67 Y/O Notre Dame Professor says "Damn the unvaccianted", dies 12 days after 3rd jab. OPEN VASKET FUNERAL TO FOLLOW. (Family has opted to bury her wearing a mask as per her wishes. Wouldn't want to catch the coof while you're waiting for the trumpets to blast you awake, now!)
🧠Her last election?!

Mask up so you don't die of the Coof when you're dead.
–patriotic_legend 1 point moments ago +1 / -0 her death would have been so much worse if she weren't boosted.
That's a man baby!!!!!!!!!!!!
And a fake doctor!
Karen Croaks! Her name is the headline. Lol
Plus, being a Karen!
And don't forget suddenly
Serious question: at what point do we start encouraging the vaxxers to get more boosters sooner than later (while we abstain, watch, and wait)?
I know. Cruel thought.
My ex has hers scheduled...
Spez: I'm jesting, that's rather sad if true cats.
I don't celebrate this woman's death. I just have no sympathy left to give to vaxxers who can't respect other people's choice. I don't wish to be indifferent to their sudden dying, yet I am
funny story, A pro vax retard at work and I got into an arguement and I told him to make sure he gets the second shot. He said he planned on it. I said dont forget your booster when it comes out. He apparently went on and on and on to management on what I said, but hey I was only wanting him to take the safe and effective 'vax' hahahahaha
Funny how he is in favor of something, you encourage him to do what he already wants to do, and then he complains about what you said behind your back.
These people ARE stupid.
i thought it was funny, his boss asked me to stop triggering him because when I am gone he has to listen to him. haha I liked his boss so i knocked it off :)
We hear it over and over. Those who took the mark of the beast and damn the pure bloods, the unvaccinated, wind up being struck down in their prime. God does work in mysterious ways. In the end you and I will be judged by God.
"I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me."
Yes, I remember her. This was a year ago I think.
Thought she died of cancer
The jabs appear to cause raging cancers.
No doubts there. A lot of friends of mine are dying or dead from cancers that either came out of remission or came out of nowhere.
Adding to that, my wife is under preventative care of an oncologist (high risk category for breast cancer). This doc owns one of the largest of such practices in the Carolinas. He has been vaxxed and said he now regrets it and is on the Zelenko protocol. He tried to speak out about it and got major flak from the usual sources. More importantly, he told her that in the last 18 months, he has seen a sharp upswing in new, rare, aggressive, and re-emerging cancers and he totally attributes it to the vax. He was greatly relieved to find out my wife was not vaxxed. Had we got vaxxed (we were basically run out of DC for not being vaxxed), my blocked artery (2 stents) would have killed me and my wife would likely be a widow battling advanced breast cancer.
Look into fenbendazole. Many have used against cancer.
Also The vaxx is causing rejection of transplants. Nothing it can’t do!
Karma is a bitch.
Yea I smile when I hear of cases like this, It is nice that a retard vax pusher dies.
Kinda cute. How long has she been dead? ... ask'n 4 a fren
Croake croaked
Karen karened.
"Croake" LOL. It shouldn't be funny, but it is.
They mock but they shall mourn
Of COURSE she was named Karen.
And here she is a Professor and she cannot put 2 and 2 together to understand why the hospitals are overflowing because of people like her that take the boosters and end up exactly where she is. How many times have we heard you cannot get Covid if vaxxed.
Damn… that name… the irony…
Ha ha!!! In Nelson’s voice.
This is old. A good one, but old. Are we posting this for nostalgic reasons?