When the Boston Marathon Bombing happened, i was pretty much just another "normie" listening to NPR on my morning drive.
I immediately thought NPR overdid it with the !OMFG AMPUTEES EVERYWHERE! thing, but i wrote it off as NPR being NPR...
BUT the authorities asked for help, finding the suspects, and reddit went to town.
I remember wanting to get involved, because an 8 year old boy had been killed, and i just wanted to know WHO did it, and WHY they would do such a thing.
In retrospect, the reddit drama, "falsely" fingering Sunil Tripathy, was all part of the original plan, to discredit internet researchers/sleuths.
And how many times have you heard the reddit fiasco mentioned, when someone is arguing for more control over the internet?
Along the way, someone mentioned to me that the supposed victims were actually "crisis actors", a term which i had never heard before, and a concept that i was not familiar with.
This "crisis actors conspiracy theory" grew so fast, and so loud, that
"crisis actors dot org" had to come out and make an official statement, that they were NOT involved with the Boston Marathon Bombing,
But in making that official statement, it only verified that fact that "crisis actors" do exist, and the kind of overt white ops front-end work they do, positions them nicely to do covert black ops work on the back end.
So evidently there are several different overt, public "crisis actors" troupes, and there are probably a lot of covert, secret troupes that we don't know the names of... yet...
As the Boston Marathon Bombing dominated the news cycle for a few weeks, i was trying to explain everything i was seeing, to anyone who would listen.
And the way i would describe it, is by saying,
"it's like a movie...
you know... the good guys, and the bad guys, are all on the same side, and they go out for a beer after work,
and yes the policeman, and yes the firemen, and yes the paramedics, and yes the ER doctors, and yes the judges, and the prison warden...
and yes i know this sounds absolutely insane BUT, thats WHY i am telling you, its like watching a MOVIE, because you understand that in an actual MOVIE, that ALL of the characters that you see on screen, are ACTORS, playing a role, and yes even the "EXTRAS" in the background, who just happen to walk by at the prescribed time.
And even though i thought i was doing a fairly decent job of explaining HOW it is, that these so-called news stories, were all FAKE NEWS, with ACTORS playing every role,
I could tell by the look in their eyes, and the expressions on their faces, that they were having a hard time accepting, what i was telling them.
But then, i saw someone online use the word HOAX, and i was like AH HA! EUREKA! the light bulb lit up in my head, and i knew right away, that the word HOAX was the best way to convey, what i was trying to say!
And when i started telling people Boston Marathon Bombing was a HOAX, then the light bulbs went off in THEIR heads too, and they immediately understood.
And pretty soon, hashtags like #SandyHoax and #BostonHoax
And we started attaching HOAX to every FAKE NEWS story,
And there were FAKE NEWS stories EVERY SIX WEEKS, like CLOCKWORK,
https://www.reddit.com/domain/6weekcycle.com/ - https://archive.ph/rggcd
It was incredible, the stuff they would fake.
Remember Obama's Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill thing? FAKE NEWS HOAX
Remember a tornado in Moore Oklahoma ? FAKE NEWS HOAX
Remember a Chemical Plant explosion in Texas? FAKE NEWS HOAX
Remember the Ferguson Riots? FAKE NEWS HOAX
Remember the Comet Pizza Shooter? FAKE NEWS HOAX
Remember the airplane crash in San Francisco, pilot name "Wai Tu Lo"
Remember the LAX airport shooter, done by Paul CIAnCIA? dummy in wheel chair.
Remember the Las Vegas shooting?
Remember the ...
When Q/anons say, you are watching a movie,
What they mean is, that EVERYTHING you see on TV news, is FAKE NEWS.
Their BUSINESS MODEL is FAKE NEWS, and they only sprinkle a little bit of "TRUTH" in to make themselves seem credible.
Here is some "TRUTH" they sprinkle in,
The time is: current time, because you check your car clock, which kind of illustrates the point that we don't need to know the time, because we have clocks.
they add the time in there, pre-programmed, to give their broadcast a "LIVE" feel, but in fact its completely scripted BS.
The exact temperatures in random small towns around your state, that nobody cares about, but it eats a lot of time, and its basically just fluffy filler material.
I have a thermometer in my car, tells me the current temp outside, where i actually am at the moment. i don't really care about the temp on the other side of the state.
Sports scores are: more filler, fluff. factually accurate and correct, but also BS. anyone who really CARES about SPORTS, probably watched SPORTS LIVE, and by the time you tell us the score the next day, its OLD NEWS.
