I used to be afraid reading Revelation and imagining Satan's army battling at the end of the world. Now we don't have to imagine it, just look at any pride parade.
Most metal isn't really even satanic. Not compared to this... I always thought Black Sabbath was ultimately Christian - look at War Pigs.
One of thd best Death/Grindcore bands Cannibal Corpse lyrics and style were just trolls on commie censors of thd time - Tipper Gore . Etc. Remember PMRC? One classic song Scourge of Iron lyrics are about what happens to evil doers once they get to Hell. Always associate that song with Killory Clinton.
Recently discovered Terrorizer. Excellent music. Haven't read lyrics yet, as a Christian I still enjoy metal that might be slightly evil but the real evil is gay government music.
I grew up blaming the church for censorship when it was really Tipper Gore. My local church was annoying but they didn't really have any authority, if you told them to go away they would.
You have a good point about metal often having good messages. As far as stuff that's probably a bit too evil now I still do indulge in some Danzig.
Thats funny - I loved that album when it came out. 1990? Drove around in buddy's primer black 1980 Trans Am blasting Mother. Now that's an apt song for right now. If you get in the mood for super duper heavy stuff I recommend Cattle Decapitation song Bring Back the Plague. They are climate doomers but this song is melodic and heavy. Also the entire Terrorizer catalog from 1989- 2018 is amazing. Ghoul is a fun thrash band ala Gwar where they are ghouls from Creepsylvania . Amazing stage show and they stay in character in interviews...Anyway rock out with your
I was thinking more this one off like Danzig 9 https://youtu.be/Wz0q3CatoWo. Danzig and Cutch we're always the best shows.
I'm definitely going to check out Ghoul that sounds cool
He truly hates them all. That's the pathetic thing. When you worship Satan, you THINK you're following some big monster leading you to treasure and pleasure forevermore. But he's just using you and will consume you wholly at the first opportunity.
I see a frightened and weak minded mentally ill person that was abused as a child and no one helped him recover from his trauma. Instead anyone that encountered him, coddled him and told him he was fine just the way he was and that he was supposed to be like this...and growing up, never really recovering, he's still seeking the coddling and attention to this day. Sad.
Built like a buttplug
Satan says he disavows his performance:
Babylon Bee - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2Wav23IIF8
Edit: Disavows theys performance? (Watch the clip, you'll see what I mean.)
you are what you eat i guess.
That's one ugly lesbian.
All I see is a mentally ill nut job.
Your eyes are working well
As your optometrist, I'm happy to inform you that your vision is a perfect 20/20
This would be great meme material. Hmm
I'm utterly hopeless at creating memes. Any takers?
u/JulesVerne/ ?
Both have delighted me with their recent memes. They are MEMExperts. Not sure how to tag 'em directly.
More like Satan's bottom guy.
Back when I was into metal Satan seemed kind of cool, now I see him as a retarded gay pedophile.
I used to be afraid reading Revelation and imagining Satan's army battling at the end of the world. Now we don't have to imagine it, just look at any pride parade.
Most metal isn't really even satanic. Not compared to this... I always thought Black Sabbath was ultimately Christian - look at War Pigs. One of thd best Death/Grindcore bands Cannibal Corpse lyrics and style were just trolls on commie censors of thd time - Tipper Gore . Etc. Remember PMRC? One classic song Scourge of Iron lyrics are about what happens to evil doers once they get to Hell. Always associate that song with Killory Clinton. Recently discovered Terrorizer. Excellent music. Haven't read lyrics yet, as a Christian I still enjoy metal that might be slightly evil but the real evil is gay government music.
I grew up blaming the church for censorship when it was really Tipper Gore. My local church was annoying but they didn't really have any authority, if you told them to go away they would. You have a good point about metal often having good messages. As far as stuff that's probably a bit too evil now I still do indulge in some Danzig.
Thats funny - I loved that album when it came out. 1990? Drove around in buddy's primer black 1980 Trans Am blasting Mother. Now that's an apt song for right now. If you get in the mood for super duper heavy stuff I recommend Cattle Decapitation song Bring Back the Plague. They are climate doomers but this song is melodic and heavy. Also the entire Terrorizer catalog from 1989- 2018 is amazing. Ghoul is a fun thrash band ala Gwar where they are ghouls from Creepsylvania . Amazing stage show and they stay in character in interviews...Anyway rock out with your
I was thinking more this one off like Danzig 9 https://youtu.be/Wz0q3CatoWo. Danzig and Cutch we're always the best shows. I'm definitely going to check out Ghoul that sounds cool
Yeah! Ghojl is rad. Think Anthrax/S.O.D. , D.R.I. .
I wonder what he's thinking when he sees his follower types. Surely he must be at least a little disappointed 🤣
He truly hates them all. That's the pathetic thing. When you worship Satan, you THINK you're following some big monster leading you to treasure and pleasure forevermore. But he's just using you and will consume you wholly at the first opportunity.
Eminem needs to lay off the M&Ms!
Look at that mooseknuckle
Mooseknuckle protruding, very very disrespectful.
I see a frightened and weak minded mentally ill person that was abused as a child and no one helped him recover from his trauma. Instead anyone that encountered him, coddled him and told him he was fine just the way he was and that he was supposed to be like this...and growing up, never really recovering, he's still seeking the coddling and attention to this day. Sad.
And at this point, he very likely passes off that trauma to other people including children.
Satan's in trouble.
Exactly. This war SHOULD be an easy win bc all of Satan's "top guys" and gals are absolute nutcases with sh!t for brains and rainbows for shields
Legs so smooth, he should do an ad for Gillette!
Probably already has. Have you seen the ads lately?
Who dafuk is dat?
Its a fag trannie. We used to burn them.
Sam Smith I believe. An MK Ultra slave who sings music.
If THAT was sitting in a doctor's waiting room, and the only empty seat was next to it... would YOU sit next to it? Or else stand for an hour instead?
I don't want to catch any airborne disease it has. I'll stand.
I'd leave quickly and go find another doctor.
I don't know. I've been to the doctor exactly 3 times in my adult life and not once since Covid.
He looks more like a power bottom.
MK Ultra slave, sacrifice to Satan. Satan’s “top guy” is probably less slavish/mutilated. The antichrist maybe. Probably good looking, tall, muscular.
It's funny people would expect that but look how they've gotten kids to go along with this sickness from people that look like Foompa man.
Agreed. There are the puppet masters, puppets (like Sam, HRC), cattle (us), and sacrifices …
I always picture Gavin Pelosi I mean Newsome.
It's hard to get good help these days.
Hell is apparently not sending their best, folks.
In the end, someone like that is what I'd expect from a satanic minion.
I just threw up in my mouth. A LOT.
China and or Russia is going to BEAT down the USA due to our WOKE mentality
Dude looks like a lady
An uuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhgly lady with a foompa. A farcical caricature.
The real plump shady
What a mixed up fool
He’s FOR SURE a bottom.
I don't even think a Great White Shark would be interested in that.
Is that Boy George's son? He's (?) got legs like a fat girl, with earrings and a purse... I am so very confused by this person.
Fucking disgusting.
Nasea enters the chat. Not the band.
More like Terry from Reno 911
We can all tell, you didn’t have to say a word.
Satan could do better...
Plus he looks like more of a bottom...
Eminem really let himself go. Sad!
born girl
Uhhhh... whud I miss?
who is this fat fuck?
Is it a man trying to be a woman or vice versa?