Welcome to General Chat - GAW Community Area
This General Chat area started off as a place for people to talk about things that are off topic, however it has quickly evolved into a community and has become an intergral part of the GAW experience for many of us.
Based on it's evolving needs and plenty of user feedback, we are trying to bring some order and institute some rules. Please make sure you read these rules and participate in the spirit of this community.
Rules for General Chat
Be respectful to each other. This is of utmost importance, and comments may be removed if deemed not respectful.
Avoid long drawn out arguments. This should be a place to relax, not to waste your time needlessly.
Personal anecdotes, puzzles, cute pics/clips - everything welcome
Please do not spam at the top level. If you have a lot to post each day, try and post them all together in one top level comment
Try keep things light. If you are bringing in deep stuff, try not to go overboard.
Things that are clearly on-topic for this board should be posted as a separate post and not here (except if you are new and still getting the feel of this place)
If you find people violating these rules, deport them rather than start a argument here.
Feel free to give feedback as these rules are expected to keep evoloving
In short, imagine this thread to be a local community hall where we all gather and chat daily. Please be respectful to others in the same way
Questions: any current or former fascist book members remember several conservative groups and individuals like Milo Yianaolopos and have any info on them? Are they OK? In addition, I am grateful for all of you here. Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. I recognize no other authority. Have a blessed day everyone.
Update For those wondering about the Scrabble Tournament:
So far hubby's doing about as well as he expected with this particular tournament...But I'm still praying he can at least break even (win half / lose half) or a little ahead. The tournament uses a different dictionary than he is used to paying, and he has been out of tournament play for a while
What is your opinion on bananagrams?
Getting a bit of a workout at our place these days...
I like it, so does my hubby.
I'm a huge Scrabble fan. Once I was playing with 3 others and didn't see how I could possibly win. The end was approaching. Then my turn came and eurika! I had a 7 letter word AND somewhere to put it! Not only did I get it out onto a triple word score, but added to 2 words already on the board. SHAMPOO saved the day :D
Bingos do save the day- especially triple word score ones! Just a heads up- He's playing Collins and was hoping not to lose rating points. So far, he has gained a few, and if he continues to play well he could gain more.
It was a total fluke and absolutely glorious!
Hope your hubby does well.
I love flukes like that. :)
I’m pet sitting for the next few days, and I have access to Prime Video, Netflix, and Hulu. We have none of these at home for obvious reasons. But since I’m here for five days, does anybody have some suggestions on decent movies or series?
Just thinking I should take advantage of their services while I’m here.
I was going to suggest Better Call Saul but you won't have time to watch it all. Probably as well, its very violent later on. The first few episodes are safe.
Heck yeah, as long as someone else is paying, enjoy away. 😂
You should definitely watch the Stargate SG-1 show - its packed with declas from MJ-12.
Some good sci-fi: Firefly, Expanse (skip the first episode), Man in the high castle
Spy show: The Americans
Great comedy shows: Arrested Development, Better off Ted, Silicon Valley
Nice Mel Gibson movie that beautifully shows how CIA operates - Agent Game
That's a great list - I will try it, thanks.
The Americans reminded me of a great line in a movie about a young man who is mad about cycling. The father came out with: Why can't we have American food, like French Fries.
Also… Better off Ted, it was one of the best comedy shows that era
Thanks for the suggestions. I’ll check them out.
I’m pet sitting for the next five days. It’s a beautiful home, but they left me with a fridge, full of beer, bacon, and eggs! These people are just throwing their wealth around, LOL. I think I have a good gig here.
Thanks for the link. It went down around 4:00a-4:30a Eastern time this morning as well. I'd thought it might be normal system update activities, but perhaps GAW is under attack.
🙏Prayer Garden Podcast Episode 7: Caleb (u/Chikfilafan)🙏
ThankQ, chaplain!
What will change if the supreme court says the pandemic is over.(11 March).
Hopefully people won't have to show proof of vax to enter at the airport, non-citizens anyway. Afaik, that's currently still a thing
If that happens I will be able to visit.
Where from? Same requirements to enter where you are?
