MAGA people are more likely to have jobs. If you tell them their candidate is ahead in the polls, they might skip voting and just go to work. Voting is super important, but it's also inconvenient to have to drive to your polling precinct, wait in line, and then cast a ballot; all in the middle of what would otherwise be a normal work day.
So I'm very cautious of any message that essentially says, "We got this in the bag!" The message should always be, "We need every single person to vote, or we will lose our country."
you sound like someone pleading for people to do just that
That doesn't make any sense. Literally my first sentence in this thread is:
Do not become complacent! Go vote!
Everyone here is super tuned in to what's going on in the world of politics. It's the lukewarm conservatives that I'm concerned about; we need them to go vote, and the best way to do that is to tell them that we need their votes to win.
It's more like, "My candidate is ahead in the polls, so I'm not going to carve time out of my day to drive to my voting precinct, wait in line, and cast a ballot, I'm just going to work like any other day."
My candidate is ahead in the polls, so I'm not going to carve time out of my day to drive to my voting precinct, wait in line, and cast a ballot, I'm just going to work like any other day.
There’s plenty of time for most people to vote before or after work.
Polls in my State are open from 7:00 AM until 8:00 PM
If voting legally isn’t important enough for some of these people (even if either side tries to cheat with many more eyes watching them), then maybe this isn’t the country they should be living in any longer.
And it helped catch the fraudsters. There were too many votes which overwhelmed the fraud systems. They got caught in the moment and during the attempted cover up.
Aren’t those rookie numbers? All time record is like 60 seats during Obama first term. And after all this, we are getting estimates of 40’s? Are there just not as many races? I would think this November, if elections are legit, would break every record there has been. Maybe people aren’t t hurting enough yet. Hmmm.
It's better to under promise and over deliver than the reverse. I think the numbers will be bigger as well.
It could also be that he knows there are still states with active fraud networks willing to overcome massive Republican turnout. So enough wins to control the house and Senate, while further redpilling normies by shining the light on and exposing fraud.
Very much this. 63 seats in Obama’s first midterms. 40 seats would be an embarrassment honestly, with our current situation. If we can only manage 40 seats in the current conditions, we aren’t in as good of shape as I thought.
Edit: that being said, I personally think it will be much more than 40. I think we can break the 60 mark
Man, I hope he's right about that. I just heard Dan Bongino on his show today saying that the Senate might be in doubt. Tell everyone you know to VOTE RED, right down the ticket.
2,500 Sheriff's and a fusion center to get the MULES ?
Haven't heard jack shit about that for over two months now after he spent 5 months HYPING that shit like it was going to be the thing that saved our midterms!
I'm just interested if anyone has any counterclaims to what's in these articles about Gregg.
So far the only responses I've gotten are mostly people accusing me of being a fed-shill just because I find Gregg very sketchy.
I think when people make promises and they don't keep them we should QUESTION them .. not just assume PSYOP and all jump on the bandwagon just because he quotes the Bible and says things we like.
He made very specific promises to release the data and get a sheriff's organization rounded up.
It would really fucking suck if Gregg is a blackhat trap operation designed to ensnare patriots in a scandal re the Konnech lawsuit ESPECIALLY if we COULD have figured it out but didn't just because we wanted to be "unified" and not be "divisive" about Gregg's history.
I'm not dooming. If this guy is a blackhat operation I believe he's trapped and going DOWN.
It would just be hella nice to know ahead of time and warn others.
The website that he was supposedly going to upload the data too originally asked for your email.
Then they deleted that and asked for your email AND phone number.
Then they deleted THAT and want your email, phone number, AND an entire application process ...
for data he said 1 would be out TWO MONTHS AGO ... 2 available for EVERYONE ..
His work in Haiti and Ukraine though? To me ... that almost eliminates him as a pay-triot. The chances of him working in both those places and being basically an inconsequential grifter just seems low to me.
He's a full black hat or a white hat.
Could be wrong obviously that's just how I'm personally thinking about it rn.
I dunno enough about the guy. I just know the Right is overrun with paytriots and people trying to just piggyback on conservatives desperate to find hopeful information in these shitty times.
The pit was used to have anons research directly into konnech. Through that information, it lead to an arrest and made it look as tho citizen journalists broke stories and got a deep state player arrested.
If this was a military operation, they used the cover of citizen journalists to break the story. The optics are squeaky clean.
