The pic of the zebra was taken after Stacy rode it. The poor animal had back spasms and other issues for weeks. Word on the street they had to put a girdle on the zebra to get it's back to pop back in place. They couldn't find a big enough girdle for Stacy, so she is what she is.
I dont understand why any member of congess travel to foreign nations, dont we have ambassadors for that, oh i know so we can waste more tax payers money and meddle in “elections”
The zebra wears it much better
Yes it's duality, I was making a joke
Zebras have black and white stripes to keep flies from landing on them. The stripes confuse the flies.
What's Stacy's excuse?
There are only so many fabrics in size "Tent." Just sayin.
Ringling Bros. had a liquidation sale.
She or He attracts them. Then Eats them.
Is that zebra pregnant?
The pic of the zebra was taken after Stacy rode it. The poor animal had back spasms and other issues for weeks. Word on the street they had to put a girdle on the zebra to get it's back to pop back in place. They couldn't find a big enough girdle for Stacy, so she is what she is.
More here.
Wildlife observation: Zebra stripes are horizontal. Prison material stripes go vertical. OK, GOT IT!
She thinks they're slimming.
The optical illusion of “lengthening” isn’t working…
Is the stress eating from all the lies, corruption, and cheating?
To make the pictures equivalent the picture if Abrams should really be top down so the hair hides the defecation hole...
I dont understand why any member of congess travel to foreign nations, dont we have ambassadors for that, oh i know so we can waste more tax payers money and meddle in “elections”
That's the fattest zebra I've ever seen by far! Nicely kept dirt road in the other picture too.
too bad, she will never win an erection..... well the left is into weird shit when it comes to kink, so maybe.
Don't the stripes on prison garb run horizontaly?
The gal on the left has a prettier face.