You don't remember Joan Rivers on TV saying Michelle was a tranny? She "died" a few days later in that Doctor's office. The video is probably still around somewhere.
"Less than 400,000 Jews died in World War II" and "The Holocaust is a lie" are mutually exclusive. The Holocaust was exaggerated is more appropriate. There was still a great many targeted and brutal attacks on the larger group of Jews. I don't know how many died, though I think your estimate is probably not too far off. The reason for the Holocaust is also not a lie, though it is missing important context.
For example:
The Nazi's blamed all the Jews for their financial troubles. This was an association fallacy. It wasn't all the Jews. It was a very tiny percent of them.
The Nazi's were targeting the Jews because of their genetics. This was done because of the American eugenics program, specifically the work of Madison Grant, Lathrop Stoddard, the entirety of the world wide medical and biology community, and indeed, all of science in general. Of course the person who funded every single one of those organizations was John D. Rockefeller (with some fair help from Rothschild/Schiff etc.). Those people mentioned (Grant and Lathrop) whose work it was inspired all of the eugenics laws/science in America, Germany, Britain, the USSR, and everywhere else in the world were also directly funded by Rockefeller. Lathrop was Margaret Sangers cofounder for the American Birth Control League, whose main purpose was to ensure the "right sort" of people were born, along with a general population control. This organization later became Planned Parenthood. Their plan is still in full force, working exactly as they laid out explicitly over 100 years ago.
A deal was made between the Nazi's and the Zionists to push all the Jews into Israel 6 years before the start of the world war. In other words, the reason there were association fallacies and targeted attacks on the Jews was to push them into Israel, thus ending the diaspora, giving the promised land back to the chosen race, leading to the rebuilding of the third temple and the fulfillment of prophesy.
The Holocaust was very real. The reasons for the Holocaust were real. They weren't all the pertinent reasons, but the ones mentioned are true. The number of Jews killed may not be accurate. The way they died almost certainly isn't (there's no evidence for Nazi controlled gas chambers with built in 2000 degree ovens in Auschwitz e.g.), but some of the crimes and slaughters are even worse than what is suggested in the common narrative.
Of course those slaughters and crimes weren't committed just on the Jews, and some of those slaughters and crimes were actually committed by the USSR (which was also run by Rockefeller) and misattributed to the Nazis, but the Nazis did more than just a little evil.
The whole affair was fuckery all around. The primary purpose of WWII was, as far as I can tell, threefold.
Create Nukes and advance rocket tech to Set up the Cold War
Fulfill the zionist goal (end the diaspora etc.)
Create a one world government (the UN, the European Union, etc.)
A tangled web was woven through a huge amount of deception, most of which turned out to be true, just not the whole truth.
I disagree with most of that. Of course they were to blame for the financial troubles. They owned the banks, they owned all of the banks. They enslaved germany like they have the rest of the planet.
Old news paper clippings showed the extreme poverty that they had forced the germans in to.
Old news paper clippings also show that the jews wore the stars on their clothes in protest of the nazi party. They were never forced to wear them. It was all a show. Fake protest, to drum up major conflict and strengthen their control over europe and most of the world.
Them and only them are to blame. They've used that control to start every single war in human history. They play both sides profited off of both sides in every war. Its a game to them. The nazi's were jews, like the communist parties they allied with. Puppet regimes ran by jewish families. Just like Mao in china. A jewish ruling class ran the show and created the communist parties.
There was no deal, they were one in the same.
Wernher von braun was jewish. The man who started nasa.
Jews were never hauled off in train cars. The only genocide that happened was the bolsheviks where the jews murdered 10,000,000 people.
They owned the banks, they owned all of the banks. They enslaved germany like they have the rest of the planet.
Who is "they?" There were a few people that did what you say. Many of them were Jews (or called themselves Jews) and many were not (or didn't call themselves Jews), but in total, the number of people involved, or those "in the know" were numbered in the thousands. The vast majority of the millions of Jews on the planet were (and still are) just as clueless as any other demographic.
They were never forced to wear them.
In America everyone was guided by propaganda created by the PTB (specifically Rockefeller and his cronies). In Germany everyone was guided by propaganda created by the PTB (on the "Jew" side specifically Rothschild and his cronies, on the "Aryan" side specifically Goebbels and his cronies).
