I have just found out that the church got to decide oxygen was good and carbon monoxide was evil....hence global warming...when we know carbon dioxide is the good guy greening the planet. Buteyko talk I am listening to talking about this as people don't breathe right..the exchange of gases is wrong..hence illnesses and fst as the body dumps the toxins around the body as fat..some cancers too ...will drop off you if you control pause the breath to get the exchange of gases correct.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this wisdom.
Years ago I was given a English/Greek Bible by a lovely Greek Orthodox neighbor. Even before the gift I was aware the Bible could be misunderstood oft times due to a translation that can have more than one meaning. In some instances literal interpretations can be used by God's enemies to weaken and confuse Christians. One really needs the Holy Spirit and discernment to truly understand God's word.
This definition makes a lot more sense. I almost want to substitute the word "disciplined".
That timid and weak definition of meek never made any sense at all. I think the wimpy definition was used deliberately to encourage conformity and compliance to authority.
Moses was anything but weak and timid and he is described as the meekest of them all. Trained in warfare as an Egyptian Prince, stood tall against the Egyptian overlord that was beating a fellow Hebrew, confronted a group of men that were abusing the women herders at the well and after God revealed Himself to Moses, he went and confronted the mightiest King on the planet at that time. Far from weak!
I have been thinking of this explanation myself. True faith and bravery is not just taking big risks and charging into battle, but rather waiting for God to show you the perfect time to strike.
My Pastor just preached over this Sunday, its crazy how the image that comes to mind has changed over the years. May we all learn to be truly Meek (strength under control.)
The world would like you to think it means 'weak', but when they train warhorses for battle (to stay calm during all the fighting), it's called 'meeking' the horses.
In Estonian bible, the word is translated as "vaimust vaesed"—lacking the Spirit/poor mind. We've been duped with all those translations, and I understand that KJB is one of the most sinister.
It’s important to understand that no translation from the original Old Hebrew is perfect but since we don’t have that anymore multiple copies can be studied to find the proper meaning and message. It is why God’s word needs to be studied rather than just read. Excellent videos on the subject of using different sources to find truth and the benefit of multiple copies over one single source.
Kjv is the arcaic language version. 1611, and yes it has a few forgeries. It is easy to get a Steven's greek text with the corresponding kjv verses and see what they did. Otherwise it's a fairly well preserved Word. The greatest thing covered up in all versions is the believers power. Speaking in tongues, interpretation of tongues and prophecy, word of knowledge, word of wisdom and discerning of spirits, faith. Miracles and gifts of healing. All believers have these abilities. They incorrectly or on purpose state theyb
are gifts. They are all evidence of THE gift and all believers can and should learn how to operate them. You want to delve into God's Word. Be prepared to do things you could not have imagined possible.
Jesus Christ himself said "the works that I do ye shall do also...and greater works than these shall ye do because I go unto my Father.
I agree with this and why not juxtapose this actual definition with those that have used this word incorrectly.
This is the problem with scholars, they are all to happy to get you to trust them.
Here is a question, knowing what you know about the Constitution and how it reads, do you need a Constitutional Scholar to tell you that we are getting ripped off by Congress and Lobbyists from Corporations ?
Thank you so much for this consider explanation...we need to learn this and stop thinking meek is doormat
exactly, the bad guys have taken over the church and other factions of Christianity
I have just found out that the church got to decide oxygen was good and carbon monoxide was evil....hence global warming...when we know carbon dioxide is the good guy greening the planet. Buteyko talk I am listening to talking about this as people don't breathe right..the exchange of gases is wrong..hence illnesses and fst as the body dumps the toxins around the body as fat..some cancers too ...will drop off you if you control pause the breath to get the exchange of gases correct.
BIG pharma going to go out of business
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this wisdom.
Years ago I was given a English/Greek Bible by a lovely Greek Orthodox neighbor. Even before the gift I was aware the Bible could be misunderstood oft times due to a translation that can have more than one meaning. In some instances literal interpretations can be used by God's enemies to weaken and confuse Christians. One really needs the Holy Spirit and discernment to truly understand God's word.
This is so true
This definition makes a lot more sense. I almost want to substitute the word "disciplined".
That timid and weak definition of meek never made any sense at all. I think the wimpy definition was used deliberately to encourage conformity and compliance to authority.
This is so beautiful and just for me. Thank you so much for sharing.
Moses was anything but weak and timid and he is described as the meekest of them all. Trained in warfare as an Egyptian Prince, stood tall against the Egyptian overlord that was beating a fellow Hebrew, confronted a group of men that were abusing the women herders at the well and after God revealed Himself to Moses, he went and confronted the mightiest King on the planet at that time. Far from weak!
I have been thinking of this explanation myself. True faith and bravery is not just taking big risks and charging into battle, but rather waiting for God to show you the perfect time to strike.
My Pastor just preached over this Sunday, its crazy how the image that comes to mind has changed over the years. May we all learn to be truly Meek (strength under control.)
It means being coachable, teachable and reachable. Those who are this way towards God learn the truth.
“A harmless man is not a good man. A good man is a very dangerous man who has that under voluntary control”.
I was thinking of JP and that very quote from him while reading that as well.
From a year ago...
I read an Ann Barnhardt essay years ago about just this; she called meekness power under control.
This is awesome - thank you!
Makes me think of this famous horse
Out fuckin standing anon. Tyvm
Beautiful, thank you for the pick me up
In Estonian bible, the word is translated as "vaimust vaesed"—lacking the Spirit/poor mind. We've been duped with all those translations, and I understand that KJB is one of the most sinister.
It’s important to understand that no translation from the original Old Hebrew is perfect but since we don’t have that anymore multiple copies can be studied to find the proper meaning and message. It is why God’s word needs to be studied rather than just read. Excellent videos on the subject of using different sources to find truth and the benefit of multiple copies over one single source.
What exactly is sinister about the KJV?
Kjv is the arcaic language version. 1611, and yes it has a few forgeries. It is easy to get a Steven's greek text with the corresponding kjv verses and see what they did. Otherwise it's a fairly well preserved Word. The greatest thing covered up in all versions is the believers power. Speaking in tongues, interpretation of tongues and prophecy, word of knowledge, word of wisdom and discerning of spirits, faith. Miracles and gifts of healing. All believers have these abilities. They incorrectly or on purpose state theyb are gifts. They are all evidence of THE gift and all believers can and should learn how to operate them. You want to delve into God's Word. Be prepared to do things you could not have imagined possible.
Jesus Christ himself said "the works that I do ye shall do also...and greater works than these shall ye do because I go unto my Father.
Try believing that.
I really love this post so much!!!!
For freedom Christ has set us free. Stand firm, therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery. - Galations 5:1
I love stuff like this!
Thank you for this.
Consenting is what changes meekness to weakness.
Pay attention to consent manufacturing
I love this! Sure needs to be shared! I did.
“You should be a monster [dangerous]. And then you should learn to control it.” Jordan Peterson
As God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, cloth yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness and patience. Colossians 3:12
I agree with this and why not juxtapose this actual definition with those that have used this word incorrectly.
This is the problem with scholars, they are all to happy to get you to trust them.
Here is a question, knowing what you know about the Constitution and how it reads, do you need a Constitutional Scholar to tell you that we are getting ripped off by Congress and Lobbyists from Corporations ?