I still don't believe we are seeing the real biden. It looks like someone is trying to stretch his face to turn it into Jeff Dunham's puppet Walter which he just did in his latest comedy special turning Walter into Biden.
I saw that screenshot yesterday and brushed it off as a Photoshopped photo. It's a video of the cretin with his face like that? Who is doing it and why?
He is totally turning into that nasty old Simpson's character, Mr Burns!
More like that pedo old man with the walker.
...and July 6? ** JULY** 6??!! Did this actor hit the bong just before coming onto the podium?
Hmmm. Jeff Dunham's Walter with dark glasses. 😉
More like grandpa Abe Simpson.
That video is manipulated, I saw the original and that is not it.
Even having never viewed the original you can tell.
I still don't believe we are seeing the real biden. It looks like someone is trying to stretch his face to turn it into Jeff Dunham's puppet Walter which he just did in his latest comedy special turning Walter into Biden.
it's fake
Naw dude. They never posted this.
But this was from the official Twitter:
He doesnt even blink in that...
I saw that screenshot yesterday and brushed it off as a Photoshopped photo. It's a video of the cretin with his face like that? Who is doing it and why?
That is the one with the attached earlobes. The REAL Joe Biden did NOT have attached earlobes. I wonder which basement he is in?
One would hope at Gitmo.
THAT would be a nice thought, maybe with Obama and Hillary!
Lifeless eyes... Black eyes, like a doll's eyes (and all squinty too)
Reminds me of Bevis and Butthead
He's stupid, but this is edited: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-says-wrong-day-january-6-ceremony-honoring-officers-remembers-what-happened-july-6
That's a Sims.
Anything that you can fully understand… Right? Because he’s so much smarter than us. L O L.
"Which one of you rat bastards farted?"
shitpost flair?
It's a mix of the two
I get Bevis & Butthead vibe off of this
About five comments down when you click on it. It's an altered video.