Mark Levine says Kanye has "learned nothing". Oh?Educate us, Mr. Levine! Where's this 'education' taught? What's Kanye supposed to 'learn'? Is there a textbook we can view, maybe a class somewhere we could take? Or is the 'education' just Kanye restrained in a hospital bed & fed psychotropic drugs?

I always took the joooo stuff with a grain of salt, but now I am getting more and more red-pilled to it. They really just want everyone to fall in line and shut up. Sounds like we need to make more noise!
I remember back at Voat, someone said "you can never be fully red pulled until you are Jew pilled."
4chan's been on this point forever.
Back in 1990 on a trip to LA to visit friends, my new husband was being funny with his friend and they were saying, "The JOO is your enemy". I thought it was a line from a movie and maybe it is. I chastised him. Then over the years as I've been studying the bible I've told him that the Jews are the chosen people, our brothers and sisters yada yada. The other day he was coming out of the bedroom and I looked at him and said, "Welp, looks like the JOO is indeed your enemy".
Everything they have done in regards to altering the course and history of the United States, they also did in Europe and Rome and also they did this in Christianity from the start.
Seeing what they have already changed, hidden, and subverted in the US, how substantial their role has been, even from the beginning, we can still see the nation we were supposed to have been.
Now imagine they had their way with Christianity from the very beginning.
Every Disciple was Jewish. Jesus was NOT and John The Baptist (his kinsman) was NOT. They were Nasorean. The Nazarene. (Not "of Nazareth")
They were there from the beginning and centralized the course of history under the most powerful institutions of the time and excommunicated and persecuted all dissenting brands that would not submit to their religious authority and credentials.
Future proves past. What they do today, they have always done.
Chosen for what?
And by who?
Separating humans into 'chosen' and 'non-chosen' is division 101. The very very beginning of division.
Yea, chosen. For sure.
If Christians and Jews were to separate doing business together for 7 years. Christians use a gold backed pure currency that is designed not to experience inflation. Jews keep using the old currency. It would be a very interesting experiment.
One that THEY control and force on others. Thus eroding their stability allowing them to take over. They have done it in every country they invade.
It ain't no picnic properly looking after ourselves.
I totally agree. One thing I have noticed is you can't make any observation, no matter how true, and they start screaming anti semitism. Even Dave Rubin was playing the victim card about Kanye. He blew off Kanye statement, but then added something about how Jews are always persecuted.
The ADL says nobody is trying to silence you so just shut up you bigot.
That part is true. But they ALWAYS leave out the next part:
If everywhere you go smells like shit...
But it is certain jews isn't it? The ones the bible talked about as being the synagogue of satan? Saying they are jewish but are not.
Exactly that!
Very true!!!
Khazarian Jews are at the top of the list. Ashkenazi Jews= Nazi? Interesting thought...
This is what I don’t understand. Are the Jews that wear the coasters alright and the ones with beards and sideburns the bad ones?
ALL jews follow the Talmud, either directly or indirectly.
ALL jews are influenced by the Talmud, either directly or indirectly.
The Talmud is THE PROBLEM. It promotes a view that jews are "chosen," and are the only actual humans, and ALL OTHER HUMANS are nothing but "cattle."
It justifies jewish superiority syndrome, which allows them to justify in their own minds all sorts of atrocities against everyone who is not jew.
Some jews actively practice this belief as their way of life. Those are the REAL EVIL ones.
But ALL jews are influence by this, even if they do not read the Talmud itself, because other jews who do will influence them.
So, they all have this basic mindset, though some are more aggregious than others.
Those jews who openly denounce the Talmud and similar Satanic type of viewpoints -- and by denounce, I mean denounce OTHER JEWS who believe this stuff -- might be ok.
Have YOU, in your entire life, EVER met one or heard of one who denounced?
Me, neither.
Therein lies the problem.
Who wrote the Talmud or who spoke these beliefs in the first place?
Just don't ask for a definition.