karmapatriot-The talking heads are LOSING their minds— how dare these #MAGA candidates choose transparency & public debate over sneaky deals behind closed doors?!?
All he had to do was ...
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Sauce: https://twitter.com/DerrickEvans_WV/status/1610393104263139335
thanks bubble
Great find fren! We are all enjoying with popcorn, but these simple facts make the enjoyment even more fun.
It's much worse than that.
McCarthy has been suborned. That means he's effectively an agent of the globalist agenda. Put him in a position to control the house agenda and watch what happens.
A promise from McCarthy is just another cheap lie.
But President Trump endorsed him. Maybe McCarthy is a turncoat, or just a spineless politician, but we know that President Trump is a master of 5d chess. If he says he's good, then we need to move forward. This stalling tactic is senseless.
Trump endorsing a rino isn't going to have the meaning you perceive. When Trump supports a maga person, he is 100% behind them. When Trump endorses a rino, all of the swamp donkeys who the rino is working with and cooporating with behind the scenes will now start to question whether the rino is "their person" anymore. This also tends to have the Trump 180 effect, when Trump says something, the left/cabal automatically say things in complete opposition. Look Trump "supports" Mccarthy, guess we have to pick some other rino we have dirt on, that guy flipped...
just throwing it out there for consideration, but maybe certain actors/white hats in the know are supposed to ignore certain endorsements. maybe it's to show to the world that we aren't just sheep following 1 man. maybe it's 5D chess to prevent dems from voting for McCarthy. trump also endorsed the gene therapies but we didn't all run out and get jabbed.
while I happen to believe Trump is a white hat, my mind allows for a possibility, no matter how slim, that he's not. therefore following everything he says blindly is not prudent
Wow, Bubble. You are a good bubble to find this.
What can I say, I love sauce!
Pushing for term limits is a pretty big deal.
I’d rather fix the election process. And repeal 17th amendment. I’m not sure term limits would change much but worth a shot.
His overlords will kill him if he agrees to those 4 things.
His ambitions dead and all the dirty things he sold his soul for will be for naught if he doesn't agree.
Glad i'm not on team evil as an undercover rhino.
Q: what would make him follow through on those promises once in?
Freedom caucus for the win
Fair Tax or Fairtax?
Because Fair Tax isn't Fairtax.
All 4 are anti-Cabal goals and therefore hated by the uniparty
Can we also add repeal the 1913 laws?
16th amendment (income tax) 17th amendment (direct election of senators) The Federal Reserve
19th amendment too.
Well yes that too. :)
Surprised he doesn't say yes and then piss up a rope later on. Easy peasy.
What force/law requires McDipshit to actually follow through with said empty promises?
Because there is also a 5th that was not mentioned: A rule that makes it easy to vote the Speaker out once he is in.
Pelosi changed it to make it difficult to remove the Speaker, and Freedom Caucus wants to change it back to the way it was for 100+ years.
The old rule made the Speaker accountable, which is why Grandma Vodka did not like it.
Grandma Vodka however was very accountable to her globalist base. Why would they get rid of the ringleader?
Release of the J6 video and docs is 10000% more important.
And then McRINO boi can agree to all these things and then not do them.
if mccarthy agreed to any of these in order to be voted in as speaker, what says he would keep any promise?
Only 4?
Would term limits need to be an amendment? I know there's nothing about it in the Constitution, but still.
You realize that the title of a statute means absolutely nothing, right?
The Banking Privacy Act destroys your privacy.
The Patriot Act is big-government, not pro-freedom.