UPDATE: CDC Votes 15-0 to Require COVID Vaccine for Children's Immunization Schedule Including 6-Month-Old Babies
On Tuesday, The Gateway Pundit reported that the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices would be voting today on whether or not to include the COVID-19 vaccine as part of the schedule for students attending public schools. Today, it passed. Th...
Get the name of every single person on this board and add them to the growing list of criminals that will have to be dealt with. Or perhaps the military tribunals should take care of them.
My cold anger is not cold anymore. I have 5 grandkids. I would die for them. Perhaps, I may. get my chance.
I am with you I have 7
Why the fuck do CDC people who get elected by ______? And are accountable to ______? Have the say on what goes into children's bodies over their parents wishes? Clownworld
Hopefully this forces more parents to actually start making home school co-ops and get out of public schools. Or refuse and sue the schools for discrimination or something.
Going to be interesting times ahead for those mama bears, pray for them and give them strength, if you get the women pissed off it's over.
They probably have videos of them raping a 9mo baby or something. Only way they get promoted.
Do they know? Or are they controlled somehow??
Lessons have to be taught here regarding overreach that will last until the end of time itself.
Truth Social post shows them all on a Zoom call. https://truthsocial.com/users/red_news/statuses/109196808658945378
The ghost of Augusto Pinochet has entered the chat
https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/acip/members/index.html here ya go fren
Looks like home schooling is going to be real popular.
I would be afraid now to take my child to a pediatrician for fear they would slip Covid in with the other shots.
They absolutely will. The military swapped flu for covid jab just to get a pureblood. Drug stores Claim mistakes that swap. There are crazy true believers that want to jab everyone. Don't trust people that are profiting from pushing this junk.
Exactly. I do believe that these are not mistakes, but deliberate acts.
What other shots are safe at this point?
Supposedly non-MRNA shots are fine as ever (although SIDS has been a thing for awhile...), but it is all suspect to me at this point
None. They are all questionable.
It's been shown that no one can trust these fools with any aspect of your live, and especially your children's lives. Earth-shattering, hellfire lessons regarding overreach have to be taught here.
IMHO, They are pushing real hard to get something kinetic going before the election so they can declare martial law and "postpone" the election. Stay frosty.
Mid terms are not far away.
Hold!!...... Hold!..........I can hear Mel Gibson....
I'm sure some sort of nuclear scare is in the works
We need to get organized about this. Everyone needs to keep their kids home from school until this bullshit is reversed. These private actors do not have the authority to affect public health policy. They never did. We've allowed them to guide us due to the expectation that they were looking out for our best interests, but that is obviously not the case.
I wholeheartedly agree. We need a massive, nationwide walkout of all schools to send a resounding message.
Schools get funding based on attendance records, so a massive walkout would cost them enormous amounts of money, immediately.
Looks like we need 15 ropes for hanging
Just emailed our shit governor Doug Ducey to stop this in Arizona. Let's see if he surprises me and does the right thing. Wish me luck, I may become a home school teacher in the near future.
Don't wait.
I'm ready. It depends on my kids who are kinda left. I am encouraging them to not get the kids vaxxed. I think they are on board, but when faced with not going to school, I don't know. Wish me luck....
A Jaw-Dropping 769 Athletes have Collapsed While Competing Over The Past Year – “Avg. Age of Players Suffering Cardiac Arrest is JUST 23” – (VIDEO)
Died Suddenly articles.
80 Canadian doctors have ‘died suddenly’
Camille Nelson Kotton MD, LynnB, Wilbur Chen, Veronica McNally, Beth Bell, Jamie Loehr, Nirav Shah, Oliver Brooks, Matthew Daley, Grace Lee, Kathy Poehling, Keipp Talbot, Pablo Sanchez, Sybil Cineas, Sarah Long. From a Truth Social post showing the Zoom call. https://truthsocial.com/users/red_news/statuses/109196808658945378
Thanks u/Emyrylde 👈🏻
Hi, I think the official vote on that is tomorrow? Could be wrong, but I think today's was just for the Vaccine for Kids Program? https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-committee-recommends-covid-shot-cdcs-free-vaccine-program-2022-10-19/
Is there even federal rules for what shots kids need to go to school and what exemptions there are? I thought that was a state by state thing
Oh fuck all those idiots. These are our children, I don't really give a fuck what these stupid ass people say.
its time these UNELECTED brain dead ass hats to feel the wrath of the people...
to bad we cannot cancel them, because they should NEVER hold a position of authority again.
They never got much push back about the massive number of toxic shots required before so figured what’s a couple more?
im so sick of this crap.
How can it be required if it is only emergency use authorized still?
They are working to protect Big Pharma from liability. They have liability under EUA (which is, in fact, illegal, because there are alternative treatments such as Ivermectin). By moving the vaxx to the childhood immune schedule, the liability shield stays up.
If the vaxx is not under EUA or the childhood schedule, the liability to Big Pharma could open up. Once that happens, lights out. Lawsuits from here to eternity.
It cannot happen soon enough, how long you reckon til it comes down on their necks?
Can everyone calm down? The CDC doesn’t have the authority to mandate what vaccines your schools require for children. And no, I’m not trying to sound billy bad ass, the CDC has even stated this on their website. This is adding the vaccine schedule that requires them to be offered. I thought after years of misinformation this group above all would do a little research.
That said, the CDC officials all need fired or the CDC needs abolished.
Also, I’ll be positing this repetitively. This is a non issue to get people pissed off.
I see your point. Unfortunately, for the unawakened sheep, they will do whatever the CDC says.
The doctors are the worst offenders. They bit the "covid hospital protocol" hook, line, and sinker.
The result was likely hundreds of thousands of Americans and millions of people worldwide Murdered by their Doctors because they did Exactly what the CDC said to do.
If you want to believe the CDC has no influence, that's your choice. Just stay out of the hospital. That advice could save your life.
There are people with real power who will unquestionably mandate anything the CDC reccomends.
The only way this machine stops is when enough bodies pile up in front of it that it cannot move. Its anyones guess when that could happen history has shown that it may require a great many bodies before that happens.
This song comes to mind on hearing this news...... "If You Tolerate This Your Children Will Be Next" Song by Welsh alternative rock band Manic Street Preachers, released in 1998
Do they have the authority to do so?
This TS post lists their phone numbers. https://truthsocial.com/users/therealtoriabrooke/statuses/109195220545678899