One of the main reasons that kept the government and employers from mandating COVID vaccines across the board was the “hesitation” of black Americans to take the jab.
They need the black vote and didn’t want the mandates to appear racism or a form of health segregation.
So they tried cash and raffle prizes connected with Juneteenth events as a way to gain acceptance within the black community, partnering with BLM, NAACP, Prince Hall Freemasons, Boule Society and other groups to increase the numbers to the point where they could mandate it.
It didn’t work as well as they hoped. This is also why they hate and attempt to cancel Kyrie Irving and any other black celebrity who speaks out against the jab as a model for what happens when you go against them.
Slavery never “ended” in Racine with Joshua Glover and the formation of the GOP. It evolved.
You are correct and this is why they are desperate to keep black Americans on the Democrat side pinned against other races. BLM is part of this Agenda. So is Antifa.
Racine is the worst city in the nation for black Americans by design. It is not by coincidence.
If The People find out about Racine and what it really is the model for, their entire network and Agenda will implode.
It did. Our side seems susceptible to the same "trotting out repeated news stories with the promise of a big happening to follow" phenomenon as the hardcore liberals
Yes, this is old news... and yes, nothing has happened - yet.
However, this information will be useful in the future when the momentum for vengeance builds as the sheeple are gradually forced to confront the facts about what the injections they took have done to them.
All the MSM are implicated. It's called paid propaganda. But half the country didn't bite on it. Most of MAGA didn't take it even when Trump gave his blessing. MAGA didn't take it when family, friends, doctors told them to do so. Why? Because most of the MAGA contingent in this country knew from the start it was a demonic plan to reduce and control the world's population.
I might not have known that at the beginning, but did have enough common sense to know I wasn't taking a rushed experimental jab for something close to 99% survivable. In fact I did the opposite. I figured there was going to be a worse one coming that might not be 99% survivable and I wanted immunities the regular way. I did everything except lick doorknobs. And even considered doing that.
Now we know why even Hannity pushed the vaccines, along with the Fox News Dr. Marc Seigel (hack). They have lost all credibility. They also deny the election of 2020 was rigged.
Bombshell is so overused. I’m pretty sure we already knew this; they were running commercials with all of their Fox News people pushing vaccines. If I recall, as much as I love her, Maria Bartiromo was even on one of them.
For future reference: Graceful way to handle a bribe is to take the money and do what's right anyways. Teach the transgressor his/her methods don't work, and deplete his/her coffers at the same time.
I’m with you, we all knew this was going on at the height of the palndemic.
Edit: I would also like to “F$€¥ Fox News”. They along with the rest of the corrupt media would acknowledge that Hunter Biden’s laptop even existed nor would they say a word about election fraud.
Truth had better be followed by justice.
Paul Ryan knows. So does Mark Zuckerberg. Racine was the Root, gateway and model district used to rig the 2020 election.
Wait until black Americans find out why Joe Biden made Juneteenth a federal holiday.
Freemason Caron Butler and his More than a Vote partner LeBron James know.
One of the main reasons that kept the government and employers from mandating COVID vaccines across the board was the “hesitation” of black Americans to take the jab.
They need the black vote and didn’t want the mandates to appear racism or a form of health segregation.
So they tried cash and raffle prizes connected with Juneteenth events as a way to gain acceptance within the black community, partnering with BLM, NAACP, Prince Hall Freemasons, Boule Society and other groups to increase the numbers to the point where they could mandate it.
It didn’t work as well as they hoped. This is also why they hate and attempt to cancel Kyrie Irving and any other black celebrity who speaks out against the jab as a model for what happens when you go against them.
Slavery never “ended” in Racine with Joshua Glover and the formation of the GOP. It evolved.
You are correct and this is why they are desperate to keep black Americans on the Democrat side pinned against other races. BLM is part of this Agenda. So is Antifa.
Racine is the worst city in the nation for black Americans by design. It is not by coincidence.
If The People find out about Racine and what it really is the model for, their entire network and Agenda will implode.
And justice better be followed by growth industries for gallows-shaped timber, rope and subscriptions to daily livestreams at lunchtime.
Didn't this come out last year?
It did. Our side seems susceptible to the same "trotting out repeated news stories with the promise of a big happening to follow" phenomenon as the hardcore liberals
I've seen this before... I think you are right.
Yep! Another conspiracy theory proven.
All the media have been paid off in the UK as well. The British Bullshit Corp got millions from Gates.
Yes, this is old news... and yes, nothing has happened - yet.
However, this information will be useful in the future when the momentum for vengeance builds as the sheeple are gradually forced to confront the facts about what the injections they took have done to them.
We knew this, worth repeating tho. I keep forgetting about the new eyes to this forum.
All the MSM are implicated. It's called paid propaganda. But half the country didn't bite on it. Most of MAGA didn't take it even when Trump gave his blessing. MAGA didn't take it when family, friends, doctors told them to do so. Why? Because most of the MAGA contingent in this country knew from the start it was a demonic plan to reduce and control the world's population.
I might not have known that at the beginning, but did have enough common sense to know I wasn't taking a rushed experimental jab for something close to 99% survivable. In fact I did the opposite. I figured there was going to be a worse one coming that might not be 99% survivable and I wanted immunities the regular way. I did everything except lick doorknobs. And even considered doing that.
Emerald Robinson is the REAL va va VOOM!
“The bombshell about to be dropped for the second time!”
Fixed it…
Now we know why even Hannity pushed the vaccines, along with the Fox News Dr. Marc Seigel (hack). They have lost all credibility. They also deny the election of 2020 was rigged.
We knew this a long time ago.
Bombshell is so overused. I’m pretty sure we already knew this; they were running commercials with all of their Fox News people pushing vaccines. If I recall, as much as I love her, Maria Bartiromo was even on one of them.
Yeah Hannity. Mocking bird douchebag
FOX = 666
Learn Gematria people.
So its coming out, it is out, and What Are the Results??? NADDA as for as I can see.
For future reference: Graceful way to handle a bribe is to take the money and do what's right anyways. Teach the transgressor his/her methods don't work, and deplete his/her coffers at the same time.
Uh-Oh! I hope they don't think they get to keep that money. Remember that they got their warnings and proceeded.
This is old news
I’m with you, we all knew this was going on at the height of the palndemic. Edit: I would also like to “F$€¥ Fox News”. They along with the rest of the corrupt media would acknowledge that Hunter Biden’s laptop even existed nor would they say a word about election fraud.
A little spice for Turkey 🦃 day kek
Lol. This came out MONTHS ago.
This came out something like 3 months ago. Why do we keep re-hashing old news and pretending like these are bombshells?
Oh man! I can't wait for them to arrest themselves!