The planet is not 6000 years old. That was a time contrived by one man and I'm inclined to believe he was compromised or just wrong. The flood was 12800 years ago and before that, man was ruled by the fallen for at least a quarter million years. Numerous sources point to the flood being 12000~ years ago vs one source the entire world is 6000 years old. Research it and see for yourself. Not a solid figure by any stretch.
12,800 years ago was the end of the last ice age. The planet rapidly warmed and miles of ice sheets melted from the Northern and Southern landmasses. This undoubtedly caused a rapid sea level rise of over 400 feet in a very short period of time. It is speculated that this was the Great Flood that has been recorded by dozens of different cultures around the world. All of these time periods are based upon carbon 14 dating. Unfortunately the carbon dating calculations rely on a fixed percentage of carbon 14 on the earth. We now know that meteorites have added carbon 14 to our environment. This skews the calculations. Human civilizations may be far older than originally theorized. Advanced civilizations that predated the last Ice Age may have been possible. The somewhat commonly held Christian belief that Adam and Eve were created about 6k years ago is based upon adding the geneological ages of all the descendents from the book of Genesis from Adam to Jesus. I haven't done any personal research into this theory, but it seems to me that there must be something missing from this equation. The unearthing of Gobekli Tepe and an approximate age of 12,000 years BC, makes the 6,000 year timeline seem a bit off.
Yes, it's an unfortunate wives tale that took off without much criticism. There are numerous artifacts and ruins around the world that run in complete conflict with that figure. I strongly believe our story is far older and this age since the flood is just one small chapter in our story. I'm afraid many of the more extreme stories in the bible, giants and demons, may be true.
As far as I am concerned, many of the world "mythology" may hold more fact than fiction. People seem to think that people were stupid back in the old days. They base this off the Dark Ages where the corrupt Catholic church directed the beliefs of their followers. I believe ancient tribes may have had more accurate oral history than some of our written records. The oral histories would be somewhat difficult to change without tribe members noticing. This makes me wonder what fantastical stories may actually be true. Giants, extra terrestrial visitations, super human "gods" that acted more like petty humans with great power. The Bible may hold the key to some of these with angel/human hybrids "Nephalim" that were "giants". Many believe this was to be translated, not as literal, but as powerful beings. It seems possible that either is possible. Who knows, I guess it is simply a mental exercise, but as a curiosity, I would like to know the truth. If the Vatican or governments are hoarding information, it would be nice to have all of it revealed.
I strongly believe in the next decade the truth will be revealed. I think the events that are coming will force the truth out into the open... Fascinating time to be alive.
I find it strange that most people here understand that theyre lying to us about the temperature of our own planet due to climate change but then think theyre telling the truth about the temperature of Venus just fuckin lol.
When I was 17,18, a man I greatly respect would tell me based on current affairs 30 years ago we were for sure living in the last gasps, maybe 5 years left.
The fact that the climate of Earth changes is not in dispute. Most of us are quite aware that this planet has undergone dramatic changes in climate. The issue at hand is people using changes in weather to suggest that human beings are causing rapid catastrophic climate changes to impose geopolitical tyranny. The ability of scientists to measure phenomena is not hindered when the topic has no geopolitical relevance. Ergo, non-political scientific observations may very well be accurate. There are some interesting changes occurring within our solar system, however what this may lead to is pure speculation.
are you saying that the planet is currently undergoing some sort of dramatic, measurable climate change right now? for the past 50 years? can you show me what evidence makes you believe that? if you think so called space travel and astronomy and NASA are free from the influence of a geopolitical agenda, you are naive. perhaps youre one of the "trust the science" types. I on the other hand, believe that they faked the moon landings, and theyre faking the ISS & mars rover. So I do not believe they can measure the temperature of Venus, either.
