I am an ex-leftie myself. Full-blown feminist, socialist, Bernie bro.
I used to laugh at the "liberalism is a mental illness" line, but there is something to be said there.
I dealt with mental health problems for years. Once I started to overcome them, my political leanings changed dramatically, and pretty immediate too.
I believe the reason for this is because victimhood is an inherent part of leftist ideology. Once I began to realize that I was to blame for every single one of my shortcomings and mental health problems, I noticed that this also translates politically.
Notice how literally every left-wing person always talks about mental health, be it as an "advocate", or their own personal experiences with it.
A lot of these people are genuinely mentally ill, and their internalized victimhood translates into every aspect of their life, especially their political views.
If you hate yourself it is because you don't know yourself.
All of us share our God nature. It is not possible to get away from this truth. However, it is possible, in fact it is very common, to fail to realize our God nature and so to go through life feeling like a lost "individual".
The master game of life is the search for self. Paradoxically self is the thing that can never be found (what would find it). Self does not need to be found to realize one's inherent God nature.
What needs to happen is for falseness to be left behind.
That's the whole thing. Walk away from falseness and what remains is our shared God nature.
I struggle with this A LOT. It's one of the things I'm working on. When I have a bad day and I feel the anger creeping up, I remember this ( it kept popping in my head months ago)
Deuteronomy 32:35, 'Vengeance is Mine, and retribution, In due time their foot will slip; For the day of their calamity is near, And the impending things are hastening upon them.'
I'm not gonna get in HIS way. Also, if you believe in God, you should know humans can't comprehend completely the hearts and minds of others. Remember your pitfalls and keep working through love. Hope this helps, even a little.
Depends on how open-minded you are but the most basic advice to give would be to focus on yourself. You've already done the first step in realizing this shortcoming. Focus on becoming closer to God. Pray for guidance on eliminating this hatred & repent. If you ask, you shall receive. Humble yourself and realize you're not any better than the rest of us (or "them"). You're just another sinner - your sins may be different from those "libtards" but they're sins nonetheless.
Yea, good advice. There is ton of stuff I am trying to repent from. I guess part of my frustration, which I'm sure a lot of us have gone through, is with family.
Done a ton of research, put facts in front of their eyes, and all we get are eyerolls and called crazy.
There's a reason why the CIA's genius of "conspiracy theorist" was done. Being called crazy is about as demeaning as anything you could be defined as. It means no one takes you seriously. Even worse, when we are proven right about the vax, they STILL can't see it. It is absolutely frustrating, which turns into hate. Not good.
I am just another sinner. So I should be empathetic and realize we're all human trying to get to God. Thx fren. God bless.
Read and comprehend the overall story of the Bible. People here are dancing around the truth. You were God’s enemy, yet he sent his son to die for you. God had every right to hate you and treat you with contempt. Yet for the sake of his son, and because of his unfathomable love, he forgives and blesses.
Therefore do likewise. Realize that sin nature causes this divide between us, we ought to condemn sinful actions and lifestyles, not because condemning is a joy, but because our concern for others to see what we have seen is SO great and wonderful, we want the same for them.
God was able to cover my sins, and grant me salvation, now I want that for you, I want that for your leftist family and friends, and mine too. I love them enough to not leave them in the muck and more they reside in, but to help them out of the pit of despair. They need to accept God’s calling, you cannot force it on them, and some will never accept. The best you can do there is plant the seed and walk away, maybe later they will awaken. God bless frens!!
This is a good opportunity to use that hatred for a positive. Every time u feel hatred in your heart say a short prayer. Give that hatred to God and he will mold it into something positive. Plus u will build up ur prayer life as well. It's kinda like using your negative thoughts as an alarm to pray
If you believe in Karma or something similar, know that the energy and motivation we put out is reflected back at us.
I learned to let go of anger towards people who had injured me in some way by accepting that the Universe will take care of it much better than I could, even if it isn't immediately obvious to me that it is happening.
It just so happens that I have seen this happen at least 1/2 a dozen times.
Just realise that by hating, you are inviting that energy into yourself and it can block your access to God.
It is in your own best interest to let God handle these things and focus (as others have said) on your own spiritual well-being.
