IS the scenario. And soon the global child trafficking funding is going to be tied into it. And everyone will know or have the option to know. Heads in the sand. So now we know why a person made senator with a net worth in the hundteds of thousands a few years later has multiple MILLIONS. Yeah you better run to another country Nancy. Schiff we are coming for your ASS
But who is going to call off the election? The ones “in charge” are all corrupt mf’ers that benefited from the election fraud and money laundering.
Unless some sleepers are activated, (looking at you, Wray - possibly), there’s no one.
Trump, who “isn’t the sitting president,” wouldn’t hold any sway. Because only MAGA will side with him. And we’ll be quickly dismissed as conspiracy theorist insurrectionist terrorist election deniers by every criminal with a microphone and platform.
Jokes on this guy for thinking such a thing as a "news source" actually exists nowadays. Take your pick of the litter and chances are it's a safe bet they are straight up propaganda, essentially an extension of the state, it would be much more shocking if they were actually covering election fraud than not.
I said to friends of our Truly elected official that I consider them my actual representative and not the Fake that was installed by these worthless pieces of paper, money and invalid ballots.
No, let the MSM keep showing their hand. I 100% Believe that 2022 is a total trap for the dems, MSM,DS, and RINO's. Dems feel totally embolden right now because they're not seeing any ramifications from 2020 so 2022 was a totally sloppy job of cheating and the FTX thing proves it. If I were a dem I would be shitting bricks.
We have to form a new republic. The answer is secession and disunion. We are trying to end federal overreach. We don’t need a congress or a senate or a presidency. It’s time to accept that. Secessionists do, Texas already drafted up the fucking papers! California has a secession model and so does Vermont! We need to divide state vs federal assets. Militaries must come together and negotiations must be had by former intelligence employees on our side with other countries who have nukes (temporary measure).
You people would rather go through the pain of seceding than living under the thumb of Biden. Trust me. Secession is the answer. Don’t wait for trump to say it. If he did you’d be for it!!
Jokers to the left of me and fraudsters to the right.
Here I am, stuck in the middle with you.
Another reference to Stealer's Wheel. Good job Fren.
wish I'd have seen your post, would have saved 2 min of elbow grease.
Fraud everywhere you look... What next?
Marines? Space Force? Is America still alive or did we get sacked?
IS the scenario. And soon the global child trafficking funding is going to be tied into it. And everyone will know or have the option to know. Heads in the sand. So now we know why a person made senator with a net worth in the hundteds of thousands a few years later has multiple MILLIONS. Yeah you better run to another country Nancy. Schiff we are coming for your ASS
I can totally see it happening now
Yes it is, this IS the storm!!!!
I'm connecting the layoffs at Twitter, FB, and now Disney.
Gotta be the executive order kicking in.
Only thing is -- it's going to take down the banks, too; at least the big ones that knew or should have known.
Maybe this is what Trump is talking about Tuesday. He’ll have the receipts.
But who is going to call off the election? The ones “in charge” are all corrupt mf’ers that benefited from the election fraud and money laundering.
Unless some sleepers are activated, (looking at you, Wray - possibly), there’s no one.
Trump, who “isn’t the sitting president,” wouldn’t hold any sway. Because only MAGA will side with him. And we’ll be quickly dismissed as conspiracy theorist insurrectionist terrorist election deniers by every criminal with a microphone and platform.
Time will tell. If things do escalate that quickly, we’ll have a little something extra to be thankful for at Thanksgiving!
Superb find, LQdy. Well done!🤗💐
Hopefully this will signal the US Military to finally be a little scary for the Sheeple.
Jokes on this guy for thinking such a thing as a "news source" actually exists nowadays. Take your pick of the litter and chances are it's a safe bet they are straight up propaganda, essentially an extension of the state, it would be much more shocking if they were actually covering election fraud than not.
I said to friends of our Truly elected official that I consider them my actual representative and not the Fake that was installed by these worthless pieces of paper, money and invalid ballots.
its all fake and they and we know it.
I think it’s a bit naive to demand that every single “news source” should report on this. We all know that’s not going to happen any time soon.
In a sane world? Yes.
In Clown World? No.
Another bombshell must read investigative report by The Conservative Tree house.
Can somebody please tell me WTF FTX is abbreviated for ?
FTX is a crypto currency exchange.
this is how the mules were paid
No, let the MSM keep showing their hand. I 100% Believe that 2022 is a total trap for the dems, MSM,DS, and RINO's. Dems feel totally embolden right now because they're not seeing any ramifications from 2020 so 2022 was a totally sloppy job of cheating and the FTX thing proves it. If I were a dem I would be shitting bricks.
Fraud has many forms
We have to form a new republic. The answer is secession and disunion. We are trying to end federal overreach. We don’t need a congress or a senate or a presidency. It’s time to accept that. Secessionists do, Texas already drafted up the fucking papers! California has a secession model and so does Vermont! We need to divide state vs federal assets. Militaries must come together and negotiations must be had by former intelligence employees on our side with other countries who have nukes (temporary measure). You people would rather go through the pain of seceding than living under the thumb of Biden. Trust me. Secession is the answer. Don’t wait for trump to say it. If he did you’d be for it!!