I imagine that anyone who is into sports, gets a kick out of hearing the highlights again the next day... affirms their beliefs.
So this is what the Q CLOCK is all about.
all this FAKE NEWS, takes time to PRODUCE, so they PLAN it, well in advance.
COVID is a very good example.
in the WEF EVENT 201, they war gamed all of the various scenarios, such as, what to do about anti-vaxxers who spread dangerous health misinformation!
What should make you stop, and your jaw to fall open, like Tucker Carlson...
Is when you stand back and LOOK, over the last 2 years, just
HOW FAR your own GOVERNMENT would push you,
HOW many LIES the MEDIA would tell us,
HOW many DEATHS were caused by DOCTORS and NURSES,
HOW many EMPLOYERS fell in line with the VACCINE MANDATES,
HOW so many people, who you LOVE and TRUST, just fell in line with the WEF-UN agenda,
We truly do live in an EVIL EMPIRE, and it is an EMPIRE OF LIES.
And here is Dr Ron Paul, giving a speech on the floor of the US House of Representatives, explaining that ALL WARS are BASED on LIES.
And i know, that you all know, by now, that what we are seeing in the Ukraine, is a HOAX,
And you will KNOW that its a HOAX, when the OFFICIAL FACT CHECKERS come out, and LOUDLY PROCLAIM that its NOT a HOAX,
they FORUM SLIDE any HOAX chatter, with some RED HERRING hoax chatter.
Who are the ACTORS in this MOVIE - HOAX?
Ukrainian President
Russian President
US President
How many of you have seen images, or video clips, that were taken from other sources, and re-purposed as WAR PROPAGANDA for UKRAINE.
They have used images from other times, and other places, and even from video games.
I watched a movie, of a pile of supposedly dead bodies, all wrapped in black garbage bags, and this guy in the black bag is obviously fine, and he's smoking a cigarette!
I notice that on NPR now, today, that when they talk about ("alleged wink-wink) WAR CRIMES in UKRAINE, they always try to APPEAR to be FAIR AND BALANCED, by conspicuously adding (supposed) RUSSIAN REBUTTALS to war crimes allegations.
and its a LOOOOONG story, that can probably go back to BIBLICAL TIMES,
Kiev was literally once the capital of Russia,
IF RUSSIA is actually INVADING UKRAINE, then WHY are they having to use FALSE images to tell the TRUTH?
WHAT is PUTIN actually doing?
Does PUTIN really SAY what NPR tells us PUTIN says?
When the Boston Marathon Bombing happened, there was a FAKE SOCIAL JUSTICE MOVEMENT called "FREE JAHAR" #FreeJahar which was allegedly made up of a bunch of TEEN GIRLS who were HOT for JAHAR, because JAHAR was on the FRONT PAGE of Rolling Stone Magazine,
And these dumb ass teen girls (fieldwork-quantwork agents) are like, teehee Jahar is innocent,
And i was like, from where I'm sitting, he looks pretty GUILTY,
HOWEVER, since i am now AWARE of the FACT that JAHAR is a CRISIS ACTOR,
I say, Jahar is just as guilty as the rest of the actors in this HOAX.
BTW, Dzhokhar "JAHAR" Tsarnaev's DEATH PENALTY CASE is in front of the SCOTUS,
So we have the SCOTUS making a RULING on the DEATH PENALTY, that is based on a HOAX.
and yes, even the Supreme Court Justices are "in on it".
Our "reality" has been scripted for us, for many, many years.
24/7/365 there is a constant drip feed of PROPAGANDA,
that is PRECISELY TIMED, into a TIMELINE, or what we call the 4AM talking points.
When Q says "future prove past", i think we all know what that means by now.
it means, that Q made a post at a very specific time, and date, and then that post only became relevant later, when "the news unlocks the map".
So, Q and his team KNEW, down to the SECOND, when a certain thing would be in "the news".
and Q proved it, over and over and over and over until it becomes mathematically impossible for Q to be that freaking accurate, that many times, without some serious WTF going on.
i think by predicting the news, Q was able to SHOW US that ALL NEWS IS FAKE NEWS.
and maybe "NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING" means that once Q made a post, it would become a "BOOM" on a later date, or what we call a DELTA (change in time, sometimes 1 year, 2 years, 3 years...)
and maybe "LEARN OUR COMMS" is part of all that.
that figuring out that not only was 9/11 a HOAX,
NOT ONLY have they BEEN LYING TO US for many generations,
THEY PLAN ON LYING TO US for many more generations!
