Roger Waters Endangers Pink Floyd Catalog Sale with Ukraine, Israel Comments: Report
One potential buyer has gotten "cold feet," with others likely to reconsider their positions. Roger Waters Endangers Pink Floyd Catalog Sale with Ukraine, Israel Comments: Report Eddie Fu
It's funny Roger Waters is a complete leftist. He simply doesn't understand that he is attacking the policy of his master.
He has been vehemently anti-war his whole life. Which fleshes out the meme that the boundaries on what is considered left-wing V right-wing has changed so much, whereas his opinions have stayed the same.
In the 80s - left wing Roger
In the 2000s - centrist Roger
2020+ - extremist fascist right-winger Roger who must be cancelled
He didn't change, 'left wing' became so fucked up and minuscule its only the most deranged, most frothing out the mouth crazies that are left now. With the less insane ones being centrist, and the 95% of the rest of people being right wing.
And its only the fake news and fake social media that pretends the left has any real representation, since the lie that they are numerous helps with the election steals.
But you forgot the dumb kids. They could be 10 %. These poor kids and they’re so angry too. Heart is in the right place but got played
As things get tougher, people cant cling to child type delusions any longer.. reality just intervenes, as much as they try to deny it. Most will come round hopefully, some probably really are lost. And they probably will self-harm, get all/more whacked out on drugs or off themselves in absurd ways rather than living an entire life in bitterness and denial.
No-one said the great awakening will be rosy for everyone.. for some it will be like a blinding light in their eyes, a slap to their face, and screaming in their ears. But its still time for them to grow up all the same.
Not sure Roger was every a centrist, I understand the lefts shift, but Waters is a socialist. You are right, currently the left is more than just socialist.
I'm not sure. I think he's got a problem with High Command.
Perhaps he's waking.
He's been bitching about Isreal for awhile. I dont think he's even allowed to play there anymore.
He is not a leftist, he is a centrist. Just because he doesn't worship Orange Man Bad does not make him a leftist.
Comments during a concert in August.
“(Expletive) The Supreme Court” and “(Expletive) The Patriarchy.”
Does that sound like talk from a centrist?
Another comment
Waters opposed Brexit (the UK leaving the European Union). Following the June 2016 referendum which resulted in leaving the EU, he said: "I thought we were better than that. I was wrong."
Oh now I get it, you like him b/c he hates the Jews, are you a socialist too? Maybe the Nazi version?
Only the simple-minded can't tell the difference between hating Israel zionism and hating jews.
lol, you are a low IQ faggot. You use the same stale insults ofteb. Try harder.
You are either a zionist or a retard. Pick one.
MIGA! Am I right?
nope, just an old goat who sniffs out nazis. Nazis are not part of this movement. You would be more comfortable at poal.
"mUh nAzIs! Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"
Everyone is a nazi to the low IQs.
he is a socialist, socialism is not centrist. I am a huge Pink Floyd fan, but have disliked Roger's politics for 20 years, way before orange man. I would never pay to see his socialist commie ass in concert that is for sure.
@impera said it best above.
Bullshit. Roger is a full blown pinko.
They just don't want people with opposing views to speak out in any way. It's communism.
no it's much worse than that.
C'mon Pink Floyd, make us proud!
Gilmour and Mason released a pro-Ukrainian song earlier this year under the name Pink Floyd. The feud accelerates.
And Roger is the odd one out whos against it. The irony.
Yeah, recently it's been backwards world with these camps. Gilmour's balls are firmly in Polly's purse. They have a degenerate soy boy as a kid, and have to virtue signal every one of these bolshevik "causes".
Pink Floyd has been one of the most prominent musical influences for most of my life. The first CD I purchased back when I got my first CD player when I was a sophomore in highschool was The Wall (double CD and I still have this today). My gaming mouse pad has the cover of Animals on it. Anti-war would be their only solid ideology. This translates into anti "High Command" and anti-gov in many cases. To get a good feel for this more directly than other albums of theirs I would recommend listening to The Final Cut. Can someone, or a band, or the lead-singer of a band be anti-government, and anti-war and still be a "normie"? - I believe this is how I would describe Roger Waters anyways. NCSWIC!!!
I listen to The Wall weekly. It is one of the greatest albums, IMHO, of all time.
Same first CD purchase. Many visits to the Pink Floyd laser light show at the local planetarium.
It has been confusing watching a lot of these iconic people'/ groups seemingly oblivious in supporting who should be their sworn enemy.
Either they were faking it the whole time, or they have allowed themselves to be conditioned or orrupted over time.
Not now John we’ve gotta get on with these
I went to his concert because we got free tickets, this guy is all over the place with his politics. He had weird anti capitalism crap while he over charged for tickets and t-shirts. He’s a big hypocrite in my eyes. But I don’t agree with anyone getting canceled for their personal views. I would never pay money to see him or wear his t-shirts.
He’s not alone though. Any band that promotes anticapitalistic ideas but charges an arm and a leg for the concert in my mind are always shills. They always justify it for themselves. “Muh well we need to pay for marketing and the venue and muh” but meanwhile “ those corporate fucks are taking 100% of everything and putting it in their pockets. “……
Roger Waters had an anti Trump tour lol :
Roger Isn't in the band anymore, hasn't for a long time. The remaining members made a pro Ukraine song recently.
Roger Waters is not the same as Pink Floyd. At all.
Roger is 100% correct and one of the bravest "celebrities" out there for not backing down.
The whole problem I have with the Israel situation is that their 'government' pushed the vaxxes as hard or harder on their people than any other nation, earning the government the ironic title of Nazi war criminals from the citizens themselves.
Also, If you're critical of a nation having never been there for any length of time, and you are doing nothing to find out what is really going on, you may actually be as bad as what you are complaining about.
But then, the nations in the ME are mostly ruled by autocrats that treat their people at least as badly, especially where ideology trumps empathy.
Fuck Israel
I don't like Pink Floyd but I hereby support them 100%.
Even a blind squirrel finds a nut occasionally
The lunatics are on the grass, the lunatics are on the grass. Holding their folded faces to the floor, got to get these lunies off the path; yet everyday the paper boy brings more!
I love their music but never agreed with his political rubbish. David Gilmour keeps his mouth shut and plays guitar, very well too. I’ve never let political beliefs of an entertainer get in the way of my enjoyment of things in life. The fact is, Roger seems to be waking up a tad here.
The pathetic part of this is the so called buyers with cold feet. What, you might not get invited to the next big party? This is technically an art collection - and a hell of a lot better art then that nasty collection owned by the Podestas. The only other thing I can think of is this is a ploy to bring the price down, which I would not put past them. No different than crashing the housing market to throw us peons out while they swoop in and pick it up on the cheap.
To the one who downvoted "music for potheads and trippers. I'm good:"
Relax, fren. TIC with an eye-roll. I'm probably the biggest stoner here. My bad for lack of clarity. No hate or malice.
Floyd fan, too, but only a few tunes. Numb, Time, Learning To Fly. Love them, especially David.
Music for potheads and trippers. I'm good.