The Jews wore stars because they were guided by propaganda to believe that it was the right thing to do. The fake protests were guided exactly as fake protests are today. For example, there are real people, unwitting dupes at BLM protests, believing they are "saving black people" by standing in protest. The PTB set up these organizations, fund them and guide them, but the real people are guided by propaganda, completely ignorant of the hands that pull the strings. An organization like BLM needs only one to three people "in the know" and everyone else is just an a person following the propaganda.
This method has been going on for a very long time. It guided the Jews, the Germans, the Brits, the Americans, etc., all controlled opposition, requiring only a few people at the top who really knew that all sides were the same side.
There was no deal, they were one in the same.
There is evidence of a deal. That is what sells to the normie. Helping people understand that at the top they were the same side comes from the evidence of the deal (which was real, even if it was ultimately the left hand and the right hand of the same body in agreement).
Jews were never hauled off in train cars.
This is not supported by the evidence. There is a great deal of evidence of atrocities committed on the larger body of the Jewish people. Just like there is evidence of atrocities committed on black people in America (forced sterilizations, encouraged welfare through how the system is created, etc. A great deal of evidence in support of this statement will be coming out in the next installment of my report.). There were murders of thousands of Jews, slaughters of entire towns in Poland, Germany, Hungary, etc. The evidence suggests some were committed by the Nazis. Some were committed by the Soviets, and blamed on the Nazis, but the evidence is overwhelming that these events happened. In addition, just like with forced black sterilizations, there were forced Jewish sterilizations.
The reason the propaganda works is because of real evidence. Propaganda sells best the closer it comes to the truth. The fuckery is rarely in actual lies, the fuckery is in what's left out. The masters of propaganda tell nothing but the truth, just not the Whole Truth.
The flaw in your reasoning, and the flaw in everyone's reasoning, is that the "Jews" at the top wouldn't do anything to hurt the "Jews" at the bottom. Of course they would. They have zero issue sacrificing a few of their "lesser brethren" (a direct quote). Just like there are black people at the top of BLM who couldn't give two shits about all the rest of the black people, or the Rockefeller's et al, who couldn't give two shits about the rest of the American people, there are people at the top of Jewry who don't give two shits about the rest of the individual Jews. So long as their prophecy is fulfilled, nothing else matters.
You can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs. They have no problem breaking eggs, as long as the omelet gets made.
You know who they is. Who funded both sides of that war? You act like its just coincidence that everyone controlling both sides of every war were jewish. Just because some are not in the know doesnt negate the fact that ALL of them in the know were jewish.
Every war in human history is/was a jewish war. Every communist party in history was started by one of the jewish families in conjunction with the others.
Who gained control after the war?
The jews weren't guided by propaganda, they were creating the propaganda. They were the propaganda.
The killings you talk about were not committed against poland, but by them. Polish jews killed over 30,000 germans before hitler acted. The attacks went on for years.
Thats the problem, they have no conscience. No remorse or guilt. They act fundamentally as one moving piece. The jews not in the know, still work as lawyers and bankers. Progressing their goals as a whole.
All the families meet once a year to work/continue their goal.
We're arguing over chess pieces and their moves, not looking at the big picture. That the owner of the chess board and both players are jewish.
It's not "The Jews" that did all these things. It's, for lack of a better word, The Cabal.
Unless and until you can recognize that these are separate groups you won't get the big picture. They recruit from the larger body of "The Jews," just like they recruit from the aristocracy and from academia. In that there is a racial preference, but it is not absolute, and the vast majority of the larger group of "The Jews" are not recruited into The Cabal.
Just like it's more appropriate to blame "The Rockefellers," than "the Americans", it is far more accurate to say "The Cabal" than it is to ever say "The Jews," for the exact same reason. By saying "the Jews" you make an association fallacy that restricts your thinking to the box they designed to prevent you from seeing who the real enemy is.
The Cabal puts "The Jews" in front of themselves, an "enemy" you can see so that you don't see the people behind them, pulling their strings just as much as they are pulling the strings of the rest of the world. If you think "The Jews" are the enemy you are thinking exactly what The Cabal wants you to think.