Letting go of the hate was the best thing I ever did, and it has increased my patience levels no-end. Also, since I'm calm, I can usually see and predict how someone else's actions will eventually turn in on themselves. This just affirms what I already now know to be true.
Thanks for this. I saw a clip of a former WW2 vet talking about what is happening today. He was in tears, talking about the friends that died for this country, and for what? This? He was truly distraught, as you described yourself. Heartbreaking to see.
I'm glad you found your purpose restored. I have yet to find mine, but seeing what's happening, it must be my relationship with God and doing his will. It is quite apparent now. Nothing else really matters. I think his will is to distinguish this evil and restore this God-Loving country.
This evil that is out in the open is so obvious. They're not hiding anymore. Satanic symbology in Hollywood movies and music videos tailored to children. Drag queens dancing in front of children. It is so disgusting. I don't know what these parents are thinking. Maybe they themselves are overtaken with evil as well. Nothing makes me angrier than children being molded into what they want.
I have faith we will restore it. There are too many of us that know what losing will be. And we're willing to fight for it.
Don’t you think your hatred would be manageable if you knew you could wear a MAGA in public without fear of assault. And if you were assaulted it would make the news and the offender we receive no leniency from the court system.
You and other like-minded individuals could freely congregated and engage in activism and get the word out and get fair coverage in the media.
But we don’t have any of that. We have to silently sit at the table and eat our dinner while the other side gets to be as loud as they want while they talk shit and throw food at us.
Your hatred is a natural reaction to something unnatural.
It’s no sin to hate that which has rendered itself unlikeable.
There is such a thing as the wretched and they have forfeited their place in our culture. Hatred is the very least they deserve.
I’m with you. I refuse to feel guilty about hating someone that just a short time ago wanted me to be shot, or put in a concentration camp because I would NOT wear their stupid mask or line up for their precious vaccine. I hate them, but I would never suggest shooting them or locking them up, because I’m a better person than they are.
If there is a god I doubt that he gives a rats ass about what I think of my fool neighbor, as long as I don’t kill them I suspect he’s cool with me being me.
Here’s what God has to say about the topic. You decide.
““You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? And if you greet your brethren only, what do you do more than others? Do not even the tax collectors do so? Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.”
Matthew 5:43-48 NKJV
I spent a great deal of my life full of hatred, anger, bitterness, and resentment. The only person in affected negatively with me. It’s away at your soul. Yes… You have the right, to be angry, but is it what’s best for you? No
I finally re-dedicated my life to the Lord, and I put away all that misery in my life. I’m sitting in a place of contentment at this point in time. I’m prepped, ready, and yet I have still been able to find hope and joy in my life again.
The Lord does not want us to hate one another, he commands that we love one another. He doesn’t say to love the ones that are lovable, he wants us to love the ones that are not lovable. And pray for them!.
Yes I think people are stupid, yes I think that we’re dealing with a bunch of weak minded, brainwashed, and sinful human beings. However I’m not gonna allow their negativity to rule my life. God will deal with them in his own time. I can only hope and pray that some of them will become saved, and learn how to love people again.
There is a very fine line, and learning how to balance your contempt for others, and praying for them even though they don’t deserve it. I’m choosing my path based on what God is asking me to do, not with the world would be reasonably expecting you to behave like.
Just because you have the right to be right, does it mean it’s what’s best for you or anybody else.
Handing a knife to the enemy and loving them with the power of god as they slice the throat of your children is not the path to piousness you believe it to be.
At some point threats have to acted upon. You can’t just pray it away.
That’s not what you were referring to earlier. Basically you want to be angry bitter and resentful all day long. When the rubber meets the road, I’m prepared to do whatever it takes to take care of my family and protect them. But when I go out into the world each day, I don’t look for people that are liberals, and look at them with distain. No I do not do that.
However if one of them was to try to attack me, yes I would protect myself, and yes with lethal force if necessary. Turns out you can kill somebody with your bare hands if you don’t have a weapon.
The two situations are completely different. For the record no one would ever be holding a knife to my child’s throat, without me fighting back. I never claimed that I would allow somebody to attack my family without fighting back. That’s a huge difference between living a life of misery, while you’re hating on people all day long every day.
