What are your thoughts on Kanye bad mouthing Trump?
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That’s just entertainment as a diversion so (((they))) lower their guard.
I don’t see much bad mouthing there. Just a recap of two bucks locking horns for a minute.
This could be..
Great thought ! Thank you anon.
Just the Left trying to kill him off.
Why are Mr. Kardashian and that nazi-wannabe fuentes teaming up? That was more of a clue than question.
I haven't heard of this fuentes faggot until recently. Is he a faggot nazi?
Look him up, he isn't hard to 'see', he makes little effort to hide himself.
Nick Fuentes, the racist, misogynistic, antisemitic, America-hating, Christian fascist leader of the white nationalist America First movement, declared during a livestream Tuesday night that he is going to spend the next two years raising up an army of thousands of far-right “soldiers” who will be ready to take over the government should former President Donald Trump be reelected in 2024.
I was right. He is a faggot.
So you looked up a liberal site and took their talking points….not very “Q” of you.
I clicked the first link u/CovfefeNegro posted
Righwingwatch is a liberal site?
You decide: “Donate Today To Expose And Fight The Right. Support People For the American Way Today. Sign Up For E-Updates. Donate Online. View Reports.”
“ Right Wing Watch is a project of People For the American Way (PFAW) dedicated to monitoring and exposing the activities and rhetoric of right-wing activists and organizations in order to expose their extreme agenda.”
Thank you for your service.
lol that's not "far-right."
Perhaps because he knew there were Antifa & other infiltrators in the ranks.He started his speech that day very late. Stuff was happening at the Capital long before he ended his speech. If you are MAGA, you are going to be with Trump.
I’d like to see Ye construct a platform and articulate a plan for the country. Any candidate can throw shade at their opponents. On paper, Trump has an insurmountable advantage over Ye in trade, foreign policy, and economics. Until Ye articulates a national strategy, he’s just swimming in the kiddie pool.
I understand that, but is there more to it? That is a first reaction but I think there's more to it. Perhaps he has to distance himself from Trump. This is 17D chess and we have to consider things. Not everything should be taken at face value.
Who knows. I'm just waiting for SOMEONE to say, "LIGHT THE TORCHES AND GRAB YOUR PITCHFORKS"!
Why did be blur his lips and put a tone over "disgusting human being," at 1:17? Not even profanity. Maybe nothing, maybe something.
Also, why is the "NASA" logo on his hat taped on? It clearly isn't a NASA hat.
Also, why was the Street Fighter 2 announcer's voice added to the end? Perfect!
I don't have any answers, just strange observations about Ye's video.
Also why is Ye hanging with that guy?
Could it be that he realized he fckd up and made a deal with the devil to bad mouth the king so he can be in good graces with the money counters again?
All part of the Plan
What's your take?
Should somebody tell this clown his 15 minutes of fame are almost over?
Might be a brilliant move... Will Kanye pull more conservatives from the GOP or will he pull more libs from the DNC?
More like banter than badmouthing IMO. Real men aren't passive aggressive. They say what they mean.
I listened. Appears as yet another divide/conquer tactic... perhaps aimed at the pro Trump/conservative black?
Nay on Ye, he's still cray
he wants to be president
Does he though? What are the advantages of running against Trump. It makes you not align with Trump. Leftists are more open to listening to you if you aren't for Trump. Thoughts to consider.
Circus sideshow
Kanye is right about the Jews but he’s also a mentally defective rapper.
The Jews running the industry that Kanye made most of his money from, those Jews fucked up Kanye’s brain. Kanye finally realized that and now Kanye is fighting back and that’s good.
Kanye has artistic talent but I don’t think he has very good decision-making skills. Look at what he married into, the fucking Kardashian family? Talk about thinking with the wrong head.
If you’re taking Kanye’s decision to run for president seriously you need to evaluate your own IQ. It’s great that Trump can make nice with Kanye, but in the long term I don’t think Trump can trust Kanye’s stability.
He probably didn't have much of a choice in who he "married."
Yes. Delusions of grandeur.
I hold trump responsible for the j6 that are still in jail. Him and all of the republican Congress.
They are the real victims. Them and their families
Trump and Q team always 2 steps ahead. Trump invited people to the J6 protest for a reason. They knew there'd be FBI and antifa doing shit. You really think military intel did not know what would occur? You don't think they plan out all scenarios? You don't think military intel were talking to Trump during the "insurrection"? You think Trump is calling all the shots and not a team behind him? He is led by a brilliant group that is taking down the cabal. It's not just Trump on his own. NO POTUS is making decisions by themselves.
No one said this war would be clean.