The killings you talk about were not committed against poland
I'm not going to dig right now, but there is too much evidence against this statement. You are welcome to believe this if you wish, but I personally know people who's relatives were killed in these actions, in line with substantial corroborating evidence. As I said, mostly the truth is hidden by what's left out. The evidence itself, the primary evidence (which is all I care about) is really tough to fake, and I have no reason to doubt it. By "reason to doubt" I mean, I've seen no contraindicating evidence to cast doubt on the evidence itself, and I've looked, a lot.
They act fundamentally as one moving piece.
We all act fundamentally as one moving piece, regardless of "ethnicity" or "nationality." We are all dancing to the same drummer. Because we are all contributing to the advancement of The Machine, I suggest we restrict blame or complicity only with those that know they are acting against humanity, in line with the designs of the PTB. Blaming people who are clueless of the larger manipulations is idiocy. Everyone, including you, me, and everyone "who knows" are clueless as to what is really going on unless you are one of the people who is actually sitting at the game board.
the owner of the chess board and both players are jewish.
I don't think that's true, but not for the reasons you may think. I don't think that the people in charge, even though they call themselves "Jewish," are really Jewish at all, at least they don't follow the religion we think of as "Judaism." The people in charge hide behind many designations, and I think they all do follow a religion, just not the various religions they individually claim. For example, Rockefeller claimed to be "Protestant," Rothschild claimed to be "Jewish" (by religion, as well as nationality), and I suggest that they both followed the same religion, neither of them Judaism but rather, the religion that came before Judaism. I also think their true nationality may be the same. They may be from an empire called the Scythians, specifically the "Elite Scythians" (noted in Herodotus), an aristocratic group that ruled most of Asia and Europe for somewhere between 2500 and 5000+ years, purposefully hidden from history. These Scythians are the same people as those called the "Tartarians" by some.
See this post I made here (and it's follow up post) for more on this connection.
They may not be the Scythians, but i've traced the two groups back to the same area at the same time, so if they aren't the Elite Scythians (or Royal Scythians), they are a related group (the Scythians may be one of the "lost tribes", notably the Magogians).
Where's the link? I fucking hate these unsourced screenshots. There are sites where you can write whatever you want and they'll make it look Twitter style.
Mossad and dual citizenship Israelis in the Bush Administration are behind the 9/11 plot.
Childhood vaccines cause childhood cancers.
Michelle Obama is a man.
Hitler was a Rothschild sock puppet who lived in luxury in Argentina until his death in the early 70's.
The Holocaust is a lie and less than 400,000 Jews died in World War ll
Childhood vaccines cause autism. This can't be stated enough. So much damage.
I still laugh at the name "Big Mike"! I never heard that until I came here LOL!!!
You don't remember Joan Rivers on TV saying Michelle was a tranny? She "died" a few days later in that Doctor's office. The video is probably still around somewhere.
"Less than 400,000 Jews died in World War II" and "The Holocaust is a lie" are mutually exclusive. The Holocaust was exaggerated is more appropriate. There was still a great many targeted and brutal attacks on the larger group of Jews. I don't know how many died, though I think your estimate is probably not too far off. The reason for the Holocaust is also not a lie, though it is missing important context.
For example:
The Holocaust was very real. The reasons for the Holocaust were real. They weren't all the pertinent reasons, but the ones mentioned are true. The number of Jews killed may not be accurate. The way they died almost certainly isn't (there's no evidence for Nazi controlled gas chambers with built in 2000 degree ovens in Auschwitz e.g.), but some of the crimes and slaughters are even worse than what is suggested in the common narrative.
Of course those slaughters and crimes weren't committed just on the Jews, and some of those slaughters and crimes were actually committed by the USSR (which was also run by Rockefeller) and misattributed to the Nazis, but the Nazis did more than just a little evil.
The whole affair was fuckery all around. The primary purpose of WWII was, as far as I can tell, threefold.
A tangled web was woven through a huge amount of deception, most of which turned out to be true, just not the whole truth.
I disagree with most of that. Of course they were to blame for the financial troubles. They owned the banks, they owned all of the banks. They enslaved germany like they have the rest of the planet.
Old news paper clippings showed the extreme poverty that they had forced the germans in to.
Old news paper clippings also show that the jews wore the stars on their clothes in protest of the nazi party. They were never forced to wear them. It was all a show. Fake protest, to drum up major conflict and strengthen their control over europe and most of the world.