As always, you are free to believe what you want. The fact is that science is real and there are many venues for scientific exploration and discovery. As far as climate change goes, no I don't believe that there has been a dramatic change in climate over the last 50 years, what I am saying is that there are direct factors that can have a large impact on the climate of this earth. The sun is the single largest influencing factor on our climate, this is distantly followed by our moon and the other planets in the solar system. The sun, being the largest factor, undergoes cyclic changes that have been measured by careful observation. There is the 11 year solar cycle that varies magnetic fields from the sun and results in varying effects of the ionosphere. The sun also has longer duration cycles that can span decades or even centuries. The last solar minimum resulted in a mini ice age somewhere between the early 15th century to around the early to mid 16th century. Global temperatures were lowered and temperatures resulted in a dramatic change in food production. As far as the moon landing goes, I have watched and read many of the theories that the moon landing was fake, once again people are free to believe whatever they want. There are some fairly convincing bits of evidence that a vessel did travel to the moon and did return. Whether or not it contained humans is up for debate, but since the Russians were tracking the object via observatory telescope and radar, it would be difficult to fake an object traveling to the moon and back. The video of the moon landing may have been faked, but dozens of observatories around the world were actively watching whenever they were within line of sight. It is possible to believe that some observatory personnel could be convinced to go along with an elaborate conspiracy theory, however I very much doubt that hostile countries would have been convinced to go along with it, in particular, the former Soviet Union would not let an opportunity to expose a deception of this magnitude and allow the US to claim a scientific coup. There was a race between the Soviets and the US to reach the moon. The Soviets managed to place a dog in orbit before the US could manage the same feat. Needless to say, the evidence for something going to the moon and back is fairly apparent, but this does not rule out the faking of the video imagery or the radio broadcasts. I do not have evidence to support that, and it may very well have been forged, but I am convinced that we did send a vehicle to the moon and it did return. Finally, I actually do work in the scientific fields and have done so since 1993. Considering that I have never faked results and have never had my findings disputed nor been ever asked to alter my processes or results, I do believe that real science does exist, since it has no geopolitical ramifications. There are also many areas within the vast array of scientific disciplines that are not corrupted, and seeing as how atmospheric density can be measure by diffraction of light bending around Venus can lend itself to an accurate reading of change of temperature in the atmosphere, I don't see why you would not believe these results since it has no geopolitical ramifications. So No, I am not naive, simply aware of the processes that can be used to measure a change on another planet within our solar system. By the way, this same method is utilized to determine the makeup of an atmosphere on foreign planets to determine what gases are present.
too much in one comment for me to respond to and no paragraphs- not sure if that's intentional or not. I am well aware of the methodologies used for these so called scientific pursuits lol. what I am simply saying is that NASA and by extension, all space agencies, are as untrustworthy as it gets. They have been caught lying, faking, and obfuscating over & over & over. The data that you rely on to draw your conclusions comes from these entities. Arguing that "hostile nations" would expose a conspiracy isn't really an argument against the abundance of evidence of fakery. The history of men has been faked- it is likely that the history of geology is equally inaccurate. People pretending to know all about the climate of hundreds or thousands of years ago are just as trustworthy as those claiming to know what the climate is going to be tens hundreds or thousands of years into the future lol. To you & I, Venus is simply a light above our heads. The supposed existence of other planets orbiting distant stars? We're gonna just have to trust the science on that one lol. You can go ahead and keep trusting NASA- I choose not to believe just 1 more organization part of a government that has its entire history composed of making shit up for one justification or another.
These observations aren't made by NASA. Astronomical observations are made by Observatories, not just here in the US, but around the world. Since there aren't issues with geopolitical ramifications, there is no point in corrupting the data. Your fixation with NASA borders on obsession. I did not imply NASA was responsible for these scientific observations. Not all science has been corrupted.
my obsession with NASA lol. you seem like one of these people who pretends they know everything about space and its wonders & mysteries. I am going to help you try to see the truth. what are the names of the observatories/space based telescopes that are making the observations for determining the atmospheric composition of interstellar planets, and for intrasolar planets?
We had a rare planetary alignment of the entire solar system this past summer. We also have a green comet here now after 50,000 years since its last appearance. Some of the events coincide with the overthrow or power change in previous world empires.
Here is the planetary alignment which starts off talking about the 5 visible planets but also adds more later in the article. This one had 8 planets plus the moon including Earth. There was an alignment with this one including I believe a star or two that made it either first time in 400 years or 1100 years. Two events hit those dates last year that I haven't dug up which or what they were.
