Do you find it interesting that the "spy balloon" was "shot down" by the "Pentagon/ military/DoD" on the anniversary (Feb 4) of Lifelog spying app being "killed" by Pentagon and Facebook spying app being launched?
That seems very coincidental.
Do you find it interesting that the "spy balloon" was "shot down" by the "Pentagon/ military/DoD" on the anniversary (Feb 4) of Lifelog spying app being "killed" by Pentagon and Facebook spying app being launched?
That seems very coincidental.
Sounds like a lot of hot air and gas to me....
I dunno, but this ballon saga sure feels like more narrative creation for the normie world.
I do agree with that, but the fact that this took place on Feb 4 is very interesting
Oh, the fact that it took place on Feb 4 can very easily be PART of the narrative creation.
More and more I'm starting to look at things from the viewpoint of narrative creation, and how the normie world is being prepared for the big take down aka collapse of the Cabal and the Swamp, etc. The hot air and gas was a quip, albeit not a very funny one!
I mean, it lends itself.
"So, Facebook and zuckercluck are just a lot of hot air!" Etc.
Everything is a narrative. "Whose" should be the real question.
Oh, indeed.
Yes! Narrative creation! and the quip actually was funny 😄
That could possibly be a signal from the white hats that the China no longer has access to Facebook data thanks to their controlled puppets.
Good find! Interesting date but it can be misleading too. The future will tell …
Hmmm. How do I say this/
Keep asking questions. The questioning mind is a powerful tool. Develop it, nurture it, and hone it.
That said, why on earth would white hats wish to signal that china no longer has access to facebook data? Signal to who? For what purpose?
I see no connection between the balloon and the q drop except that on one level, metaphorically, the deep state is like a hot air balloon, destined to collapse when pierced.
The universe, and the One who operates it, will often give us signs. The white hats, well, I don't think they do that half as well.
Or now that China-Joe lost his ability to give documents to China, he can send a signal to the balloon. (Sub-space frequency of course)
Do you know who buys up all the helium? I doubt there are satellite in space if this is a simulation which seems to be the case
There was helium shortage a few years ago. Apparently "worldwide". Our local Dollar Tree store had no helium for balloons. The shortage lasted a few months, then it was abruptly over.
Yes. I recall having to chase down helium for a kid's party. So strange.
Thank you. I'm hoping u/SemperSupra is marinating on this, too! Maybe even u/Lonewulf or u/Sleepydude may have some thoughts.
I wish I knew a bit of Chinese...
It'd be very interesting to know what they're saying about all this. For all we know, this balloon business could have something to do with their Whatsapp and Facebook-alternative platforms.
Yes, this is interesting. Up til now I've been seeing lotsa memes connecting to the big event 3 days prior -- Superbowl 38 with it's infamous half time exposure event starring Jackson and "Barret". So a Chinese Spy Trial Balloon shot down in the jurisdiction of SC certainly could signal a fitting end to the Facebook saga.
I been saying for years SM and Big Tech. was all created by the government. FB messenger is free in my wife's country. That means FB is paying the companies there because they sell load not monthly contracts. The population has 4-5 people living on the paycheck of 1 worker and most earn 5-7 bucks a day. They have no money to spend for advertised products.
Mark Suck-A-Turd is just a Deep State Front man, Same as Jack Dorsey, Bill Gates etc...
Never heard Suck a Turd b4. Irl KEK
You could have just said the Philippines man. 🤣🤣
Yeah.... Men who don't work are on Stand By, and people from the Bukid are all farmers, even if they have 1 pig they are feeding up for Fiesta. But getting a job there is hard!
My wife worked in a Call Center @ 300 bucks a month while we were in Dumaguete. She had to go to Barangay Cpt, Mayor's Office, Phil Health, DR., SSS, BIR and a couple more places to get the job.
Agree, agree. So, what's up with all of this happening on this date?
Silicon Valley is one big spy/money laundering operation.
Perhaps this would explain Zuckerberg's pivot into the catastrophic failure that is Meta. It could be that he was cut loose and was no longer receiving inside assistance from the Cabalists or Deep Staters, and the revenue streams of Facebook were consequently deteriorating. This would also have given China a major incentive to procure intel by other covert means such as the spy balloons we have been seeing floating around the globe.
The cyber space has been completely taken over by Patriots via the Space Force and Star Link programs, leaving few options for cover intel gathering operations. Desperate times call for desperate measures. It is likely that these balloons have been in the air for a number of years, and only now has Q drawn attention to them. There is a good possibility that Space Force hijacked that balloon and took it on a cruise over the homeland as part of the movie we've been watching.
With Meta, I think it was a symbolic comm failure. For years now they have been pushing Metaverse really hard - in Marvel movies and elsewhere. Normally it would tell the clowns that Metaverse is a hot area and to jump on it.
Thats what Facebook did - went all in when they noticed they were losing the Banker support. Looks like it was just another WH psyop and Metaverse is a deadend and so is FB.
Makes a lot of sense. If cut loose, he had to bring something to the table in an attempt to save the company and clearly Meta was not it, and seemed very rushed. He was probably blindsided, but as is the case with hubris he likely didn't think he would be cut off, although he should have considered this.
That's a great development of the detail that I noticed. I agree with you that Zuckerberg is not controlling FB any more and maybe hasn't been for a while.
Lifelog was initially tooled up by IBM...
but when they were barred from using it by the Reagan admin they split it all up into the global tech companies we have today..then declared their CFR childen had invented each particular section.
These balloons are like a poor man’s spying attempt, are there not satellites that can read our license plates in space? Or are these needed under cloud cover many questions
Even the US uses these type of surveillance blimps. They have been in Iraq as far back as 2007.
They mean only one thing:
Underneath is an active Area of Operations for whomever owns it.
There's another post from the last day or so that connects Red October and Banksy's Red Balloon to the Spy Balloon. I just noted that Banksy's Red Balloon is dated 2004...same year Facebook "took off."
That's a great pickup, fren, thanks for pointing that out.
Eh .. I see zero correlation.
There are No coincidences. Comms maybe, Maybe the umbrella spy network has been shut/shot down.
I'm wondering about that too.
I wonder if Facebook will ever come to a grinding halt or if it will just be business as usual with its constant censorship and fake fact checks.
I think we can take a serious dose of informed expectation from the way the Twitter machine saga has evolved. These big tech platforms will NOT continue on, as the foundation that created them crumbles. Some will take longer than others, and possibly may be co-opted into a different purpose altogether (i.e. google) but there are so many wins, I see it all as a matter of when, not if.
Facebook could crash completely only thing I would miss is Marketplace a great way to buy and sell
Interesting thought but for now I'm just glad someone has the guts to shoot down that crap....
About as coincidental as it being shot down on the feast of some random Catholic Saint (basically every day is the feast day of roughly a dozen Catholic Saints). The US government has millions of employees and has been spending trillions of dollars a year for decades, so every day likely corresponds to multiple programs starting or ending.