But that’s what you’re here for… To make sure everybody’s is pissed off as you are. Because misery loves company. Sorry but I don’t care to join you.
Hate is a negative emotion, however it is a necessary emotion. Balancing positive and negative emotions in your life is the key to mental health. Hate allows human beings to focus their energy into defeating their enemies without guilt and without remorse. This is necessary. You have to balance this with love of the innocent and love of your family and friends. Don't be afraid to hate those that victimize the innocent, don't be afraid to act and defend the weak from evil. To quote a very wise phrase, "the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." I know this quote was originally attributed to Edmund Burke, or possibly Mills, either way the concept is sound and true. (Quibbling over provenance is a waste of time and energy.)
I dislike them with a passion. The way I deal with them is I pray for them to find God and that God give me strength, compassion and patience to deal with them daily.
I used to be so frustrated by them and become angry. Now I realize they just can't help it. Some are close minded and for others, retorts of msm message are habit more than what they actually believe as they are starting to listen. Or at least I thought so until I saw Beto sign in his yard, lol
I don't want to like them, but to hate them doesn't work for me either. I have really become indifferent towards them. I won't listen to their nonsense. If they start talking about covid, or global warming, etc. I just say, "yeah, I don't believe that crap". It usually forces them to change the subject to something more fun. If it doesn't though, be ready with things to point out how evil this all is.
To lock down children and force them to wear masks is abuse. All the while Pelosi, Schumer, Fauci, maskless. Not to mention how absolutely stupid the rules where! You must wear a mask while walking to your table in a restaurant, but can then remove it? You can go to a liquor store, but not a gym or church! All of this was the biggest mind control experiment, in history, and most failed.
Same thing with global warming. For over 60 years they have been trying to scare people with this climate crap, while they buy mansions on the seafront, and fly around the world, going to meetings to talk about how to scare us more.
Imagine holding a beautiful newborn, and know that the left is fine with killing that precious baby the month, week, or day before. This is pure evil. Of course, they will do what the left does, and change the goalposts and start talking about rape. Don't let them! Take it back to the evil glee with the ruling they could do this.
Bottom line, the left uses fear to control people, including children. Make it very clear you will not support this type of evil.
The main thing though, is NEVER get into details. Just challenge their blind obedience to evil.
The children thing is what makes me furious. The sexualization and the disgusting Drag queen story time. The books in the schools. It just makes me absolutely insane to see innocent children being molded like that. That is where a ton of my hatred comes from.
Be stupid, take the vax, support communism, Fine. But Destroy children? I know I'm a sinner and I'm not perfect, but children is something that is non-negotiable. It's hard to be empathetic or love thy neighbor when they are abusing kids. I'm trying to work that out in some psychological trick in my mind to stop the hatred towards them. It's difficult... And I know hatred isn't what God wants. Hopefully he shows me something. Getting a ton of good advice here.
They are frustrating for sure, because they are so stupid yet somehow also arrogant about it. I think at the core of their beliefs is a rejection of God, therefore they are the lost whom God is extending mercy to as he also does for us. That is not a satisfying answer though. Sometimes I wish we could put them all on a rocket to Mars so we could be free of them.
There have been many great comments regarding this topic, but here’s what God has to say about it.
““You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? And if you greet your brethren only, what do you do more than others? Do not even the tax collectors do so? Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.”
Matthew 5:43-48 NKJV
Know that they hate themselves, your hate is redundant.
ex lefty.
This. I am an ex-leftie myself. Full-blown feminist, socialist, Bernie bro. I used to laugh at the "liberalism is a mental illness" line, but there is something to be said there. I dealt with mental health problems for years. Once I started to overcome them, my political leanings changed dramatically, and pretty immediate too. I believe the reason for this is because victimhood is an inherent part of leftist ideology. Once I began to realize that I was to blame for every single one of my shortcomings and mental health problems, I noticed that this also translates politically. Notice how literally every left-wing person always talks about mental health, be it as an "advocate", or their own personal experiences with it.
A lot of these people are genuinely mentally ill, and their internalized victimhood translates into every aspect of their life, especially their political views.
