Are you sitting down? Alberta Canada's former chief medical officer of health, Dr. Deena Hinshaw, who led Alberta's disastrously inept COVID-19 response (and who was removed immediately after premiere Danielle Smith took office), has landed a new role in British Columbia. UNBELIEVABLE.

I almost flipped every table in my house when I read this so, I've marked this NSFW and just in case, lol. This is one of the most un-fucking believable things I have ever read in this entire covid pandemic bs. This woman is a complete incompetent nightmare but British Columbia has always been worse. They are more like California and it's in retrospect absolutely no surprise to see this
She’s doing exactly what she’s told. This isn’t incompetence
Notice that everywhere we turn the top level people are these doctors enacting horrific regulations that are breaking people? Nazi genocide. Operation paperclip
That's exactly the line of thinking I arrived at while hussein was squatting in the white hut.
No matter who gets control of an office the agenda moves forward. Same shit different flavor. There has to be a higher control.
Go flip tables now:
I do wish the NSFW label was used properly, instead of for dramatic effect. But interesting post nonetheless.
I could photoshop some boobies on her, but nobody would buy it.
These people are like Wack-A-Mole. You get rid of them in one place, they show up somewhere else.
she will enjoy that gig until she dies suddenly.
Depending on where she is in the hierarchy, she may not have taken the poison she promoted.
It only seems like they fail upwards to us. However, their overlords order them to be as destructive as possible. So their metric of success is simply inverted. Inside their hierarchy, they are actually being rewarded for their success. Same as the dress wearing dude in the Xiden regime (the fat ugly one, might not narrow it down but I tried). Normies need to wake up and realize none of what is happening is by accident. They are rewarded for what they are expected to carry out.
Excellent comment. Highlights a very important understanding and way of thinking. They are NOT failing. They are succeeding. This is a very necessary step in the recognition that we are at war. Not with stupid people, but with evil people.
I live in BC and this disgusts me.
I used to live in BC and this disgusts me. My condolences. I sure hope all my friends get outta that province fast as they become California.
I grew up in the Interior (Shuswap) in the 70s/80s. Family still there. Makes me sad. It was wonderful or we were just naïve. Thank goodness for my migration to the Lone Star state. Still Love B.C. Beautiful British Columbia.
Hi!! I’m from the Shu also. Living in Alberta now but head back up to Seymour Arm every summer. When were you there and what town?? We share about the same vintage.
lol. The Shu. Never heard that. Family all on the North Shore community. Have properties/cabins in Seymour Arm. I was back last in 2012 summer, took RV trip from Texas with my family.
Lol…. For sure we know each other. I grew up north shore. If you went to school in Chase you probably had one of my parents as a teacher.
Haha, that's great
That's the very reason why these people need to be locked up. The 'whack-a-mole' game is never won when tyrants are the moles.
This witch basically wrote a blog post designated May 28th 2021 that if you were outside and passed food, or water to someone that they'd be eligible for a fine - and in that same blog post she increased the fine to 5 000 dollars. I was one of the lucky ones to get a 2500 dollar ticket for ... well i was never told what but either way the intimidation didn't work. I ripped up the polices court injunction while detained and never paid the fine. They can suck it.
One of the core tenants to leftists leadership is the "fail upwards" model.
Everyone rises to their level of incompetence.
Seems they won't go away until they're worm food.🙄
She's like trying to scrape dog crap off of your shoes.
No matter what, her stench still lingers around for a long time.
Why???? BC is such a beautiful area to have such shitty liberal politics.
It's absolutely tragic. I've been to 80% of every town in BC
She LOOKS like a Karen.
One hand washes another.
She looks burnable
I think she needs a bunch of boosters.
More info…Some links to check out https://gettr.com/post/p271lli9beb https://gettr.com/post/p270pwfd53a
failing upwards. she must be a good, corrupt little muppet.
Now the question is, who was she screwing to get that job?
It’s not unbelievable at all par for the course
what we allow - will continue.
Congrats to the people of BC on their newly-hired head reptile.
Ah crap.... I live in BC.