Them and only them are to blame. They've used that control to start every single war in human history. They play both sides profited off of both sides in every war. Its a game to them. The nazi's were jews, like the communist parties they allied with. Puppet regimes ran by jewish families. Just like Mao in china. A jewish ruling class ran the show and created the communist parties.
There was no deal, they were one in the same.
Wernher von braun was jewish. The man who started nasa.
Jews were never hauled off in train cars. The only genocide that happened was the bolsheviks where the jews murdered 10,000,000 people.
Who is "they?" There were a few people that did what you say. Many of them were Jews (or called themselves Jews) and many were not (or didn't call themselves Jews), but in total, the number of people involved, or those "in the know" were numbered in the thousands. The vast majority of the millions of Jews on the planet were (and still are) just as clueless as any other demographic.
In America everyone was guided by propaganda created by the PTB (specifically Rockefeller and his cronies). In Germany everyone was guided by propaganda created by the PTB (on the "Jew" side specifically Rothschild and his cronies, on the "Aryan" side specifically Goebbels and his cronies).
The Jews wore stars because they were guided by propaganda to believe that it was the right thing to do. The fake protests were guided exactly as fake protests are today. For example, there are real people, unwitting dupes at BLM protests, believing they are "saving black people" by standing in protest. The PTB set up these organizations, fund them and guide them, but the real people are guided by propaganda, completely ignorant of the hands that pull the strings. An organization like BLM needs only one to three people "in the know" and everyone else is just an a person following the propaganda.
This method has been going on for a very long time. It guided the Jews, the Germans, the Brits, the Americans, etc., all controlled opposition, requiring only a few people at the top who really knew that all sides were the same side.
There is evidence of a deal. That is what sells to the normie. Helping people understand that at the top they were the same side comes from the evidence of the deal (which was real, even if it was ultimately the left hand and the right hand of the same body in agreement).
This is not supported by the evidence. There is a great deal of evidence of atrocities committed on the larger body of the Jewish people. Just like there is evidence of atrocities committed on black people in America (forced sterilizations, encouraged welfare through how the system is created, etc. A great deal of evidence in support of this statement will be coming out in the next installment of my report.). There were murders of thousands of Jews, slaughters of entire towns in Poland, Germany, Hungary, etc. The evidence suggests some were committed by the Nazis. Some were committed by the Soviets, and blamed on the Nazis, but the evidence is overwhelming that these events happened. In addition, just like with forced black sterilizations, there were forced Jewish sterilizations.
The reason the propaganda works is because of real evidence. Propaganda sells best the closer it comes to the truth. The fuckery is rarely in actual lies, the fuckery is in what's left out. The masters of propaganda tell nothing but the truth, just not the Whole Truth.
The flaw in your reasoning, and the flaw in everyone's reasoning, is that the "Jews" at the top wouldn't do anything to hurt the "Jews" at the bottom. Of course they would. They have zero issue sacrificing a few of their "lesser brethren" (a direct quote). Just like there are black people at the top of BLM who couldn't give two shits about all the rest of the black people, or the Rockefeller's et al, who couldn't give two shits about the rest of the American people, there are people at the top of Jewry who don't give two shits about the rest of the individual Jews. So long as their prophecy is fulfilled, nothing else matters.
You can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs. They have no problem breaking eggs, as long as the omelet gets made.
You know who they is. Who funded both sides of that war? You act like its just coincidence that everyone controlling both sides of every war were jewish. Just because some are not in the know doesnt negate the fact that ALL of them in the know were jewish.
Every war in human history is/was a jewish war. Every communist party in history was started by one of the jewish families in conjunction with the others.
Who gained control after the war?
The jews weren't guided by propaganda, they were creating the propaganda. They were the propaganda.
The killings you talk about were not committed against poland, but by them. Polish jews killed over 30,000 germans before hitler acted. The attacks went on for years.
Thats the problem, they have no conscience. No remorse or guilt. They act fundamentally as one moving piece. The jews not in the know, still work as lawyers and bankers. Progressing their goals as a whole.
All the families meet once a year to work/continue their goal.
We're arguing over chess pieces and their moves, not looking at the big picture. That the owner of the chess board and both players are jewish.
It's not "The Jews" that did all these things. It's, for lack of a better word, The Cabal.