Very well explained!
If you hate yourself it is because you don't know yourself.
All of us share our God nature. It is not possible to get away from this truth. However, it is possible, in fact it is very common, to fail to realize our God nature and so to go through life feeling like a lost "individual".
The master game of life is the search for self. Paradoxically self is the thing that can never be found (what would find it). Self does not need to be found to realize one's inherent God nature.
What needs to happen is for falseness to be left behind.
That's the whole thing. Walk away from falseness and what remains is our shared God nature.
We hold these truths to be self evident . . .
I struggle with this A LOT. It's one of the things I'm working on. When I have a bad day and I feel the anger creeping up, I remember this ( it kept popping in my head months ago)
Deuteronomy 32:35, 'Vengeance is Mine, and retribution, In due time their foot will slip; For the day of their calamity is near, And the impending things are hastening upon them.'
I'm not gonna get in HIS way. Also, if you believe in God, you should know humans can't comprehend completely the hearts and minds of others. Remember your pitfalls and keep working through love. Hope this helps, even a little.
Definitely helps. Thank you.
Depends on how open-minded you are but the most basic advice to give would be to focus on yourself. You've already done the first step in realizing this shortcoming. Focus on becoming closer to God. Pray for guidance on eliminating this hatred & repent. If you ask, you shall receive. Humble yourself and realize you're not any better than the rest of us (or "them"). You're just another sinner - your sins may be different from those "libtards" but they're sins nonetheless.
Yea, good advice. There is ton of stuff I am trying to repent from. I guess part of my frustration, which I'm sure a lot of us have gone through, is with family.
Done a ton of research, put facts in front of their eyes, and all we get are eyerolls and called crazy.
There's a reason why the CIA's genius of "conspiracy theorist" was done. Being called crazy is about as demeaning as anything you could be defined as. It means no one takes you seriously. Even worse, when we are proven right about the vax, they STILL can't see it. It is absolutely frustrating, which turns into hate. Not good.
I am just another sinner. So I should be empathetic and realize we're all human trying to get to God. Thx fren. God bless.
Read and comprehend the overall story of the Bible. People here are dancing around the truth. You were God’s enemy, yet he sent his son to die for you. God had every right to hate you and treat you with contempt. Yet for the sake of his son, and because of his unfathomable love, he forgives and blesses.
Therefore do likewise. Realize that sin nature causes this divide between us, we ought to condemn sinful actions and lifestyles, not because condemning is a joy, but because our concern for others to see what we have seen is SO great and wonderful, we want the same for them.
God was able to cover my sins, and grant me salvation, now I want that for you, I want that for your leftist family and friends, and mine too. I love them enough to not leave them in the muck and more they reside in, but to help them out of the pit of despair. They need to accept God’s calling, you cannot force it on them, and some will never accept. The best you can do there is plant the seed and walk away, maybe later they will awaken. God bless frens!!
Well said. Thank you for this. Perspective is what I was asking for. You've done that for me. God bless u too.
What's your prayer life like if u dont mind me asking
Pray at night. Or sometimes while I'm just trying to talk to him. But I can definitely do better.
This is a good opportunity to use that hatred for a positive. Every time u feel hatred in your heart say a short prayer. Give that hatred to God and he will mold it into something positive. Plus u will build up ur prayer life as well. It's kinda like using your negative thoughts as an alarm to pray
I just hate the way they keep fucking up our lives with their bullshit. If we were on physically different planets I wouldn't give a damn about them.
People aren't the enemy but the enemy sure loves to use people.
Hate the sin, pray for our enemies to come to repentance.
If you believe in Karma or something similar, know that the energy and motivation we put out is reflected back at us.
I learned to let go of anger towards people who had injured me in some way by accepting that the Universe will take care of it much better than I could, even if it isn't immediately obvious to me that it is happening.
It just so happens that I have seen this happen at least 1/2 a dozen times.
Just realise that by hating, you are inviting that energy into yourself and it can block your access to God.
It is in your own best interest to let God handle these things and focus (as others have said) on your own spiritual well-being.
