years for a specific reason. I do not believe it has been corrupted for those entire 2000 years and more good has come from it then bad. I understand that Masons have been at war with Christian society founded by Catholic Monarchies for the past 300 years. These pagan Masons Take over the church in the 1960s and stole our Christian inheritance. You might being you to the occult world & The world of you of human sacrifice, but the church has been righteously killing witches, pagans & child killers for centuries. It’s because the church has been so effective against these Judeo-Masonic Satanists, that they seek to destroy the church from within by destroying peoples faith & they deny themselves sacraments.
It’s because the church is so important to the Devil, that I chose to defend her.
The church indeed is important to the devil. That’s where he has made his throne. You still ignore the declaration of the people claiming to be God on earth. And you still refuse to acknowledge the contradictions of the Roman Catholics with the teachings of Jesus Christ , and the gospel. The Roman Catholic church in no shape or form mirrors Jesus. It is paganism and it has been paganism from its beginning.
It was NOT the original church.
The original church is all believers. Even the Cathars who the Roman Catholics murdered in mass!
I would have to disagree. What do you fill in the blank when it comes to Christian history & society between Constantine’s conversion in 313 & Luther’s revolt in 1517?
What preserved Christianity for 1,200 years? Europe wasn’t Catholic for 1,200 years & the “true church” was underground until 1517? How do you explain away 1,200 years of Christian history? LOL.
What filled in the blank? Followers of Christ, the Church.
Rome is a counterfeit religion.
Following Christ is not religion.
Well, you can chose to ignore 2,000 years of Christian history that contradicts you.
Why do you suppose Q constantly brought up the Vatican & Arch Bishop Vigano & not other Protestant denominations?
I’m not ignoring history, that would be you when I mentioned how your cult murdered the Carthars.
Heard of them, don’t know enough of them to speak with any certainty.
What do you think of that Holy Lance, sorta cool Hitler had more belief in power of Holy Christian relics than Protestants, right?
Sorta cool your cult and Hitler got along so well, right?
I meant to say cut out the cancer & leave the church alone. Masons have been at war with mother church for 300+ years & after the 1960’s, they fully infiltrated it.
Sorry for the typo, I’m coming from a place of defending Mother church.
Well, since the Protestant revolts, you’ve had 4,000 denominations of Protestant Christianity sects & dozens of bibles. I have no way of confirming what’s in your watered down Bible.
The church is the founded Jesus & the Apostles passed down through the ages by the Priest class. As Jesus said, I will build my church on this rock. Saint Peter’s body is literally buried at the Vatican. That’s 2,000 years of amazing Christian history people deny! It’s wild!
I'm sorry, but you are incorrect. The Catholic Church was started by Romans about 300 years after the real Church began at pentecost. These Romans brought in many pagan beliefs. This Roman Church changed the 10 commandments, turned Mary into a deity, instituted praying to ancestors, made confession (to a priest) necessary for salvation, declared the Pope to be equivalent to Jesus, declared papal mandates to be more authoritative then the Bible, made it illegal to own a Bible, etcetera etcetera.
God is awesome, Jesus is awesome, but the Roman Catholic Church is an evil that God has used for some good throughout the centuries. It is not the mother Church.
You Protestants miss out on so much cool Christian history; all because your pride forbids you from accepting the Original church of Jesus & the Apostles.
For example, when Constantine converted the Pagan Roman Empire & decriminalized Christianity in 313, it was due to his mother. She was a devout Christian that went to a pilgrimage to the Middle East. She collected the Holy Cross & the Spear of Destiny. These holy relics were handed down to the new Christian monarchy & Threat century as it was passed down to many emperors including catholic king Charlemagne.
This horrible lake was considered so powerful while it was covered by Pagans, including Hitler. Even if I can send you the power of the Catholic Church and her holy relics & amazing history:
I’ll tell you straight up, I really hope that the door for salvation is open to protestants as well because there are a lot of beautiful protestant people that I love dearly who reject the church and the sacraments. (because of homos, pedos, Mason infiltrators, I get it) but The Holy Sacraments & traditions have been passed down for the past 2000 years. I really hope salvation is as easy as simply “believing”. I really, really, really hope so… but I don’t believe so.
However, I myself cannot reject 2000 years of Christian church who has been at war with the occult for centuries. I believe the Vatican is infiltrated by Masons & now they are attempting to destroy the holy Latin mass, preventing further souls from attaining salvation. If the holy mass was not important then why are the Masons attacking it?
However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?” Luke 18:8.
How many people are really following the true faith? I’m not even sure those Catholics that go the Novos Ordo mass are attaining any grace or valid sacraments. The name of the Ultimate game is so harvesting & the Devil doesn’t want YOU to get the sacraments.
Or is this when the queen really died? Piers Morgan said on the TV quite clearly she had been lying in state for 4 years. Even the hearse was a 2018 model. Very interesting!
2 Chronicles 7:14
If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
So he said this and no one listened to him?
Just WOW
I AM QUITE sure that the Vatican is going to be "BLOWN UP" (figuratively, of course) due to the bank being told by the POPE to start bringing monies back into the bank...
Which ties into this great Screed by jhartz39...WOWZA!!!
NOTE: The above article is quite the eye opener due to the Queen's death...
Instead of NESARA/GESARA... just talk about what we do know for certain.
Trump likes the dollar.... not bitcoin Gold will destroy the fed The video that will get DJT elected clearly described the downfall of the financial cabal Trump said a 1929 crash is coming if Biden gets elected
Everything will crash so that something better for the common man can replace the corrupt system.
Am I stupid or does the watch say 5:49, not 4:49?
Small hand.
Quick visual ref: Here
Tbh my kid self always called the smaller hand the "big hand" because of it's girth as well.
Just because the other one is long doesn't mean it's big, it's so tiny cause of its skinniness.
Also ask a woman about those sizes in "other terms" and see which one she considers the "bigger" one
You might want to start another pot of coffee friend. 😉
The monarchy will be on the English throne until Jesus' return. You can bank on that. Anyone who tells you otherwise hasn't picked up their Bible and actually read it.
Would this be in Revelations? I’ve just started reading Revelations.