I'll keep digging for more. I remember as these different events happened that they could be tied to space travel as Q told us we are not alone in the vastness of space.
Whatever happens in the cosmos is always fascinating. I just read the other day that you could fit all the planets in the space between the earth and the moon. Pretty cool when you think about it.
Isaiah 24:20 "The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall be removed like a cottage; and the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it; and it shall fall, and not rise again."
There is stuff coming in the future that makes all cataclysm movies seem like a playground fight. Planetary Cataclysms are a cycle. About every 6500 years, said Thomas. (I think they're more likely every 13000 years.)
Think of tsunamis that are two miles high crashing into the coasts. Imagine 1000 mph winds. The surface of the Earth is scoured clean. Only those with underground bunkers will survive. Think the 13 Families.
Galactic current sheet is arriving, see suspicious0bservers on youtube. Its a 12,000 year cycle
its all about the sun. i worked at a solar observatory for a time. S0 is awesome.
I bet you don't miss all the squinting you had to do!
Earth is flat as a piece of paper there is no core....
Lol just kidding.
3 narratives are in play
1)Great Reset
2)Great Awakening
3)Great tribulation
I'm going with #3, with everything I've seen and learned.
And it has happened before. More than once.
Well, I have a theory about that. And here's my theory.
My theory is that 6,000 years ago, God made everything, and 4,400 years ago, there was a flood.
The planet is not 6000 years old. That was a time contrived by one man and I'm inclined to believe he was compromised or just wrong. The flood was 12800 years ago and before that, man was ruled by the fallen for at least a quarter million years. Numerous sources point to the flood being 12000~ years ago vs one source the entire world is 6000 years old. Research it and see for yourself. Not a solid figure by any stretch.
12,800 years ago was the end of the last ice age. The planet rapidly warmed and miles of ice sheets melted from the Northern and Southern landmasses. This undoubtedly caused a rapid sea level rise of over 400 feet in a very short period of time. It is speculated that this was the Great Flood that has been recorded by dozens of different cultures around the world. All of these time periods are based upon carbon 14 dating. Unfortunately the carbon dating calculations rely on a fixed percentage of carbon 14 on the earth. We now know that meteorites have added carbon 14 to our environment. This skews the calculations. Human civilizations may be far older than originally theorized. Advanced civilizations that predated the last Ice Age may have been possible. The somewhat commonly held Christian belief that Adam and Eve were created about 6k years ago is based upon adding the geneological ages of all the descendents from the book of Genesis from Adam to Jesus. I haven't done any personal research into this theory, but it seems to me that there must be something missing from this equation. The unearthing of Gobekli Tepe and an approximate age of 12,000 years BC, makes the 6,000 year timeline seem a bit off.
Yes, it's an unfortunate wives tale that took off without much criticism. There are numerous artifacts and ruins around the world that run in complete conflict with that figure. I strongly believe our story is far older and this age since the flood is just one small chapter in our story. I'm afraid many of the more extreme stories in the bible, giants and demons, may be true.
As far as I am concerned, many of the world "mythology" may hold more fact than fiction. People seem to think that people were stupid back in the old days. They base this off the Dark Ages where the corrupt Catholic church directed the beliefs of their followers. I believe ancient tribes may have had more accurate oral history than some of our written records. The oral histories would be somewhat difficult to change without tribe members noticing. This makes me wonder what fantastical stories may actually be true. Giants, extra terrestrial visitations, super human "gods" that acted more like petty humans with great power. The Bible may hold the key to some of these with angel/human hybrids "Nephalim" that were "giants". Many believe this was to be translated, not as literal, but as powerful beings. It seems possible that either is possible. Who knows, I guess it is simply a mental exercise, but as a curiosity, I would like to know the truth. If the Vatican or governments are hoarding information, it would be nice to have all of it revealed.
I strongly believe in the next decade the truth will be revealed. I think the events that are coming will force the truth out into the open... Fascinating time to be alive.
You're telling me that most of Genesis is false.
However, since you did not prove you are God by rising from the dead, I'm going to believe Jesus instead.
Jesus don't say anything about the age of the earth, that was an extrapolation by a 19th c Irish bishop, it was only his opinion and nothing more.