EVERYTHING they say, is a LIE,
NPR even calls any allegations of election irregularities in 2020 to be "THE BIG LIE"
Attention FieldWork QuantWork staff: We know you are underpaid. You know they're crooked. Leak everything you can get your hands on - training, chat logs, emails, memos, financial records. Redeem yourself and help put them to bed once and for all.
so you have never heard of FieldWork QuantWork?
they are a huge, international corporation with offices all over the US and around the world. each office seems to be compartmentalized, and specialized in certain subjects of interest to this sub, but they do help each other out when one office is getting bogged down
the office in Waltham (Boston) is where the trolls work who attacked the skeptics/critics of the Boston Marathon Bombing, and they also do work on 9/11 truth trolling
do not visit their website at fieldwork dot com, as they will harvest your data. but you can check out the nice offices they work out of by doing a google image search.
Suspicious Resignations
I worked clean-up for the BP oil spill down in Cocodrie, LA so I can tell you from first-hand experience the BP oil spill was 100% real.
Now as to what exactly happened or was it intentional sabotage? most likely yes
Not sure what your getting at with that bc honestly I can't stand listening to that cow spew shit out of her mouth.
I was physically in the shit working 6am-6pm, 6 days a week for a month. What were we cleaning up?
they recycled the old footage of an explosion in Henderson Nevada,
and told us it was a new chemical plant explosion in Texas.
let me guess...
the intern grabbed the wrong footage on accident? ... again...?
this gets to the core of what the Q-clock is all about.
fake news.
planned in advance,
and executed on time,
according to a master schedule, a master calendar,
just watch... even your own local news station will be tracking Santa Claus on Christmas Eve
and you will dismiss it as harmless fun,
but its really what the fake news media does all year long,
and most of the time we just can't see it for what it is.
fake news
very fake news
You’re gullible
you're vaccinated
Real people are dying in these hoaxes.
And children going missing, people being executed behind the lens, manipulation and destruction of information, etc. This is the problem with the Alex Jones mentality. It's not ALL fake. In some cases it's much worse than we know.
who? Ashli Babbit?
Doubtful. Ashes are white, so her name is practically White Rabbit. Whatever happened there was planned out in advance.
The chemical plant explosion in Texas happened near me. It was real.
I even smelled stuff in the air.
Trump even came to that town. Sadly, I did not know he was there until after he was already gone.
I don't think OP is questioning whether it happened but is implying it was scheduled/pre-planned.
It wasn't even the first chemical plant to blow up around here.
Another one happened 10-15 years earlier. My family even got a check from the state as a result of the class-action lawsuit.
As with the more recent one, I heard the explosion shake my windows.
While I remain skeptical about OP various logic on somethings, I do believe that many of these "events" are pre-planned in order to bring disorder and anger to the people.
Same. South East Houston suburbs here was definitely real along with the BP spill
let me guess. your uncle worked at NASA?
Funny you ask....just drove by NASA
The Lunar Lander is held together with tape
Couldn't care less
SIDS was invented to cover-up the fact that vaccines kill babies.
can I sum it up ?
you gave control of banks to degenerates that were connected to banished specie(s).
and I may come back and read it All over again....
Shut it down, they know!
So nice to see I'm not alone in observing all of this.
Terrific post!
They have eyes, But cannot see
The worst production of all was the Brendan Tarrant New Zealand Mosque gaming footage, it was that bad they threatened anyone sharing it with jail time.
sounds like a good candidate for the streisand effect
the M.O. is very simple.
they plan a "mass casualty drill" well in advance.
lets say the "mass casualty drill" is an "active shooter" at a school.
so, they pre-arrange everything.
someone with a gun shows up at pre-determined time of drill.
sometimes, drills are deliberately not pre-announced, as a way to terrorize the students even more.
these drills have a checklist of systems that they are testing..
local police
state police
crowd control
and by that afternoon, its on TV news as if it actually happened.
What does your local news anchor know?
They are just reading whatever is on the script,
"This is very dangerous to our democracy!"
no fucking way. my cousin said it was fake af.
Yeah, so when the Moore Tornado happened, i didn't think too much of it, until a certain twitter user mentioned it in a tweet.
I thought that it was an odd thing to be tweeting about,
And i also thought it was an obviously a diversion / distraction, because the Boston Marathon Bombing hoax was going so badly.