Here n is the thing. Gregg isn't critical to any outcome. So i don't give him much of a listen. Way too much hype for me Nf get ready for big news talk that never materializes.
Indeed. That being said I just read Trump's letter to the J6 Gang - interesting TTV and this missing ripcord data was mentioned as evidence of the election fraud.
Definitely an indicator the DATA, regardless of Gregg Phillips status, is likely legitimate.
Think for yourself. I don't know where to stand on Gregg I just am AMAZED by the lack of research on this guy's background everytime he comes up given the extensive promises he's made while attacking patriots who ask if he's going to keep his word.
I know I post about him alot. If you don't agree with this articles conclusions I want to know WHY ...
Gregg Phillips fans in general seem remarkably uninformed about his background.
This definitely is no coincidence as well, since if you look at the comms as of late about the end drawing near. To me this is a confirmation that the conclusion of all this is coming soon.
Time travel is real. Some (very trusted) people who are in on the Storm have been allowed to see the future. Barron is one of them. I would not be surprised to learn Gregg Phillips did too. He's the top elections expert at the moment.
Do not become complacent! Go vote!
Messages like this make MAGA-folk think they have it in the bag, so no need to vote.
Go and vote as if your vote will be the deciding vote of each contest.
Are you kidding me? Nobody opposed to what is going on in this country is thinking that. People are fucking pissed.
But there may be many libs who do.
I wouldn't miss this vote for anything. I'm in a conservative county in florida so mine will count.
MAGA people are more likely to have jobs. If you tell them their candidate is ahead in the polls, they might skip voting and just go to work. Voting is super important, but it's also inconvenient to have to drive to your polling precinct, wait in line, and then cast a ballot; all in the middle of what would otherwise be a normal work day.
So I'm very cautious of any message that essentially says, "We got this in the bag!" The message should always be, "We need every single person to vote, or we will lose our country."
Not this time around. Though in the interest of remaining vigilant, we keep reminding people to go vote.
No they wont and you sound like someone pleading for people to do just that.
That doesn't make any sense. Literally my first sentence in this thread is:
Everyone here is super tuned in to what's going on in the world of politics. It's the lukewarm conservatives that I'm concerned about; we need them to go vote, and the best way to do that is to tell them that we need their votes to win.
I don't get this thought process.
"We're going to win because of how many people are voting so I'm not going to vote!"
It's more like, "My candidate is ahead in the polls, so I'm not going to carve time out of my day to drive to my voting precinct, wait in line, and cast a ballot, I'm just going to work like any other day."
There’s plenty of time for most people to vote before or after work.
Polls in my State are open from 7:00 AM until 8:00 PM
If voting legally isn’t important enough for some of these people (even if either side tries to cheat with many more eyes watching them), then maybe this isn’t the country they should be living in any longer.
I agree with you. I'm absolutely voting and I'm encouraging all conservatives to go vote.
It's the lukewarm conservatives that I'm concerned about. We still need their votes.
And it helped catch the fraudsters. There were too many votes which overwhelmed the fraud systems. They got caught in the moment and during the attempted cover up.
Well with RINOs, would we still take it?
"We know" "Do as we say or face consequences"
It may be another bluff to panicked the DS
And panicking the DS is always a fun thing.
Aren’t those rookie numbers? All time record is like 60 seats during Obama first term. And after all this, we are getting estimates of 40’s? Are there just not as many races? I would think this November, if elections are legit, would break every record there has been. Maybe people aren’t t hurting enough yet. Hmmm.
It's better to under promise and over deliver than the reverse. I think the numbers will be bigger as well.
It could also be that he knows there are still states with active fraud networks willing to overcome massive Republican turnout. So enough wins to control the house and Senate, while further redpilling normies by shining the light on and exposing fraud.
Yup Many counties and states have reversed some fraud paths, but certainly not all.
Red Wave all the way!
Very much this. 63 seats in Obama’s first midterms. 40 seats would be an embarrassment honestly, with our current situation. If we can only manage 40 seats in the current conditions, we aren’t in as good of shape as I thought.
Edit: that being said, I personally think it will be much more than 40. I think we can break the 60 mark
Man, I hope he's right about that. I just heard Dan Bongino on his show today saying that the Senate might be in doubt. Tell everyone you know to VOTE RED, right down the ticket.
Ripcord? Anyone? Bueller? ....
2,500 Sheriff's and a fusion center to get the MULES ?
