Wanna see a paid shill in action on GAW? Yesterday we perma-banned this tard for this sudden, out-of-the-blue comment against "True the Vote's" Gregg Phillips. NEXT DAY? Konnech's CEO is arrested (by LA's Soros-comped DA). Be on the lookout for these shills! Attacks will intensify! DEPORT!

PW also caught wind of this and their researchers did an awesome job of picking it apart. Definitely a must-see.
How many years of practice of this have we had now? These shills could be considered a waste of time, but the 'training program' type nature of the trickle of fools helps us all in a way cause it keeps us sharp. The new people can watch and learn while the old timey ones deal with the trash.
Like that example above was dealt with.
We have been seeing a lot of anti Gregg shills over the past couple weeks. I guess they all jumped their guns, but it was all for this.
Phillips has them firing in all directions. Panic.
That's not a shill, that's a troll, kek.
I actually thought it was fairly amusing, but then again I'm a bit odd (not that that's in any way odd round here!)
Farts will never not be funny.
I love the photo of AOC, when she was a barrista, lighting her farts.
Put a bag over her head and you have a damn fine body.
How is this is shill, tho? I thought shills were supposed to be sly is what I'm saying. He's not fooling anyone. My bet is that it's someone from the media who knows what's about to go down and their rage frustration boiling over. Ha probably Vice or NBC lol.
I'm not saying one way or another, but I know evil people use psychological tactics and this could be considered one. Using mocking to create a small spark, enough that will cause some to think poorly of Mr. Phillips
Good point.
And paid shills use sophisticated tactics. Possible this mocking post was intended to be flooded with comments like "I know this post is a joke but Gregg Phillips really is a paytriot fraud so nobody should pay attention to him."
Years ago we were sitting around the bonfire lightning farts on fire then my brother lit his fart on fire. It was this glorious green flame. Man those were the days. We called him the green lantern for a while after that.
Its pretty nuts how the puff pieces about this crooked company went out the DAY before the arrest. Like certain peoe wanted to cushion the blow...
LOL, like butter
Gregg Phillips is another master-level troller. This is a complete bear mauling of whatever credibility the NYT had.
And it's all so futile and pointless.
The shills won't keep it from happening. All they do is lend themselves to those who track and identify for later clean up.
When you type Eugene Yu into the wikipedia search engine, it redirects you to the Georgia House Elections....hmmmm....
He was contracted with the government to manage election data. He stored it on Chinese servers.
nearly all packets , FROM ALL their services, lead to china!!!
this is not being 'hacked' for years by china.... this is getting PAID to work with China
Just found out that Eugene Yu (Republican Party) ran for election to the U.S. House to represent Georgia's 6th Congressional District. He lost in the Republican primary on May 24, 2022.
He also served in the USA Army. Who knows how many intelligence secrets he stole and sold overseas.
Eugene Yu IS A FOREIGN BORN Chinese national!!
HOLY SHIT! When will the USA ever learn!!!
= = = = = =
Every major Spy story involving Chinese spies selling secrets, tech, mil defense info, etc INVOLVES FOREIGN BORN CHINESE.
Trump made hiring chinese born US Citizens ILLEGAL in aerospace mil secret contracts, making a Tesla SpaceX full employees group photo of workers look 99% White/Jew USA Born!!
TESLA under attack by Biden Regime for using "NOFORN" hiring rules blocking Chinese spies!
The TESLA SPACEX group photo is like looking at a 99.5% White NASA engineer photo from the 1960s.... though NASA had no 'NOFORN' hiring rules, just secret clearances of ex-German-V2 experts.
THAT scenario, know 100% proven fact, happened in 18 out the most astounding 18 nuclear secret spy cases since 1943 to last decade.
18 out of 18 sickening nuclear weapons spies across history WERE PRACTICING JEWS!!!!!
This Jewish spy stuff still happens, but in the last 7 years a couple Chinese nationals also stole nuclear weapons blueprints
Well, sometimes the FBI just says "look, a Russian IP address" and then concocts a lie that Russians did this or that. It wouldn't surprise me if they just spoof China IP addresses since the Steve Bannon followers and Trump think ChinaMen are the boogiemen and not the anti-Christ jews who surround the both of them.
I must say, I love Tard October. Most clever.
Wait, so there's no free mini-Bic?
I kinda like the idea of giving the paid shills an identifying badge, like an anti pepe.
That way we can all pile on them when the try to slide under the radar.
Great job, keep up the good work.
Or, was he banned simply for not liking Gregg Phillips?
Looks like a troll full of jokes rather than a shill.
Not the best idea if you don't have a sparkling post history
They forget, they sign everting they write. 😎
I find it interesting they took Mike Lindell's phone because they were investigating "identity theft". Now this guy is arrested, and identity theft is mentioned. Maybe Mike isn't the target at all.
Mods R Gods, doing fine work
Jew York Times is propaganda
The bible warned you about these liars.