They like to say it's covid. Only problem for them is, the "suddenly died" did not start when covid started, but when the jabs started, i.e., one year later. Only argument they have left, is to call it long time (delayed) effect of covid...
Remind them that unjabbed people got Covid (because they weren't jabbed, duh) and aren't dropping dead, only the vaxxed are, then sit back and watch the Olympic-metal-worthy mental gymnastics.
Obviously Sudden Adult Death Syndrome which is only now being recognized as a thing because, uhhh, <checks notes>, climate change! Also, why are you asking these questions instead of watching the Pelosi or black guy getting beaten to death videos like you're supposed to?
everyone knows it's the global warming, cow's farts, exciting Avatar 2, cold weather, and commotio cordis.
Taking showers...drinking coffee...eating eggs
Don't forget throwing heavy down comforters when making your bed, is now a hazard.
Also, napping and gardening.
Its stroke season.
Turns out getting out of bed in the morning has become the most dangerous thing they can do lol
They like to say it's covid. Only problem for them is, the "suddenly died" did not start when covid started, but when the jabs started, i.e., one year later. Only argument they have left, is to call it long time (delayed) effect of covid...
I’m seeing people try and gaslight it by saying this has always been the case, we’re just paying attention now.
Remind them that unjabbed people got Covid (because they weren't jabbed, duh) and aren't dropping dead, only the vaxxed are, then sit back and watch the Olympic-metal-worthy mental gymnastics.
It’s raycisms guys. Come on mang.
Dr. Simone Gold (twitter)
"From January 2021 to present, 1101 athletes died from cardiac arrest.
Over a prior 38 years (1966-2004), 1101 athletes under the age of 35 died due to various heart conditions.
The same number of athletes died in the last TWO years as compared to a prior 38 years."
Someone told me it is because of Long Covid. My question is then why it seems to be only vaxxed people who are dying of "Long Covid"?
Climate change. And eggs.
White supremacy and climate change you racist!! Lol
Why aren't the unvaxxed suddenly dying?
Obviously Sudden Adult Death Syndrome which is only now being recognized as a thing because, uhhh, <checks notes>, climate change! Also, why are you asking these questions instead of watching the Pelosi or black guy getting beaten to death videos like you're supposed to?