Question: Am I missing something? Difference of 29,291 votes left to be counted? Unless there were more ballots cast than voters? 100% reported?
🧐 More This Data Please! 🤓

This screams fraud on every level…..Hobbs never campaigned just like Uncle Creepy Joe. No people showed up for her either.
Keep in mind, the enemy has two goals. First, to win the election by any means necessary. Second, if that fails, start a civil war, bring in the UN, "get all the dumb ones to kill each other".
Making the fraud obvious helps the second goal.
How is it that the Governor's race has more votes in than that for the Senator's race??
Shouldn't there be the same amount counted for both races being they are on the same ballots? There is a 36,856 difference.
First #'s is the Senator's race combined total of both Kelly & Masters -minus- from the ballots cast (2,326,093) & second #'s from both Hobbs & Lake from Governor's race, same thing - minus- from the ballots cast:
2,326,093 - 2,259,946 = 66,147 ~ Senator's race - Kelly & Masters
2,326,093 - 2,296,802 = 29,291 ~ Governor's race - Hobbs & Lake
66,147 - 29,291 = 36,856 ~ So 36,856 more votes in for Gov race than Senate.
This just means that 100% of precincts had started reporting. Use this link for remaining ballots: https://apps.arizona.vote/info/bps/2022-general-election/33/0
Have made this a post?
Awesome thank you! What I was originally looking for!
31,000 difference between that website and what has been announced.
total counted : 2,397,179
Total counted : 2,427,999
Difference = 30,820
Considering the difference is 26,000 between the 2, seems this number might be important.
edit: thanks u/7dskei: https://apps.arizona.vote/info/bps/2022-general-election/33/0
Original comment:
I'm pretty tired, could just be misunderstanding this.
Hobbes votes + lake votes = 2,296,802 - [ballots cast] 2,326,093 = 29,291 ballots left to count?
AP at 89% reporting, Arizona state at 100% precincts reporting.
Registered voters 4,143,929
Turn out: 56.13%
[Current counted vote] 2,296,802
29K invalid, or cast for a third candidate perhaps? So essentially, it's another 29K that will be transferred over to the demonrat candidate at some later time
Could also be that they didn't vote for governor for whatever reason.
What originally threw me for a loop (with Arizona site reporting 100%)
From the AP:
"So precinct reporting are the number of precincts, the number of polling places that have actually reported their results to headquarters," said David Hawkings, the editor in chief of The Fulcrum."
I live and voted in East Valley. This last drop, I do not believe that Kari Lake wasn't overwhelmingly voted for in queen creek, chandler, gilbert. What the Hell?
I'm out in the West Valley, and Peoria, Surprise, Litchfield Park,(Luke Air Force) Avondale, Goodyear, Tolleson, pretty much voted Republican. Stealing going on here and across the nation. Very frustrated. I am praying Trump will say on the 15th, here is the proof we got them all. Here is the evidence and drop it everywhere.
It’s a running total. It’ll go up as they count ballots. There’s more than 29K left to count.
Just to clarify, "ballots cast" is the running total?
Yeah should be over 200,000 left if I'm mathing correctly.
If there's (just an estimate) 250,000 left to be counted, Kari would need about 143,000 of those, with Hobbs getting 107,000 for a margin of 36,000 votes. So Kari Lake needs about 57% of the remaining ballots to go her way.
Sticky for looks like this. We should have walls of this going on Anons! Walls of it. Let’s crack data!
So they stole it from her?
This is a bridge too far. So obvious
100% of Precincts have reported all their "day of" votes.
What is left out is some "day drop off" and some mail in.
After tonight's Maricopa return Lake is toast. The math just isn't there for her to turn the margin, Pima county still has like 50k votes to count and its going to go heavy for Hobbs, Lake needs like 75% of the remaining Maricopa ballots to win and in the chunk that dropped she only got 54%.
Lake will have to prove fraud in court.
This is a bombshell must read report by The Conservative Tree house. https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2022/11/13/the-modern-electioneering-process-of-ballot-submission-assistance-is-taking-center-stage/#more-239759
You called it a bombshell even after other comments have explained what is actually happening? It's just a matter of understanding what the numbers mean.
Now Abe Hamedah is down. Damn McCain/Romney Mafia.
If you can't count a small fraction of you votes day after day, then fraud is certain.
Odd how the republican State Treasurer has more votes than Hobbs.
Not just Arizona. Everywhere.
Only 29,291 more votes than were cast, thats all
Could be that not everyone completed a full ballot. Raises an eyebrow. Probably should check historically what percentage of ballot come in without a candidate selected in a major race such as senator or governor.. I’ve left some sections blank if I feel uneducated on the race or referendum.. but seems odd to select a freaking governor or senator.
That is precincts reporting. I saw it explained before. All the precincts are reporting, not all the votes counted.
Definitely possible. My issue may be due to using the AP's definition of "precincts reporting" while using Arizonas website but this is what threw me off.
From the AP [what does precincts reporting mean?]
"So precinct reporting are the number of precincts, the number of polling places that have actually reported their results to headquarters," said David Hawkings, the editor in chief of The Fulcrum."
I took this as having completely reported results and not partially reported.
Wish I wrote the script. Itbwpuld look. Bit different.
Looks like we will be heading for an audit.
Just like Hassan and that little town of 700 and 1100 votes for Hassan but Boduc was ahead at 9% reporting.....
Ok, so the Governor's race has more votes in than that for the Senator's race??
Shouldn't there be the same amount counted for both races being they are on the same ballots? There is a 36,856 difference.
First #'s is the Senator's race combined total of both Kelly & Masters -minus- from the ballots cast (2,326,093) & second #'s from both Hobbs & Lake from Governor's race, same thing - minus- from the ballots cast:
2,326,093 - 2,259,946 = 66,147 ~ Senator's race - Kelly & Masters
2,326,093 - 2,296,802 = 29,291 ~ Governor's race - Hobbs & Lake
66,147 - 29,291 = 36,856 ~ So 36,856 more votes in for Gov race than Senate.
This has happened in the past, nothing happened.
Do... Do you really think everyone who fills out a ballot fills out every part of the ballot? Notice how the totals between the Senate race and the Governor race are different. Also, all precincts reporting does not mean all votes have been reported.
I would find it hard to believe that people wouldn't vote for a governor. People that lack political knowledge about our government system would be more apt to vote for their red/blue governor than house, senator, judges etc...
People with some or more political knowledge aren't going to not vote, especially in the house/ senate and gov races.
What a different conception you have from me. What about the millions of proudly non-partisan Americans? Sure, if you don't like any of the candidates there is always write-in voting, but that joke runs out after a few elections. Skipping voting in a race where you like none of the candidates is a valid alternative to the write-in.