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Nayib has arrested 55,000 Gang Members including many of MS13 since March alone!
El Salvador = The Savior and has been first to adopt the #bitcoin standard.
Pray to keep this man safe!
“The Federal Reserve is nothing federal and has no reserves. They rob you from your wealth and from your savings and that’s immoral. It’s not only immoral but it also destroys some basic economic principles like saving
He also withholds food from the prisoners when innocent civilians are murdered outside the prison, as the gangs still order hits from the inside. I love that man! Starve them out until the murdering stops.
Food will cease until the murders stop.
I like it.
If they can arrest 55,000 in El Salvador, it is easy to see how there can be 250,000 sealed indictments in USA.
Its so good to see El Salvador with a leader like this. I went there one time and absolutely loved it. The people were so fun and nice, very passionate.
I'm a thinking he just might be on the white hat Q plan. Maybe it was arranged that he spoke with Tucker last night
That is huge! 55,000 criminals that Nancy won't be importing
Does this mean that they will be unable to submit the absentee ballots that the Clinton Foundation sent them?
Neither sleet nor snow or dark of the Cabal.
No way, nothing stops the US mail!
This is the army of the Deep State. Brainwashed hitmen, abused since childhood. Reconcile Bill Gate's depiction in South Park, always with MS(Microsoft)-13 gang tattoos.
The Border wall being so important, in that if you remove the threat of being assassinated, you have Clowns Flipping to the Patriots en masse.
This is who was doing it back in the day...
And if you really want to go down the rabbit hole...
Pay attention to what the subject matter is of the program this commercial played in.
Messenger or useful idiot.
"Dynasties may come and go..."
https://youtu.be/L5jZanNyuS4 (2 min, 9 sec)
...it's called usury, babylonian black money magik
Some great news, the amount of destruction these gang assholes do i would execute the lot of them.
Tip of the spear, a dollarized country moving to a Bitcoin standard. The dominoes fall once they run the numbers... US is 31T debt, now being refinanced at at 4+% interest...
55,000 Dem foot soldiers off the streets!!
Gang arrests: good.
Bitcoin standard: China model rising.