My dad is Albertan and had the crazy rash reaction on his legs, he went into his doctor to try and simply log the reaction as an adverse event suggesting it was likely due to his second dose about 10 days earlier.
He said the doctor was incredibly evasive to attribute the rash to the cupcake, even after showing him hundreds of pictures of the same rash from people all over the world pointing to the cupcake.
Canada has much more systematic cover up and institutionalized corruption then the US.
Let's make it a word we'd rather see banned, like "inclusion" or "diversity" or "mostly peaceful protest." I would not be surprised if they actually start banning those words because they're not in relation to vax reactions.
This is a great idea. Think of how fast we could shut all speech down on Twitter simply by using our code words. We could change them every day. Elon might have to keep a few more of his employees to play wack a mole with us.
you're right on that one... HOWEVER... anyone posts vaccine adverse reaction stories on yahoo, they'll mostly NOT let it go through.. they are censoring so much stuff.... if you say anything disparaging about electric cars... good luck... i've been keeping archiving all my rejected posts which have been censored so that when the time comes... there may be a nice juicy lawsuit against yahoo for their censorship.
Everyone should be watching Amazing Polly and her research into the Canadian medical situation over there. She lives in Canada and gives great insight. She is one of the best researchers out there covering the fraud of the deepstate apparatus.
Same here.
By the way, friends, who have a business, have had 3 clients who dropped dead. All were healthy. They think it was the vax. I know many people injured from the vaccine. So evil as to what happened and still happening.
So far I know at least 2, first was diagnosed breast cancer a few months after. The other had heart issue that turns to a quadruple bypass, 6 Mont later has a blood clot in the leg.
Alberta is probably not the only place doing this. The U.S. CDC took their systems off-line for an “upgrade” over the summer and when it returned things looked odd. I don’t remember the blogger, but his analysis says they are converting Cancer deaths to Covid deaths to hide a massive uptick in cancers in the U.S. population.
Early on VAERS was the target where 'inexplicably' thousands of vax injuries were getting deleted from. I guess now they are trying to run a cover up where the records are being created, rather than at an intermediary. Much harder to do, more chance of being exposed.. I like the signs of desperation.
Expecting him to be dead already, they deleted his file. To hide any correlation to the vax. Maybe they're now rushing to delete files because of the new premier (governor) of Alberta is publicly against the vax?
The Germans tried to burn the paper trails they left along with the punch card census evidence from their IBM provided early computer systems. It didn't work.
Nuremburg 2.0, when we finally get there on the timeline, should be able to recover enough of the evidence to bury the actively complicit bureaucrats participating in cover-up of the elite's planned genocide executed by our own governments as a democide. There won't be any use for sparing the guilty this time either. (Although, I personally would argue that operation paperclip played a big part in accelerating our nation getting to this time of great evil now, so I don't believe it was worth doing originally either.)
My dad is Albertan and had the crazy rash reaction on his legs, he went into his doctor to try and simply log the reaction as an adverse event suggesting it was likely due to his second dose about 10 days earlier.
He said the doctor was incredibly evasive to attribute the rash to the cupcake, even after showing him hundreds of pictures of the same rash from people all over the world pointing to the cupcake.
Canada has much more systematic cover up and institutionalized corruption then the US.
Sorry to hear. FYI, no need for code words around here, at least as clotshot goes.
I must admit, I like the new euphemism "cupcake"!
I wonder if we can get the word banned on social media.
Let's make it a word we'd rather see banned, like "inclusion" or "diversity" or "mostly peaceful protest." I would not be surprised if they actually start banning those words because they're not in relation to vax reactions.
This is a great idea. Think of how fast we could shut all speech down on Twitter simply by using our code words. We could change them every day. Elon might have to keep a few more of his employees to play wack a mole with us.
We could start calling it the “Diversity and inclusion shot.”
That's a great one!
you're right on that one... HOWEVER... anyone posts vaccine adverse reaction stories on yahoo, they'll mostly NOT let it go through.. they are censoring so much stuff.... if you say anything disparaging about electric cars... good luck... i've been keeping archiving all my rejected posts which have been censored so that when the time comes... there may be a nice juicy lawsuit against yahoo for their censorship.
Everyone should be watching Amazing Polly and her research into the Canadian medical situation over there. She lives in Canada and gives great insight. She is one of the best researchers out there covering the fraud of the deepstate apparatus.
Doctors are under severe threat here since our system is so centralized.
I love how many fellow Albertians are on here. Makes it feel homey.
Another here.
Same here. By the way, friends, who have a business, have had 3 clients who dropped dead. All were healthy. They think it was the vax. I know many people injured from the vaccine. So evil as to what happened and still happening.
We've got our own sub now, I just put it together.
link won't work, should be
This is the comfy home for Canadian patriots:
Checking in.
Well the Canadian dot win is near inactive.
So far I know at least 2, first was diagnosed breast cancer a few months after. The other had heart issue that turns to a quadruple bypass, 6 Mont later has a blood clot in the leg. is not inactive its great.
We hang out on
u/Turbotron too, I guess I'll have to poke my head in there sometime.
I love the reference to the poison jab as the “cupcake” to avoid the ban hammer!
Alberta is probably not the only place doing this. The U.S. CDC took their systems off-line for an “upgrade” over the summer and when it returned things looked odd. I don’t remember the blogger, but his analysis says they are converting Cancer deaths to Covid deaths to hide a massive uptick in cancers in the U.S. population.
Early on VAERS was the target where 'inexplicably' thousands of vax injuries were getting deleted from. I guess now they are trying to run a cover up where the records are being created, rather than at an intermediary. Much harder to do, more chance of being exposed.. I like the signs of desperation.
The wonders of socialised medicine.
Expecting him to be dead already, they deleted his file. To hide any correlation to the vax. Maybe they're now rushing to delete files because of the new premier (governor) of Alberta is publicly against the vax?
The Covid-19 Vaccine caused this, Fuck this cupcake nonsense.
John has a long moustache.
The Germans tried to burn the paper trails they left along with the punch card census evidence from their IBM provided early computer systems. It didn't work.
Nuremburg 2.0, when we finally get there on the timeline, should be able to recover enough of the evidence to bury the actively complicit bureaucrats participating in cover-up of the elite's planned genocide executed by our own governments as a democide. There won't be any use for sparing the guilty this time either. (Although, I personally would argue that operation paperclip played a big part in accelerating our nation getting to this time of great evil now, so I don't believe it was worth doing originally either.)
This. Is. Criminal.
God Help us. 😳
Hooooooly fucking shit.
Who is in charge of running/maintainging the technology of Alberta's health system?
Must I ?
Must I really ?
Yes I must !
Yes. I won't be at all surprised if this is actually true, but without evidence, it is just an anecdotal record that gets emotions running.
Alberta Health Services published a six page document in October 2021 claiming the cupcake could stop transmission and that adverse cupcake reactions were very rare.
We should spread their own cupcake publications far and wide.
Whoa! Patient should demand copies of his records to the referenced "incident"!!!
While being socialized medicine, AHS has investors. Blackrock being one of the largest.
Ty, had no idea this existed