Jesus said nothing of the Earth's age. Pushing the age of the Earth back in no way discredits Genesis.
I've got to give you credit for that one. Awesome flick. Great reference there, wrench.
I find it strange that most people here understand that theyre lying to us about the temperature of our own planet due to climate change but then think theyre telling the truth about the temperature of Venus just fuckin lol.
When I was 17,18, a man I greatly respect would tell me based on current affairs 30 years ago we were for sure living in the last gasps, maybe 5 years left.
We see what we want to see.
The fact that the climate of Earth changes is not in dispute. Most of us are quite aware that this planet has undergone dramatic changes in climate. The issue at hand is people using changes in weather to suggest that human beings are causing rapid catastrophic climate changes to impose geopolitical tyranny. The ability of scientists to measure phenomena is not hindered when the topic has no geopolitical relevance. Ergo, non-political scientific observations may very well be accurate. There are some interesting changes occurring within our solar system, however what this may lead to is pure speculation.
are you saying that the planet is currently undergoing some sort of dramatic, measurable climate change right now? for the past 50 years? can you show me what evidence makes you believe that? if you think so called space travel and astronomy and NASA are free from the influence of a geopolitical agenda, you are naive. perhaps youre one of the "trust the science" types. I on the other hand, believe that they faked the moon landings, and theyre faking the ISS & mars rover. So I do not believe they can measure the temperature of Venus, either.
As always, you are free to believe what you want. The fact is that science is real and there are many venues for scientific exploration and discovery. As far as climate change goes, no I don't believe that there has been a dramatic change in climate over the last 50 years, what I am saying is that there are direct factors that can have a large impact on the climate of this earth. The sun is the single largest influencing factor on our climate, this is distantly followed by our moon and the other planets in the solar system. The sun, being the largest factor, undergoes cyclic changes that have been measured by careful observation. There is the 11 year solar cycle that varies magnetic fields from the sun and results in varying effects of the ionosphere. The sun also has longer duration cycles that can span decades or even centuries. The last solar minimum resulted in a mini ice age somewhere between the early 15th century to around the early to mid 16th century. Global temperatures were lowered and temperatures resulted in a dramatic change in food production. As far as the moon landing goes, I have watched and read many of the theories that the moon landing was fake, once again people are free to believe whatever they want. There are some fairly convincing bits of evidence that a vessel did travel to the moon and did return. Whether or not it contained humans is up for debate, but since the Russians were tracking the object via observatory telescope and radar, it would be difficult to fake an object traveling to the moon and back. The video of the moon landing may have been faked, but dozens of observatories around the world were actively watching whenever they were within line of sight. It is possible to believe that some observatory personnel could be convinced to go along with an elaborate conspiracy theory, however I very much doubt that hostile countries would have been convinced to go along with it, in particular, the former Soviet Union would not let an opportunity to expose a deception of this magnitude and allow the US to claim a scientific coup. There was a race between the Soviets and the US to reach the moon. The Soviets managed to place a dog in orbit before the US could manage the same feat. Needless to say, the evidence for something going to the moon and back is fairly apparent, but this does not rule out the faking of the video imagery or the radio broadcasts. I do not have evidence to support that, and it may very well have been forged, but I am convinced that we did send a vehicle to the moon and it did return. Finally, I actually do work in the scientific fields and have done so since 1993. Considering that I have never faked results and have never had my findings disputed nor been ever asked to alter my processes or results, I do believe that real science does exist, since it has no geopolitical ramifications. There are also many areas within the vast array of scientific disciplines that are not corrupted, and seeing as how atmospheric density can be measure by diffraction of light bending around Venus can lend itself to an accurate reading of change of temperature in the atmosphere, I don't see why you would not believe these results since it has no geopolitical ramifications. So No, I am not naive, simply aware of the processes that can be used to measure a change on another planet within our solar system. By the way, this same method is utilized to determine the makeup of an atmosphere on foreign planets to determine what gases are present.