Haven't heard jack shit about that for over two months now after he spent 5 months HYPING that shit like it was going to be the thing that saved our midterms!
I'm sorry to be annoying about this 💁
I'm just interested if anyone has any counterclaims to what's in these articles about Gregg.
So far the only responses I've gotten are mostly people accusing me of being a fed-shill just because I find Gregg very sketchy.
I think when people make promises and they don't keep them we should QUESTION them .. not just assume PSYOP and all jump on the bandwagon just because he quotes the Bible and says things we like.
He made very specific promises to release the data and get a sheriff's organization rounded up.
It would really fucking suck if Gregg is a blackhat trap operation designed to ensnare patriots in a scandal re the Konnech lawsuit ESPECIALLY if we COULD have figured it out but didn't just because we wanted to be "unified" and not be "divisive" about Gregg's history.
I'm not dooming. If this guy is a blackhat operation I believe he's trapped and going DOWN.
It would just be hella nice to know ahead of time and warn others.
The website that he was supposedly going to upload the data too originally asked for your email.
Then they deleted that and asked for your email AND phone number.
Then they deleted THAT and want your email, phone number, AND an entire application process ...
for data he said 1 would be out TWO MONTHS AGO ... 2 available for EVERYONE ..
Please be careful with this guy!!!
I wouldn’t say black hat. Possibly just another paytriot, though.
His work in Haiti and Ukraine though? To me ... that almost eliminates him as a pay-triot. The chances of him working in both those places and being basically an inconsequential grifter just seems low to me.
He's a full black hat or a white hat.
Could be wrong obviously that's just how I'm personally thinking about it rn.
I dunno enough about the guy. I just know the Right is overrun with paytriots and people trying to just piggyback on conservatives desperate to find hopeful information in these shitty times.
The pit was used to have anons research directly into konnech. Through that information, it lead to an arrest and made it look as tho citizen journalists broke stories and got a deep state player arrested.
If this was a military operation, they used the cover of citizen journalists to break the story. The optics are squeaky clean.
Here n is the thing. Gregg isn't critical to any outcome. So i don't give him much of a listen. Way too much hype for me Nf get ready for big news talk that never materializes.
Indeed. That being said I just read Trump's letter to the J6 Gang - interesting TTV and this missing ripcord data was mentioned as evidence of the election fraud.
Definitely an indicator the DATA, regardless of Gregg Phillips status, is likely legitimate.
Extensive research provided by
@Anon_Leon and @godsgal on Truth Social ...
Think for yourself. I don't know where to stand on Gregg I just am AMAZED by the lack of research on this guy's background everytime he comes up given the extensive promises he's made while attacking patriots who ask if he's going to keep his word.
I know I post about him alot. If you don't agree with this articles conclusions I want to know WHY ...
Gregg Phillips fans in general seem remarkably uninformed about his background.
I cant help it...
This definitely is no coincidence as well, since if you look at the comms as of late about the end drawing near. To me this is a confirmation that the conclusion of all this is coming soon.
I live in NC. Our early voting starts on October 20th and runs through Sat, Nov. 5th.
However, the state has been accepting absentee ballots and counting them for weeks now.
When the media floods the general public with misinformation, anything apposed would seem odd to those not in informed about what was really going on.
Just 42 in the house?
Good. But it IS good not to get complacent.
This Karen still has me blocked on Truth Social.
people who do analysis for a living are usually pretty convinced of their predictions, or at the very least, they have to fake it well.
You can suss out those numbers. They're right in the ball park of what we shouldk see except I think we can get the senate.
Time travel is real. Some (very trusted) people who are in on the Storm have been allowed to see the future. Barron is one of them. I would not be surprised to learn Gregg Phillips did too. He's the top elections expert at the moment.
Time travel, seriously?
Great news.
Assuming this prediction comes true, the senate distribution will change to R=53 and D=47
Q#2626 Dec 19, 2018 6:11:25 PM EST
The clock is ticking.
When will the 1st alarm ring?
If the Senate was the primary target (majority control)….
53-47 active when?
EO (designated_target(s)) active when?
Ongoing investigations…..
"There are a lot of sealed indictments" - SC
"It's all going to come out, U1, Dossier, CF, etc…." - SH
"I have pretty good sources…" - SH
There is a reason why SH, SC, and JS are on stage.
3 senate seats seems low to me…
But you have to vote harder than you did last time. MUCH harder
why only 3 in the senate?I guess we'll see.