The UK. (Almost mistyped YUK)
Nice. I was there , 10 years ago or so. I was impressed with the dedication to the gardens or, at least landscaping in the countryside. The talking cameras in the city were kind of a buzz kill though
Answer of the Day:
Moving forward, in <progress>, inherently implies a <destination>. In a spacial sense, a destination is that place you are headed. The <method> of travel (foot, horse, car, seacraft, plane, etc) + the <territory> between <where you are> and the <destination> = the <course> for the movement forward.
In some if not most cases, traveling, which requires developing and implementing a <course>, requires constant adjustment of the <course> because you will sometimes only really understand the <terrain> in the <territory> when you encounter it directly.
A <map> is a conceptualization that describes the <territory> that is useful for choosing a <method> of travel and plotting a <course>. However, it's always important to keep in mind that the <map> ≠ <territory>. Overly associating with the <map> with the <territory> can lead to all sorts of problems. Eyes on the <map> and NOT on the <territory> or <terrain> can result in unnecessary setbacks and crashes, etc.
So while we live and move forward with the <map> of The Plan as we individually understand it, it's criticalt o be open to what th <terrain> is actually telling us, so that our <map> evolves properly. Being unable to develop your <map> as you move along may result in doomerism or unnecessary turmoil.
Now, consider all these elements, and apply the paradigm to any undertaking, such as the destination for GAW. Consider what we as a collective are attempting to achieve here at GAW. We engage with and participate in GAW as it is, and ideally benefit from what GAW is, but we should also be thinking about how I personally can improve or create more value for GAW, or help GAW to move forward to it's envisioned <destination>.
Another way to describe <destination> is <purpose>. When your <purpose> for being here is in alignment with the established <purpose> of GAW, you become a factor that moves GAW towards its appropriate and proper destination.
Who or what defines our <purpose> in life? As created beings, we have been created for a <purpose> and that <purpose> defines our intended destination. Similarly, as a nation, the United States was created for a <purpose>, and it has an intended <destination>.
(The level of unity between the <purpose> of the founders and the <purpose> of the Creator = the potential for the nation to fulfill the Creator's <purpose>.)
There are constant forces, both within us internally and outside us externally, that attempt to disrupt our progress or move us away from our true purpose and our true destination.
For humanity, discovering our true collective purpose and destination will be the greatest awakening of them all. So far, we have had excellent guidance and information, but as one person wrote: "now we see dimly, as in a mirror". The idea of the "Kingdom of God on Earth and in Heaven" has been necessarily abstract, conceptual, and informed by a lot of past ignorance.
The best is yet to come, and all the progress we can secure will become a foundation and a blessing for those who come after us. We are the custodians of their future. Let us live up to that trust.
Build your <map>, but never fail to remember: the <territory> is what counts. The <map> is just an instrument.
Apropos, as always.
What is this?
That's a question. What this is, is an answer.
An answer isn't really all that useful if the question isn't known
Depends. Perhaps the point is to look for the right question.
Any answer to an unquestioning mind is useless.
Perhaps the point is to start at the beginning, instead of making up answers and then trying to find questions that would suit them.
Any answer without substance isn't an answer
You seem unhappy or dissatisfied. What are you after? Do you want the question to which this is the answer? I can help, but frankly I'm concerned about your attitude.
Well, hang on. I'm the one who wrote and posted this. That means that I had a purpose (point) for doing so. If you wish you superimpose YOUR purpose and point on MY work, well, that's not going to work.
You asked, "what is this?" I'm happy to explore the topic, but if you only want things on your own terms, it's going to be pretty tough.
Yes modeler is a very angry person. I had to look up so many things for him the past couple days because "he couldn't find them on his own".. then he will continue bad mouthing you haha. He finds faults in everything but the vaccine apparently.
I'm in a hotel room currently, just finished some pork belly and veggies, and it's been a gorgeous gorgeous day. Right now all I'm after is a nice teeth brush and a roll into these covers as I crank the AC, and that's on the docket in the next 10 minutes.
I don't think you know the question to which this is the answer, because I don't think it's an answer. I think it's a nice thing you wrote, but mostly meaningless and at times deliberately vague (not unlike your standard horoscope).