Letting go of the hate was the best thing I ever did, and it has increased my patience levels no-end. Also, since I'm calm, I can usually see and predict how someone else's actions will eventually turn in on themselves. This just affirms what I already now know to be true.
You get back what you put in.
Good luck!
Thanks for this. I saw a clip of a former WW2 vet talking about what is happening today. He was in tears, talking about the friends that died for this country, and for what? This? He was truly distraught, as you described yourself. Heartbreaking to see.
I'm glad you found your purpose restored. I have yet to find mine, but seeing what's happening, it must be my relationship with God and doing his will. It is quite apparent now. Nothing else really matters. I think his will is to distinguish this evil and restore this God-Loving country.
This evil that is out in the open is so obvious. They're not hiding anymore. Satanic symbology in Hollywood movies and music videos tailored to children. Drag queens dancing in front of children. It is so disgusting. I don't know what these parents are thinking. Maybe they themselves are overtaken with evil as well. Nothing makes me angrier than children being molded into what they want.
I have faith we will restore it. There are too many of us that know what losing will be. And we're willing to fight for it.
God bless you.
Don’t you think your hatred would be manageable if you knew you could wear a MAGA in public without fear of assault. And if you were assaulted it would make the news and the offender we receive no leniency from the court system.
You and other like-minded individuals could freely congregated and engage in activism and get the word out and get fair coverage in the media.
But we don’t have any of that. We have to silently sit at the table and eat our dinner while the other side gets to be as loud as they want while they talk shit and throw food at us.
Your hatred is a natural reaction to something unnatural.
It’s no sin to hate that which has rendered itself unlikeable.
There is such a thing as the wretched and they have forfeited their place in our culture. Hatred is the very least they deserve.
I’m with you. I refuse to feel guilty about hating someone that just a short time ago wanted me to be shot, or put in a concentration camp because I would NOT wear their stupid mask or line up for their precious vaccine. I hate them, but I would never suggest shooting them or locking them up, because I’m a better person than they are. If there is a god I doubt that he gives a rats ass about what I think of my fool neighbor, as long as I don’t kill them I suspect he’s cool with me being me.
Here’s what God has to say about the topic. You decide.
““You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? And if you greet your brethren only, what do you do more than others? Do not even the tax collectors do so? Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.” Matthew 5:43-48 NKJV
I spent a great deal of my life full of hatred, anger, bitterness, and resentment. The only person in affected negatively with me. It’s away at your soul. Yes… You have the right, to be angry, but is it what’s best for you? No
I finally re-dedicated my life to the Lord, and I put away all that misery in my life. I’m sitting in a place of contentment at this point in time. I’m prepped, ready, and yet I have still been able to find hope and joy in my life again.
The Lord does not want us to hate one another, he commands that we love one another. He doesn’t say to love the ones that are lovable, he wants us to love the ones that are not lovable. And pray for them!.
Yes I think people are stupid, yes I think that we’re dealing with a bunch of weak minded, brainwashed, and sinful human beings. However I’m not gonna allow their negativity to rule my life. God will deal with them in his own time. I can only hope and pray that some of them will become saved, and learn how to love people again.
There is a very fine line, and learning how to balance your contempt for others, and praying for them even though they don’t deserve it. I’m choosing my path based on what God is asking me to do, not with the world would be reasonably expecting you to behave like.
Just because you have the right to be right, does it mean it’s what’s best for you or anybody else.
As for me and my house I will serve the lord.
Handing a knife to the enemy and loving them with the power of god as they slice the throat of your children is not the path to piousness you believe it to be.
At some point threats have to acted upon. You can’t just pray it away.
That’s not what you were referring to earlier. Basically you want to be angry bitter and resentful all day long. When the rubber meets the road, I’m prepared to do whatever it takes to take care of my family and protect them. But when I go out into the world each day, I don’t look for people that are liberals, and look at them with distain. No I do not do that.
However if one of them was to try to attack me, yes I would protect myself, and yes with lethal force if necessary. Turns out you can kill somebody with your bare hands if you don’t have a weapon.
The two situations are completely different. For the record no one would ever be holding a knife to my child’s throat, without me fighting back. I never claimed that I would allow somebody to attack my family without fighting back. That’s a huge difference between living a life of misery, while you’re hating on people all day long every day.