So i took a few minutes, to look into this "tornado" in real time, as it was happening...
And guess what i discovered?
on google images, there were brand new photos of the supposed tornado being uploaded, and google had time stamps on these news photos from like
"1 hour ago, 2 hours ago, 3 hours ago"
and yet, these supposed "new" photos were the EXACT SAME PHOTOS that were on the same google search results page, but with timestamps from years ago.
It became obvious that they were taking OLD photos of a tornado, and passing them off as NEW.
and thats not the first time they did a fake Tornado in Moore Oklahoma.
theres supposedly been THREE tornados in Moore Oklahoma in the last few years.
I say the next time theres a tornado in Moore, we tell the people they can't rebuild there anymore.
Like they do in a flood plain
let me draw you a picture
The tornado in Moore was real,I live a few miles away,I saw the damage,and a good friend lost his house...
They have been tornados like that for many,many years,long before we had any kind of advanced technology.
Umm. Too much coffee
Ya this post is a hoax. They do false flags all the time with legit people dying.
Great post, Vaccines.
They can control the weather. What OP is saying is that its a HOAX in the sense that the bad guys are planning things and labeling them accidents or natural disasters and then spinning it with the fake news cycle.
I think this winter storm is under someone's control. I can think of reasons the both the black hats and white hats would want it.
You’re gullible if you don’t think that both the DS and the “whitehats” have had technology at least 50 years ahead of what the public has access to. This isn’t a “fringe conspiracy thing.” Q talks about this too, but it should be obvious by now as it is mainstream because the many governments including U.S. government has disclosed it….One of my closest Christian friends who never believed in ETs or UFOs saw three UFOs this past year, one of them the size of a football stadium. The local news tried to say it was a weather balloon, but all the pictures and eye-witnesses prove otherwise.
Governments across the world have recently released to the public evidence of UFOs and have confirmed that they exist. The Navy even patented the technology for powering an antigravity craft. In 2020, the previous head of the Israeli space program disclosed that governments across the world have been in contact with multiple advanced extraterrestrial civilizations for a long time.
Let me ask you this: What criteria are you using to discern truth? You’re on a forum where people use 5 year deltas because so my things q posted didn’t line up at the time they were originally posted.
And you are simply ignorant of the fact that such technology can seldom be hidden, as it derives from ALL technology.
UFOs are UFOs and have been around since the late 1940s. We know nothing more now than we knew then. No secret UFO technology being used. Navy patents are only worth the paper they are printed on. A patent only secures potential legal rights; it is not evidence of a practical technology. Re the Israeli space program head: sauce much?
The appropriate criteria are knowledge of the subject matter. Getting jacked up over public relations releases is not remotely discerning.
I think this is what the OP is saying. You can take an actual event (real) and spin propaganda around to fit their agenda. Just like a school shooting real event and spin in your agenda with false info.
When it comes to weather events, don't put it past them to orchestrate a tornado with HAARP something like it.
Easier for "them" to orchestrate a tornado with a dowsing rod than with HAARP. You want to jump in and correct someone, but you don't know beans about the technology.
You can spin propaganda around an F5 tornado if you're the ones causing it.
Updooted for your tag to thermodynamics. Real physicists, as opposed to 'ok, I'm bought, now pay me to put my kids through college' physicists, know that it doesn't matter what %age of the atmosphere consists of radiative gases.
Even though such gases absorb excess surface infra-red radiation, they can only re-emit it at their local temperature. In any Standard Atmosphere their emission temperature must be lower than the surface temperature.
Next time anyone is on an airliner with a snazzy in-flight display, note the Outside Air Temperature displayed at, eg, 37000 ft. It'll be around -57F (very similar to -57C).
If the Standard Atmosphere "average"*** surface temperature is warmer than this (+15C, by definition), how the diddly feck squat can a bollock-freezing atmosphere cause an already warmer surface to become warmer? Rhetorical: it's because magic happens. Funding appears. It pays useful idiots to glue themselves to things in a global campaign to suck us dry with globy warmy taxes and land us all with another means of control via a personal 'carbon' allowance in the social credit system.
*** On any rotating planet in a solar system, there is no physical concept of a "Global Mean Surface Temperature". To have such, it would mean that, if I had my top half in a furnace, with my bottom half in a freezer, on average, I'd be fine. Laughable.
As an expert in the field, I must correct you.
