Yeah but international Internet is a different beast, and it originates from the U.S. anyway before Obama gave it away like a traitorous bitch.
If the cables were cut, the U.S. would (likely) still be able to communicate with servers hosted within our own country (barring server dependencies hosted externally, e.g. a cloud based server hosted in Buttfuckistan, United Kingdom also known as London).
It would be destructive and awful, but not the end of the world.
I try to just casually mention to people that I heard we are going to have a big blackout, but don't worry it will only be for 10 days. Another is, I heard a rumor that there is a fake UFO invasion planned, might not be true but good to know. I tell them that is silly because lasers go right through holograms, and a lot of cat people have lasers.
I currently, not by choice have 6 cats and a grama chihuahua, I moved here with 3 cats and found I am one of the best drop off points in town for unwanted or pregnant ones. I love cats but dang, give me a break.
Well said... you beat me to this explanation, but to expand on it a bit...
The Internet is best thought of as a "network of networks". Cutting undersea fiber-optic cables would cause segmentation, not a blackout.
The Internet would be broken up into segments, since some of the networks would not have connectivity to other networks. Traffic within the segmented networks would still be fine, but would not be able to reach the other networks (continents)... satellites and earth stations would not be affected (Starlink, etc.)
Very few things in life depend on network connectivity to other continents... so any doomsday predictions being made are just loud farts. I like the fart description better than "fake news". Seems more accurate.
There would be massive routing problems and the internet would slow to a 56K modem really fast if enough of the large back haul cables were to suddenly "go off line".
yes sir. transatlantic cable. teensy tiny fiber optic cables handling entire office buildings. entire neighborhoods of office buildings all coming to the same teensy tiny CO..... aka that fat green box about the size of a newspaper stand randomly by the road.... or a shiny metal box
First - this reminds me of the Trump story he tells at his rallies about when he was dealing with the Taliban. He always says they asked him why he was showing them pictures of their own houses. Then he smiles.
Second - I believe it was the deep state that did this attack (which probably includes the Democrats). Putin has called out the deep state and the democrats. Besides, he destroyed their biolabs and hopefully took their human-trafficked women and children. Putin probably expected retaliation. I don't think this goes any further unless the cabal keeps pushing to get us in WW3. I do expect cyber attacks though.
Global elite pedo ring doesn’t like to be disrupted. Ghislane Maxwell is a helicopter & submarine pilot. You don’t think others don’t have the ability & know how to slip in & out of Epstein Island or find a cable in the Baltic? These people are so rich they can even pay for mercenaries if they had to.
They would have done it already. Day 1 of invasion they would of cut all major lines. Power sources, communications, food supply. They would of knocked the lights out of the entire country if it were conventional war. The referendum has succeeded. The biolabs have been dealt with… it seems the objective has been secured and they never really wanted to cause the country to bleed to death. Any bleeding in Ukraine is due false leadership sensing other peoples sons to die for lies.
At the outbreak of WW1, Britain destroyed the underwater telegraph cables coming out of Germany. After that, all communications out of Germany, including news reports from allied reporters, went through and were censored by British intelligence before reaching the US. Propaganda was in full effect.
The shitstorm that would ensue would be unfathomable. Everything here, and I'm sure in Europe too, is hooked up to the internet. Hospitals, logistics, energy, transportation, you name it. Shit, the power went out at the hospital after my ex wife had a gruesomely botched C-section and they didn't bring her pain meds for 10 hours after they were supposed to, and I had to track the nurse down ( I had to work). Nothing was backed up on paper or otherwise. Nothing. Shit, I'm going out to get more emergency food tomorrow first thing. Fuck this shit
and when it inevitably turns back on, the bitcoin is back.
if american internet was isolated, we'd still be able to use bitcoin in the connected networks. hell, even if russia isolated itself internet-wise entirely, the users in the russian networks would still be able to use bitcoin.
this is the power of it, no one can take the coins from you, even if the grid goes down temporarily
Whenever my mom found old medical or anatomy books at yard sales and just put the on the shelf. She said, you never know. I have used some a little to reset a broken pinky, the hosp had set it a little off and when I stretched rebroke. I got a much better job, but I doubt I could do surgery unless I knew without a doubt that I could do any good. Some of the first c-sections on humans were done by vets that had to do it more often.
Of course, same with Ukraine, USA, Canada, or most anywhere. Good people trapped under horrendous cabal government.
If the people in cabal/WEF controlled European countries get pushed closer to their precipice, they may find the strength to fight for change.
Europeans who are cozy and warm with full bellies are more content with the status quo. People who are cold, hungry, and miserable are more likely to demand change.
Tit for tat would be for Russia to take out the Alaska pipeline if USA were the culprit. Would be easy with so much open territory and most is above ground. Hope we have this covered…
This is what happens when you lie to your country about actually being at war.
Thanks MSM...
Enemy of The People.
Just wait until they are crying and shitting themselves on live tv.
As they walk to their literal doom.
And it will ALL be live on TicTok.
I have an old pic that says "Half of East Africa's internet squeezes through this cable."
You'd be amazed how much of the Internet is bottlenecked--and thus easy to kill.
EDIT: Found it. It was ALL the internet, not just half!
Yeah but international Internet is a different beast, and it originates from the U.S. anyway before Obama gave it away like a traitorous bitch.
If the cables were cut, the U.S. would (likely) still be able to communicate with servers hosted within our own country (barring server dependencies hosted externally, e.g. a cloud based server hosted in Buttfuckistan, United Kingdom also known as London).
It would be destructive and awful, but not the end of the world.
I try to just casually mention to people that I heard we are going to have a big blackout, but don't worry it will only be for 10 days. Another is, I heard a rumor that there is a fake UFO invasion planned, might not be true but good to know. I tell them that is silly because lasers go right through holograms, and a lot of cat people have lasers.