But that’s what you’re here for… To make sure everybody’s is pissed off as you are. Because misery loves company. Sorry but I don’t care to join you.
All of the sheep get to me, not just the blue hairs. This is the struggle that tempers our souls for the next life.
Hate is a negative emotion, however it is a necessary emotion. Balancing positive and negative emotions in your life is the key to mental health. Hate allows human beings to focus their energy into defeating their enemies without guilt and without remorse. This is necessary. You have to balance this with love of the innocent and love of your family and friends. Don't be afraid to hate those that victimize the innocent, don't be afraid to act and defend the weak from evil. To quote a very wise phrase, "the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." I know this quote was originally attributed to Edmund Burke, or possibly Mills, either way the concept is sound and true. (Quibbling over provenance is a waste of time and energy.)
I dislike them with a passion. The way I deal with them is I pray for them to find God and that God give me strength, compassion and patience to deal with them daily.
I used to be so frustrated by them and become angry. Now I realize they just can't help it. Some are close minded and for others, retorts of msm message are habit more than what they actually believe as they are starting to listen. Or at least I thought so until I saw Beto sign in his yard, lol
I don't want to like them, but to hate them doesn't work for me either. I have really become indifferent towards them. I won't listen to their nonsense. If they start talking about covid, or global warming, etc. I just say, "yeah, I don't believe that crap". It usually forces them to change the subject to something more fun. If it doesn't though, be ready with things to point out how evil this all is.
To lock down children and force them to wear masks is abuse. All the while Pelosi, Schumer, Fauci, maskless. Not to mention how absolutely stupid the rules where! You must wear a mask while walking to your table in a restaurant, but can then remove it? You can go to a liquor store, but not a gym or church! All of this was the biggest mind control experiment, in history, and most failed.
Same thing with global warming. For over 60 years they have been trying to scare people with this climate crap, while they buy mansions on the seafront, and fly around the world, going to meetings to talk about how to scare us more.
Imagine holding a beautiful newborn, and know that the left is fine with killing that precious baby the month, week, or day before. This is pure evil. Of course, they will do what the left does, and change the goalposts and start talking about rape. Don't let them! Take it back to the evil glee with the ruling they could do this.
Bottom line, the left uses fear to control people, including children. Make it very clear you will not support this type of evil.
The main thing though, is NEVER get into details. Just challenge their blind obedience to evil.
The children thing is what makes me furious. The sexualization and the disgusting Drag queen story time. The books in the schools. It just makes me absolutely insane to see innocent children being molded like that. That is where a ton of my hatred comes from.
Be stupid, take the vax, support communism, Fine. But Destroy children? I know I'm a sinner and I'm not perfect, but children is something that is non-negotiable. It's hard to be empathetic or love thy neighbor when they are abusing kids. I'm trying to work that out in some psychological trick in my mind to stop the hatred towards them. It's difficult... And I know hatred isn't what God wants. Hopefully he shows me something. Getting a ton of good advice here.
They are frustrating for sure, because they are so stupid yet somehow also arrogant about it. I think at the core of their beliefs is a rejection of God, therefore they are the lost whom God is extending mercy to as he also does for us. That is not a satisfying answer though. Sometimes I wish we could put them all on a rocket to Mars so we could be free of them.
Why do they behave the way they do?
In short, they are childish. Why be angry about it? Accept it and handle it accordingly.
It's like being angry at fire when it is in the nature of fire to burn. Accept it and handle fire accordingly.
This is one of the best guides you will find. Guide to the Bodhisattva Way of Life.
Here is one copy:
These verses are on page 49.
38 Even if I cannot develop compassion for all such people
Who through the arisal of disturbing conceptions,
Set out to try and kill me and so forth,
The last thing I should do is to become angry with them.
39 Even if it were the nature of the childish
To cause harm to other beings,
It would still be incorrect to be angry with them.
For this would be like begrudging fire for having the nature to bum.
There have been many great comments regarding this topic, but here’s what God has to say about it.
““You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? And if you greet your brethren only, what do you do more than others? Do not even the tax collectors do so? Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.” Matthew 5:43-48 NKJV