Unless and until you can recognize that these are separate groups you won't get the big picture. They recruit from the larger body of "The Jews," just like they recruit from the aristocracy and from academia. In that there is a racial preference, but it is not absolute, and the vast majority of the larger group of "The Jews" are not recruited into The Cabal.
Just like it's more appropriate to blame "The Rockefellers," than "the Americans", it is far more accurate to say "The Cabal" than it is to ever say "The Jews," for the exact same reason. By saying "the Jews" you make an association fallacy that restricts your thinking to the box they designed to prevent you from seeing who the real enemy is.
The Cabal puts "The Jews" in front of themselves, an "enemy" you can see so that you don't see the people behind them, pulling their strings just as much as they are pulling the strings of the rest of the world. If you think "The Jews" are the enemy you are thinking exactly what The Cabal wants you to think.
I'm not going to dig right now, but there is too much evidence against this statement. You are welcome to believe this if you wish, but I personally know people who's relatives were killed in these actions, in line with substantial corroborating evidence. As I said, mostly the truth is hidden by what's left out. The evidence itself, the primary evidence (which is all I care about) is really tough to fake, and I have no reason to doubt it. By "reason to doubt" I mean, I've seen no contraindicating evidence to cast doubt on the evidence itself, and I've looked, a lot.
We all act fundamentally as one moving piece, regardless of "ethnicity" or "nationality." We are all dancing to the same drummer. Because we are all contributing to the advancement of The Machine, I suggest we restrict blame or complicity only with those that know they are acting against humanity, in line with the designs of the PTB. Blaming people who are clueless of the larger manipulations is idiocy. Everyone, including you, me, and everyone "who knows" are clueless as to what is really going on unless you are one of the people who is actually sitting at the game board.
I don't think that's true, but not for the reasons you may think. I don't think that the people in charge, even though they call themselves "Jewish," are really Jewish at all, at least they don't follow the religion we think of as "Judaism." The people in charge hide behind many designations, and I think they all do follow a religion, just not the various religions they individually claim. For example, Rockefeller claimed to be "Protestant," Rothschild claimed to be "Jewish" (by religion, as well as nationality), and I suggest that they both followed the same religion, neither of them Judaism but rather, the religion that came before Judaism. I also think their true nationality may be the same. They may be from an empire called the Scythians, specifically the "Elite Scythians" (noted in Herodotus), an aristocratic group that ruled most of Asia and Europe for somewhere between 2500 and 5000+ years, purposefully hidden from history. These Scythians are the same people as those called the "Tartarians" by some.
See this post I made here (and it's follow up post) for more on this connection.
They may not be the Scythians, but i've traced the two groups back to the same area at the same time, so if they aren't the Elite Scythians (or Royal Scythians), they are a related group (the Scythians may be one of the "lost tribes", notably the Magogians).
Well all of them are fact so....
What are the biggest media lies of the last few years?
-Covid-19 (all of it)
-Jan 6 'insurrection'
-'safe and effective' jab
-Jussie Smollett
-Bubba Wallace
-Covington hoax
-Kyle Rittenhouse's story
-'Very fine people' hoax
-'drinking bleach'
-'horse dewormer'
-Russian collusion
-Ghost of Kyiv
-Hunter Biden laptop
-'Don't Say Gay' bill
-Twitter collapse post-Elon
-Nord Stream pipeline
-'Transitory' inflation
-Men can get pregnant
-BLM narrative
-'2 weeks to flatten the curve'
-Blaming Russia for a missile that landed in Poland
This list is not exhaustive... Kinda crazy to see it laid out like this.
Outstanding list! Very thorough. Remind me, what was the 'Very fine people' hoax? That's the only one my brain is blocking.
Ah, Charlottesville. Thx
-all of it.
This from a journalism student
Wonder Twin powers, activate!
The Feebs at work.
1993 WTC Bombing & TWA 800 Cover up
say what you will about musk, but him playing on our side is entertaining.
Can u post his list?
Where's the link? I fucking hate these unsourced screenshots. There are sites where you can write whatever you want and they'll make it look Twitter style.
Follow musk on Twitter and you can see as he posts.
What, you actually telling someone to join Twitter?
LOL idiot.
No. I don’t tweet. But if one needs authentication for what they read, then the original source is the most trustworthy.
Sauce for Lizard People:
WTC seven was wired for demolition BEFORE 911.