Infrared absorptive-emissive gases absorb and emit the upwelling IR emission from the Earth. They do so without regard to the temperature of the gas, since the gas is already in equilibrium with the radiation field (neither gains nor releases energy). There is no "emission temperature" for molecular radiation, just the absorption/emission bandwidth.
It is the same reason that the temperature of a mirror (or frosted glass) does not change the spectrum of radiation being reflected from it. The greenhouse gases (H2O and CO2) effectively scatter the Earth emission into an upward component which leaves to space and balances the Sun's radiative input, and a downward component which is reabsorbed by the Earth's surface in addition to the Sun's radiative input. In order to emit this increased load, the Earth emission temperature must be higher than were a greenhouse effect not present.
There are no "physical concepts" of statistical variables. Just because the "average family" doesn't really have 2.7 children, does not mean there is no meaning to the average value. But the only complaint about the validity of a mean temperature is the meticulousness of its derivation. We each of us have a mean body temperature measured by a thermometer---but we aren't so silly as to claim we have no temperature.
Don't know where to start typing as I'm still wiping the tears away following your reply. It amounts to no more than a cut'n paste from Skeptical Science (lol). It affirms that you haven't a clue regarding the vital differences between energy, temperature, and heat.
I loved it how you got bullshit phrases in, such as the 1st paragraph in your body text: "Infrared absorptive-emissive gases absorb and emit the upwelling IR emission from the Earth. They do so without regard to the temperature of the gas, since the gas is already in equilibrium with the radiation field (neither gains nor releases energy). There is no "emission temperature" for molecular radiation, just the absorption/emission bandwidth".
Surely the winner of the Plausible Bollocks Award of all time.
Nothing happens "without regard" to temperature. You are clearly ignorant of the fact that every entity in the universe is rushing to get to 0K (absolute zero). The laws of physics, in this case, the 4 laws of thermodynamics, is what keeps the universe honest.
To summarise, for my hard of thinking and "expert in the field", the 4 Laws of Thermodynamicss are, in plain language:
Temperaature is a physical quantity in its own right. You can't win, you can only break even. You can only break even if you can get to absolute Zero. You can never get to absolute Zero.
If you know any better, I have some beautiful ocean-front developments in Arizona which might attract interests from people such as yourself.
Just kidding. This guy hasn't had a chance, given the "education" he's had. Cut him some slack.
That website is 100% speculation, sensationalism, and dot-connection (they nicely provide lots of dots). No basis for expecting HAARP to "cause" weather. The atmospheric layers are too far separated for that.
according to wikipedia/personal life, Toby Keith has been fighting stomach cancer since June 2022
Yes, he cancelled all his concerts last summer.
Neil Diamond sang Sweet Caroline as part of Boston Strong after Boston Marathon Bombing fake news.
Eh what about all the Ukraine war footage posted daily on instaslava??? Literally new footage all day every day.
How do you keep people that were at these false events from saying nothing is happening??
You are probably thinking of the "Intel Slava Z" Telegram channel. It's all real. Nothing fake about it. Much of it is taken from Ukrainian social media (especially the troop messages cursing out the Ukrainian leadership, and the forests of flags at Ukrainian cemeteries). The "hoax" is the triumphalist propaganda coming from the Ukraine side, beating their chests and spitting on the Russians.
Ya that’s the channel.
Just the same as arsonist putting a forest on fire and blaming it on climate change.
Ukraine is not a movie, it's the cabal defending their last stronghold, it's do or die for them.
i like the part where VPOTUS Biden leverages loan guarantees to get Ukrainian prosecutor fired, then bragged about it to CFR.
i especially enjoyed being gas-lit by people who tell me Biden was working under his official authority, and jurisdiction.
UKRAINE: The Elephant in the Room
link in OP is bad. won't let me edit OP, too many characters.
try these links instead.
crazy stuff. those links had good results the first time i clicked on them, but then the next time i clicked on them, all of the twitter search results were gone. its like they hide what you are looking for, and they know what you are looking for by what you search for ..
It is not a coincidence that NPR was conceived at Wingspread in Racine, Wisconsin.
"let an idiot, remain an idiot" ~ Dzhokhar Tsarnaev
Impressive length 👆
Question, are you saying these never took place at all? Or that all of these took place but the way the occurred was a planned attack conducted by our government?
Because all of these things literally happened and there are many people on this site, specifically in these comments, that were at a lot of these locations or nearby them.
So there are 2 completely different arguments to this point. Either A) All of this shit was faked and no one died or was injured. Or B) All of these took place and were coordinated and conducted by our government and media to cause fear and panic.