I think your purpose was to get people to pay attention to you, which is fine and all, but you're pretending you're saying something monumental or important, when it's largely just platitudes with some creative little <flair> thrown in just to make it look fun.
Wow this was beautiful.
The man in prayer is a joy to God. He opens the way for the Creator to dwell, to come closer and be with his children, his creation, and his universe. He gave us the keys. It's up to us to turn to him and unlock the door.
A blessing on slechta5614
/u/gloryhallelujah22 got the answer I think. Congrats to them.
I personally always struggle with an Answer to these - my brain doesn't work that way.
This post gave me a lot of positive energy though, and a lot to reflect upon, and I appreciate it. Over to Corinthians with me. 😉
Also, yes, very Don Specularis. Kek. o7
Yeah, whatever happened to Don?
I'm sure he'll be back at some point. 😉
I mean, he himself has said such and such will be "his last post!" on more than one occasion. Can't fault him; I appreciate his high energy mysticism.
Q - What is awakening?
Sounds about right. Certainly part of the process.
Just wanna say that you guys are my family away from home.
Gettysburg, the movie. Watched again tonight and believe every American should watch it because nothing embodies America in a movie more than this. No monsters. All heros, North and South.
I have visited Gettysburg at least 15 times. I am married to a Civil War buff. He took me to Andersonville on our honeymoon for heaven's sake. I had been to every presentation available about Gettysburg. I understood, but not really until I saw the movie. I now weap when I consider that more American men died in those 3 days than in the entire Vietnam War, and both sides had a moving and moral reason for being on that battlefield. This country needs to understand that it is entirely possible to be the other side of the coin and be a good and admirable person.
Is anyone familiar with the work of Thomas DiLorenzo ? I listened to him a while back and realized as usual, we have been lied to. I would like to learn the truth about Lincoln & Civil War but not in such a detailed way as reading his books...
Probably need to get a hard copy before it's gone... We will hit that era in depth next year in homeschool
I have been there, when the centennial year for the Civil War in 1960, my Dad took my Mother and I on road trips through many Civil War battle sites, from Harpers Ferry to Gettysburg, we stayed there for 3 days, I was obsessed with the war, back then, I was 10. I read what I could about it. My Dad made sure I understood what you just said, that it was a tragic war between Americans, and the the men fighting on both sides were good and were just like everyone else, meaning that North or South, they were Americans. My friends and neighbors are my friends and neighbors, birds of a feather flock together, and my feathers are not political, my friends who vote Democratic or Libertarian or Independent or Republican are good and kind and compassionate people, we discuss gardening, books, religion, roll our eyes at most of the News. We are older, in our 60's and 70's and have some time under our belts regarding watching this country fight amongst itself , and we want no part of it. I would be the one making soup, healing wounds, speaking God's word to whomever needs to hear it. But there are also evil people who are psychopathic, many more than we had back then. Those would be shot on site. God has given me discernment , I pray for it daily. I would hope that when war breaks out, it will not be about red or blue or anything as superficial as that, but it will be evil against good, not territory or wealth, because that is just an endless cycle.
Props out to you and your dad, based family!
My Dad was very based.He worked at CBS as an audio tech, he told me from the beginning that any news that was televised was what they wanted me to see, that editing and cutting was all part of it.He was not bigoted but did talk about how the company was more and more taken over by Jews, that Burl Ives was a pedo, and that all media is manipulated. He also chose to not vote but he almost did, for Goldwater, because Goldwater was a fellow HAM, lol, and, he was a conservative. He was not a bible thumper, but a Christian, and whenever I was moping around thinking there was nothing to do, he told me to read the Bible.
Aw no, not Burl Ives... Good for your dad, really based. Amplify his truth to the people!
Thanks, we are always on the hunt for good movies!
+1 🍿
It is the duty of every patriot to make the tyrant's life miserable. When one fails to do so he not only fails himself, but his people. - https://www.researchgate.net/publication/233097025_'Leaderless_resistance'
That's a fantastic short read from 1993, trying to get u/krypt0 to post it, it's just what we need for assurances. catbox link: https://files.catbox.moe/8gsbei.pdf
If anyone has any feedback regarding General Chat please post it below this comment.
