So you're saying "watch CA" means "watch California" rather than "watch Canada" (CA = ISO country code for Canada). I had been leaning Canada, but if California flips, I'll be happy to be proved wrong.
Yeah, but my thinking was (correct me if I'm wrong), that the request to "watch CA" was made many years ago. At first, I thought CA = California, but when the Canadian trucker strike happened last winter, I seriously wondered if I was looking at the wrong CA
Same with NY being stuck at 92% with more outstanding votes than the margin to swing the vote in zeldins favor. They sandbagged the vote hard right from the get go across the board with the candidates they need to win. Chuck E. , Letitia, and Hocul all sandbagged in 300k votes with only 18% voting reported. That margin held most the night, granted Chuck E. Is actually popular across the state regardless of his national shenanigans
You know Comieforna gets to ballot harvest for 30 days. Oh, and you can kill a baby at the moment of birth in this God forsaken hellhole. Sodom and Gomorra all over again.
Not just the gubernatorial race. The house and senate races are stuck at 45% too. We are now at two days past election day with less than half the votes counted. There are shenanigans going on here, absolutely, and they are happening on all races, not just the governor's.
Not just the gubernatorial race. The house and senate races are stuck at 45% too. We are now at two days past election day with less than half the votes counted. There are shenanigans going on here, absolutely, and they are happening on all races, not just the governor's.
If CA flipped red in the gubernatorial and did so in this fashion I'd add this to a Q proof outright.
Yeah no ifs, ands, or buts about it. If this is true, then it is rock solid evidence.
So you're saying "watch CA" means "watch California" rather than "watch Canada" (CA = ISO country code for Canada). I had been leaning Canada, but if California flips, I'll be happy to be proved wrong.
"Watch Canada" is basically like saying "Watch a trainwreck in slow motion". Nothing worth seeing, kek. I always thought it was watch California.
CA could mean California, Canada, something else. We interpret based on things that line up, and nothing going on in Canada lines up.
Yeah, but my thinking was (correct me if I'm wrong), that the request to "watch CA" was made many years ago. At first, I thought CA = California, but when the Canadian trucker strike happened last winter, I seriously wondered if I was looking at the wrong CA
That's fair, but the truckers inevitably did nothing in the end. So we switched back to California as it suits us I suppose
Very very interdasting still stuck as of 45min ago
Eyes bulging!
Perhaps that is what Trump will announce. Proof elections were rigged and all that participated in the steals will be prosecuted.
I live in central valley, extremely red.
In my area of CA (south Orange County) it has been SOLID RED for several years.
Username Checks Out
Ventura County has some big red pockets, but not enough to overcome the blue areas.
I thought Dahle conceded?
Well he'll be the first governor to win an election after conceding
Same with NY being stuck at 92% with more outstanding votes than the margin to swing the vote in zeldins favor. They sandbagged the vote hard right from the get go across the board with the candidates they need to win. Chuck E. , Letitia, and Hocul all sandbagged in 300k votes with only 18% voting reported. That margin held most the night, granted Chuck E. Is actually popular across the state regardless of his national shenanigans
Interesting Post Its Thursday morning 8am eastern time and only 48 percent has been counted. there is still almost 6 million votes left to tabulate in the governors race.
You know Comieforna gets to ballot harvest for 30 days. Oh, and you can kill a baby at the moment of birth in this God forsaken hellhole. Sodom and Gomorra all over again.
Has Dahle conceded?
Cant be sure, but I read here before that condeding by the candidate is not legally binding. Need some dig into this.
There has been fuckery afoot in CA for many years.
NY and CA need taking on in a BIG way.
Interesting, too, Republican Dahle was virtually unknown prior to election, shows 42.5% with over half left to count. It is not inconceivable.....
Not just the gubernatorial race. The house and senate races are stuck at 45% too. We are now at two days past election day with less than half the votes counted. There are shenanigans going on here, absolutely, and they are happening on all races, not just the governor's.
It's been stuck there because it's 45%.
45 in your face
Not just the gubernatorial race. The house and senate races are stuck at 45% too. We are now at two days past election day with less than half the votes counted. There are shenanigans going on here, absolutely, and they are happening on all races, not just the governor's.