You provided some good insights for questioning everything and not to trust government narratives. IMHO, you ought to return using the movie analogy and refrain from using the word hoax though. You seem to have mixed hoaxes with FF and real events, to which the official narrative is all-too-often never true. There really was a BP oil spill. Was it sabotage? We don't know. Who benefited? The Las Vegas shooting did really happen, but the official narrative is complete BS. It is the same with the Donbass war. It's real, but the official narrative is false.
“Wag the Dog”. Highly recommended. Mamet at his best
Very nice, fren. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
It's not fiction, it's reality.
says who?
It's a shitty real life, but it's real nonetheless!
imagine being so egotistical and arrogant, that you actually assume your own personal, subjective reality is somehow shared by others.
You're really right, a lot of people think everything is perfectly normal and that things are improving too!
Yes, everything in our so-called "Reality" is scripted down to the most minute detail.
Well-written and excellent post, OP.
Good post, but don't get mentally dizzy interpreting it. It's not ALL fake news, the DS motive is to confuse you as much as possible, not to completely lie to you all the time. Half truths do exist. It's a psychological war, as you said, and if someone believes it's ALL lies, then we would have a MUCH heavier ignorance problem than we do now. The goal is to separate truth from lies for us, and the formula for fact finding is dynamic and constantly changing.
"we will know our disinformation program is complete, when everything the american public believes is false"
~ William Casey, CIA director, explaining the true role of the CIA to his boss, President Ronald Reagan.
Reagan wasn't the boss of the CIA lol, it's not even a legitimate government entity. That isn't to say Reagan wasn't "installed", because in a sense he was. He definitely wasn't a Trump like some appear to compare him to. He was from hollywood. GHWB was the boss of the CIA, who then succeeded Reagan.
Not a hoax. Someone just pranked the news station. That's it.
are you seriously citing the fake news media?
I commented to this and not response from you. Please help me understand. Thanks!!!!!!
so, theres a plane crash, and someone decides to "prank" the news station, and the news station fell for it...
are you sure you aren't the one being pranked?
it was a fake airplane crash.
mass casualty DRILL
mass casualty EXERCISE
they do these drills/exercises almost every day of the year,
but sometimes some gullible fools believe they are real, just because the news media told them it was real.
So what was the big hoax of flight 214 crash in San Francisco? Did the plane not crash? Please show us the sauce of this hoax please! Thanks!!!
BTW, since you like Wikipedia... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asiana_Airlines_Flight_214
Near the top, scroll to: "Crew and passengers" Lee Jeong-min, Lee Kang-kuk, Bong Dong-won, Lee Jong-joo
Near the bottom, scroll to: "In popular culture" They discuss the prank there.
NTSB Link, about the crash, on Wikipedia... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:NTSB_Accident_Report,_Asiana_Airlines_Flight_214.pdf
Remember 10 years ago, in 2012, When the Sandy Hook School Shooting allegedly happened?
Remember how every time people would start discussing how FAKE this shooting was, some clown would come out of the woodwork and claim that their relative was killed in Sandy Hook.
Well, those clowns never went away, and they are here at GA, making the same bullshit claims.
If you bring up any fake news event, some clown quickly shows up to claim that they were personally involved somehow, and have personal knowledge, that they can never seem to be able to corroborate with any actual evidence.
Dude, if you knew just how many randos who's cousin went to Sandy Hook I have debated this issue with on the internet, you would die from laughing so hard...
Apparently, about half of Reddit's userbase has a cousin that went to Sandy Hook and SHE told them it was totally real fr fr no cap straight up bussin'.
"It's all so tiresome"
I have seen zspruders film showing JFK assassination was a hoax and he himself and Jackie took part in the hoax
The Boston Marathon Bombing (BMB) was a PLANNED Mass Casualty Event / Mass Casualty Incident/
The BMB was done under the DHS program code named Urban Shield.
FEMA Deputy Administrator Richard Serino was the incident commander of the planned event.
Others blamed the radio audience for its credulity. Noting that any intelligent listener would have realized the broadcast was fictional, the Chicago Tribune opined,
"it would be more tactful to say that some members of the radio audience are a trifle retarded mentally, and that many a program is prepared for their consumption."
if BMB doesn't make sense as a false flag, then ask yourself why it makes sense as a real terror attack.
what did they actually gain?
what was their motive?
did they ever leave a fake manifesto, to explain their obscure motive?