I know a lot of people don’t notice, but I just appreciate everything you do around here, bud. You are a cornerstone in this community. GC has been a great addition as well. Thanks again man.
Hear, hear. And a model of diplomacy and kindness.
Tis the truth!
I get where you're going with this and I think it probably does need to happen...
Love the GC thread - it's either my morning coffee or my mouthwash, depending when in the day I get to check in on it. So first of all huge thanks to BB for the dedication - my appreciation can not be stated enough.
It seems you already have the Daily Deltas issue addressed. u/dty6 was super gracious about it, and made it very easy to solve. Good on him. For the record, I had no problem with it, and enjoyed seeing it here even though it's absolutely not my "thing". Hope he continues to post it in its own thread and it does well. That's the dilemma with daily posts - we tend to take them for granted until they're gone. That's a shame, but it is also a reality. I personally appreciate people who have the fortitude and focus to take on a daily task like that - it is absolutely not my personal strength. 😁
As far as u/uk9994 and his contributions, that is much trickier.
I've read and absorbed others' thoughts, though if a definitive consensus has been reached I missed it.
My idea is that it's perhaps best served for UK to consolidate all his links for the day into one comment. Perhaps slow down a bit and currate "themed" comment threads of relevant links when applicable. Personally, it doesn't bother me to see multiple threads by one author, but the reality is it does inevitably lead to others tuning out the GC thread as time goes by. That's just the way web forums, and attention spans, seem to work. I have 30 years of observation on the subject and have been guilty of the same behavior myself at times. 😅
Anyway, it's cool you are all working on this together, maturely. Again, GC contains some of my favorite "family oriented" content not just here, but everywhere I check on the internet. So much love and respect.
Thanks fren, happy to know GC has become such a big part of GAW!
As for uk - I think that problem just resolved itself.
I took a month off from posting/commenting to kick off the year, but I still read GC every single day! Thanks for making this a fantastic place for frenly frens to hang out!
Sorry about uk, I know you did what you could for everyone in this community, including her, but I guess it was inevitable.
You can only do so much. Sadly some people see tolerance and kindness as encouragement to push the envelope, shame.
Hi fren, thank you for your kind comment. For the record, it's ma'am
haha hahaha
Thank you so much for posting this, it’s very clear and concise, and will continue to bring tidings of Joy to this thread, as it should be doing. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
You are welcome, fren.
What do you think about the daily deltas being posted here? If I post them in the thread they get lost, and some people like to look at them. You tell me what you would prefer.
One of the challenges here, (IMO), is finding a good balance between quality and quantity. Volumes of posts get posted each day, which is great (you have an active input vibration), but volume of posts does not always translate into quality of posts.
The upvote/downvote function is the primary mechanism for increasing quality by highlighting quality content and lifting it into prominence, but it's not always the case that quality is upvoted and mediocre quality is ignored.
However, once you begin creating threads to circumvent the volume / board sliding nature of the (new) board (which is what using GC for such a purpose would be), it creates a more convoluted post structure.
Some of our contributors have nice tags next to their handles which make them pop out.
I'd like to see a tag for the pede posting the daily deltas on a regular basis, to help make them stand out a bit. Flairs also help.
It's true, I began posting it there so it wouldn't get lost; but you're right;,it does circumvent the upvote downvote function, which is how the discussion should be driven. And then if there's any discussion on the deltas, that should be on the regular board. So I'll try it on the regular board. There used to be a mod who would post them and then sticky his own post and that was really the way to go.
Wins anon was a great contributor and made an excellent series. I don't pay too much attention to the deltas myself, but its a no-brainer that daily deltas, etc, deserve at minimum its own flair and perhaps an auto-sticky on a "Q research board".
I love the daily delta's!👏
I been meaning to tell you to post it as a separate post. If there is anything notable we can sticky it, otherwise we can just leave it as a normal post.
okay no problem, i can do that.
Second video is a long one ..insect one shortish. It happend in France in August 1880. Lots of things hav been reported coming from the sky but rivers of insects ..wow..that's something else!