too much in one comment for me to respond to and no paragraphs- not sure if that's intentional or not. I am well aware of the methodologies used for these so called scientific pursuits lol. what I am simply saying is that NASA and by extension, all space agencies, are as untrustworthy as it gets. They have been caught lying, faking, and obfuscating over & over & over. The data that you rely on to draw your conclusions comes from these entities. Arguing that "hostile nations" would expose a conspiracy isn't really an argument against the abundance of evidence of fakery. The history of men has been faked- it is likely that the history of geology is equally inaccurate. People pretending to know all about the climate of hundreds or thousands of years ago are just as trustworthy as those claiming to know what the climate is going to be tens hundreds or thousands of years into the future lol. To you & I, Venus is simply a light above our heads. The supposed existence of other planets orbiting distant stars? We're gonna just have to trust the science on that one lol. You can go ahead and keep trusting NASA- I choose not to believe just 1 more organization part of a government that has its entire history composed of making shit up for one justification or another.
These observations aren't made by NASA. Astronomical observations are made by Observatories, not just here in the US, but around the world. Since there aren't issues with geopolitical ramifications, there is no point in corrupting the data. Your fixation with NASA borders on obsession. I did not imply NASA was responsible for these scientific observations. Not all science has been corrupted.
my obsession with NASA lol. you seem like one of these people who pretends they know everything about space and its wonders & mysteries. I am going to help you try to see the truth. what are the names of the observatories/space based telescopes that are making the observations for determining the atmospheric composition of interstellar planets, and for intrasolar planets?
I wonder if Venusian cow farts are causing their increase in temperature.
Maybe a return of supposed Planet X or Nibiru
Yes. I believe something is inbound.
Times have always been biblical.
Very good point.
Let me guess. Racism?
Careful, OP! Catsfive might ban you for talking about 'space' and not about Q.
Ye be warned...
Saturn come back around/ Lifts you up like a child/ Or drags you down like a stone To consume you till you Let this go
To consume you 'til you choose to let this go
Let go, let go, let go! LET GO! LET GO! LET GOOOOO!
We had a rare planetary alignment of the entire solar system this past summer. We also have a green comet here now after 50,000 years since its last appearance. Some of the events coincide with the overthrow or power change in previous world empires.
Any info?
Here is the Green Comet which last occurred 50,000 years ago.
Here is the planetary alignment which starts off talking about the 5 visible planets but also adds more later in the article. This one had 8 planets plus the moon including Earth. There was an alignment with this one including I believe a star or two that made it either first time in 400 years or 1100 years. Two events hit those dates last year that I haven't dug up which or what they were.,the%20sky%3A%20Mercury%2C%20Venus%2C%20Mars%2C%20Jupiter%2C%20and%20Saturn.
I'll keep digging for more. I remember as these different events happened that they could be tied to space travel as Q told us we are not alone in the vastness of space.
This one explains the moon being included last happened during the Civil War in 1864.
Best up to date info on pole shift.
CIA Classified 200pg book on THIS.
Whatever happens in the cosmos is always fascinating. I just read the other day that you could fit all the planets in the space between the earth and the moon. Pretty cool when you think about it.
Hotter than what?
I think he’s saying it is 33% hotter than it was before.
The mice will not be happy...Slartibartfast has some explaining to do.
Isaiah 24:20 "The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall be removed like a cottage; and the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it; and it shall fall, and not rise again."
Schumann Resonance is highly active also!
Only the north pole of the earth is shifting a lot. The south pole has remained fairly stable.
That is all make believe.
Read "The Adam & Eve Story" by Chan Thomas.
There is stuff coming in the future that makes all cataclysm movies seem like a playground fight. Planetary Cataclysms are a cycle. About every 6500 years, said Thomas. (I think they're more likely every 13000 years.)
Think of tsunamis that are two miles high crashing into the coasts. Imagine 1000 mph winds. The surface of the Earth is scoured clean. Only those with underground bunkers will survive. Think the 13 Families.
This video is an excellent summary of Thomas' book.
planet COMMS. none of this 'scientific' news is real, its just symbolic communication
Jupiter = government related news
Pluto = mkultra op related
Saturn = cabal related news
Moon (Other planet) = Location of archives
More moon comms in relation to locations
Rings (other planet) = control over a government (Works in concert with Moon of other planet)
Not false.
Jean-Pierre Jeunet's films are appropriate.
Delicatessen, The City Of Lost Children and Bigbugs amongst others.