Nah, anime says cat girls use swords.
"cat people have lasers" KEK.
I love replacing fear with laughter.
I currently, not by choice have 6 cats and a grama chihuahua, I moved here with 3 cats and found I am one of the best drop off points in town for unwanted or pregnant ones. I love cats but dang, give me a break.
You're obviously a kind person. The cats are seeking you out on their own I think.
So most lefties are OK.
No, I have cats and lasers, I only weigh 85.6 lbs, so I don't qualify. 😁😂🤣
Well said... you beat me to this explanation, but to expand on it a bit...
The Internet is best thought of as a "network of networks". Cutting undersea fiber-optic cables would cause segmentation, not a blackout.
The Internet would be broken up into segments, since some of the networks would not have connectivity to other networks. Traffic within the segmented networks would still be fine, but would not be able to reach the other networks (continents)... satellites and earth stations would not be affected (Starlink, etc.)
Very few things in life depend on network connectivity to other continents... so any doomsday predictions being made are just loud farts. I like the fart description better than "fake news". Seems more accurate.
Because farts will never not be funny.
Just reading this and I'm laughing. Don't even have to hear one. KEK
There would be massive routing problems and the internet would slow to a 56K modem really fast if enough of the large back haul cables were to suddenly "go off line".
yes sir. transatlantic cable. teensy tiny fiber optic cables handling entire office buildings. entire neighborhoods of office buildings all coming to the same teensy tiny CO..... aka that fat green box about the size of a newspaper stand randomly by the road.... or a shiny metal box
Two things:
First - this reminds me of the Trump story he tells at his rallies about when he was dealing with the Taliban. He always says they asked him why he was showing them pictures of their own houses. Then he smiles.
Second - I believe it was the deep state that did this attack (which probably includes the Democrats). Putin has called out the deep state and the democrats. Besides, he destroyed their biolabs and hopefully took their human-trafficked women and children. Putin probably expected retaliation. I don't think this goes any further unless the cabal keeps pushing to get us in WW3. I do expect cyber attacks though.
it had to be the dems, who else could it be. Anons need to check Nancy Pelosi's shed for scuba gear...
Global elite pedo ring doesn’t like to be disrupted. Ghislane Maxwell is a helicopter & submarine pilot. You don’t think others don’t have the ability & know how to slip in & out of Epstein Island or find a cable in the Baltic? These people are so rich they can even pay for mercenaries if they had to.
Funnily enough, she just got moved to a much nicer prison. The hard times one didn't suit her. Forgot where I read that.
I read that as well somewhere.
They would have to hunt hard between the cases of liquor.
They would have done it already. Day 1 of invasion they would of cut all major lines. Power sources, communications, food supply. They would of knocked the lights out of the entire country if it were conventional war. The referendum has succeeded. The biolabs have been dealt with… it seems the objective has been secured and they never really wanted to cause the country to bleed to death. Any bleeding in Ukraine is due false leadership sensing other peoples sons to die for lies.
These things take longer than we would expect.
At the outbreak of WW1, Britain destroyed the underwater telegraph cables coming out of Germany. After that, all communications out of Germany, including news reports from allied reporters, went through and were censored by British intelligence before reaching the US. Propaganda was in full effect.
With satellites and sat-phones nowadays, this strategy would no longer be as devastating, but still a pain in the ass.
Your move.
The shitstorm that would ensue would be unfathomable. Everything here, and I'm sure in Europe too, is hooked up to the internet. Hospitals, logistics, energy, transportation, you name it. Shit, the power went out at the hospital after my ex wife had a gruesomely botched C-section and they didn't bring her pain meds for 10 hours after they were supposed to, and I had to track the nurse down ( I had to work). Nothing was backed up on paper or otherwise. Nothing. Shit, I'm going out to get more emergency food tomorrow first thing. Fuck this shit
This is why I don't use bit coin
And the switch goes click off...what Bitcoin?
Yep, the stuff in my hand is good until it is TP
and when it inevitably turns back on, the bitcoin is back.
if american internet was isolated, we'd still be able to use bitcoin in the connected networks. hell, even if russia isolated itself internet-wise entirely, the users in the russian networks would still be able to use bitcoin.
this is the power of it, no one can take the coins from you, even if the grid goes down temporarily
Whenever my mom found old medical or anatomy books at yard sales and just put the on the shelf. She said, you never know. I have used some a little to reset a broken pinky, the hosp had set it a little off and when I stretched rebroke. I got a much better job, but I doubt I could do surgery unless I knew without a doubt that I could do any good. Some of the first c-sections on humans were done by vets that had to do it more often.
If Russia wants revenge then blowing up the Norway-Poland pipeline that just opened yesterday would truly F Europe.
Russia doesn't hate Europe, just the cabal.
Of course, same with Ukraine, USA, Canada, or most anywhere. Good people trapped under horrendous cabal government.
If the people in cabal/WEF controlled European countries get pushed closer to their precipice, they may find the strength to fight for change.
Europeans who are cozy and warm with full bellies are more content with the status quo. People who are cold, hungry, and miserable are more likely to demand change.
“It had to be this way”
Doesn’t Musk have StarLink working?
Not nearly enough bandwidth yet to take over for undersea cables.
You mean takes shot of vodka.
I’m very flattered. This is my post I created on PDW. I’m humbled it was appreciated :)
Brilliant!! I can't wait! Gotta go get more popcorn.
Too bad you couldn’t write in Russian accent.
Don't think for a second that's not going to happen...because it's going to happen!
Dun, to, to, da: Starlink
Blow up cable or flip a switch?
Tit for tat would be for Russia to take out the Alaska pipeline if USA were the culprit. Would be easy with so much open territory and most is above ground. Hope we have this covered…