UK statistics show only 6-10% of our population are unpoisoned.
What if the majority are poor countries like Somalia and Ethiopia.
Or even spread apart over the world in small pockets, it's not much for us to work with, unlike the people of the American Revolution
If the majority are poor and hungry they are easily controlled. They don't fear countries that are in failed states as they have no means leading a revolution against them.
It's not a foregone conclusion that the shots will ruin people. Probably a lot of them were placebos. Probably there are cures, like NAC and others. My entire family was injected (except for me) and I am not aware of any ill effects yet.
Just trying to be observant with my family here. Trying to help in whatever small way I can. 😁🙏♥️
This battle isn't easy and the world often brings us down. Together through Christ we have endless potential. Love u fren
Prayer how u feel led fren. I appreciate the fact u would go to God on my behalf and am not seeking to decide how that connection is made. All glory to God. Thanks again
It will affect our entire civilization for
Two or Three Hundred years,
and the downward draft will last several generations.
I didn't think this when it was first rolled out, but the way so many just bought it - hook, line and sinker - thanks to a full-on psych-op assault, shocked me. . . I just didn't think psy-ops could be that strong.
The Root Cause of the susceptibility to negative psy-ops must be faced by everyone, so that it will never occur again - or if it does, that it has no systemic societal affect to any large degree.
Thanks God, for my stubbornness.
Early on in this psy-op, I came to the realization that of all my friends, acquaintances, and family who got the jabs might be dead in a few years. It's difficult to accept, but that is my new reality. A close friend, fully jabbed and boosted, has had two TIAs that may have actually been strokes. Another, who had to have the jabs because of his profession, now lies in a hospital ICU for some unknown malady they first thought was a gall bladder attack, but now they aren't sure what it is. I sincerely pray and hope that he survives.
We are living through a new Dark Ages with our very own "Black Death" haunting us all.
All the sins of the world were nailed to the cross. Past, present, and future. Otherwise Jesus would not have said "It is Finished". One sin remains - rejecting Christ, and his sacrifice that cleanses away all sins. Some people don't like that though, because it's harder to control people when you can't put a load of guilt on them. The apostle Paul made it clear that living under the law means falling from grace. Eph 2:8-9 For it is by grace that you have been saved, through faith, and this is not from yourselves. It is the free gift of God, so that no one can boast about themselves.
This and my own personal experience in my family was the jabbed cut off their unjabbed family. I feel like I’ve already had a grieving process for them that is never ending and on going until they finally succumb to the poison orchestrated on their physical and spiritual selves. It’s quite difficult to process
I think our individual reactions will depend on our psychological makeup. On the Myers-Briggs Personality Inventory, I consistently rank as an INTJ. A loner, an introvert, logical, etc. I think that is why I have more easily adopted my attitude toward others in this age... people make their own decisions, even if it's based on a psy-op, and they have to live (or die) with those decisions.
I realize other people are much more empathetic toward others, and will have much different reactions.
I agree - numbers are exaggerated. My (rural US) county posted 28% 'had received at least one dose' at its highest, then they stopped publishing numbers. We received the vaccine in our (very red) area about 6 weeks after the large population areas started theirs, and the first few days of administration here had several bad events. People passing out in the '15 minute' post-shot waiting period in the health department waiting room. Word got out quickly about those problems. As the weeks went on (about 6 weeks, as I recall) more jabbed people had heart attacks/strokes and the folks around here quickly associated the jab with the heart problems. Even the local health department and municipal offices didn't require the jab for their employees. I don't think our town is much different than a lot of other rural communities around the US. (I believe that a high part of that 28% were nursing home populations and the staff because jabs were mandated in those businesses. Lost a lot of NH patients from 'covid'.)
At 99.97% recovery rate, I never considered an injection or a mask. Why? That high recovery rate only applies to those who actually got sick. A lot of us never got sick and ever got tested, which I believe is why we didn't get sick. The 99.97% only applied to the people who got sick. The risk of death from eating peanut butter is higher.
User Clip: Operation Mockingbird exposed on C-Span
A caller to Washington Journal, May 27, 2018, raised the repeal of the Smith Mundt Act, legalizing domestic propaganda and the complicity of the media with the Deep State. The Daily Beast's Eleanor Clift dismissed this fact as a conspiracy theory, but the Washington Times' Cheryl Chumley reminded her of Operation Mockingbird in which intelligence assets were placed in the media. Eleanor looked very unconfortable....
That's true. But it's easy to forget that during the Obummer years, there was a constant push towards more and more vaccines, in spite of the evidence coming out about autism and other vaccine related injuries. Anyone who questioned the efficacy and safety of vaccines was ridiculed and openly mocked. They were preparing the world through propaganda, and flu shots. How many large companies had free flu shots the last few years?
My bet is higher than that. I know people who created or purchased fake cards, and then handed them into the University or their job and they were accepted. Chances are very high those people were all counted among the jabbed also.
i tried to not take it but the government did their economic terrorism forced me. Atleast my family remains homed and unvaxed. But I would be right there hoisting up the lamp post the ones that pushed the vax.
I believe they lied about the % of vaccinated people in the United States. Like their polling, they beef up the numbers to get others to go along I think their plan didn't work.
This line cracks me up; “If the world’s rich are enjoying the benefits of high vaccine coverage, why shouldn’t the world’s poor? Are some lives worth more than others?"
It was free and they were paying people to take, beer, gift cards. WTH does being poor have to do with it? He's just pissed Africa already played this game and learned their lesson the hard way.
That portion of unvaxxed includes the hordes of migrants invading Europe and the US and corrupt government leaders and celebrities who faked getting the vax.
Would be nice if they were all picked off, but no, the rest of us unvaxxed are stuck with them.
Fuck any elected politician or unelected money-grubbing billionaire pos that thinks they have any power to compel me to bend to their will over my personal health choices.
Only 30%? You’re telling me that 70% of humanity took the shot? I’m not shocker too often these days, but I would have thought the number was much lower.
Well, we should have the science to grow babies from the cell of a single vaccinated person without the normal male/female genetic combo. Maybe someone can start growing those babies and the unvaccinated can step up and offer their cells to regrow the population that will die off from the vax
The vaccinated braindead sheeple are more than welcome to exit the gene pool on their own volition to leave more universal basic income for the remaining people.
only like 2% fought in the American Revolution this is winning no matter how you slice it.
not to mention only like 20-25% got the updated boosters. our side is growing
Demise of the dumbest to put it another way.
It had to happen. Those who vaxxed the most are also the ones holding us back. To some extent the cabal did us a favor.
Yh but where are all the unvaccinated?
UK statistics show only 6-10% of our population are unpoisoned.
What if the majority are poor countries like Somalia and Ethiopia.
Or even spread apart over the world in small pockets, it's not much for us to work with, unlike the people of the American Revolution
If the majority are poor and hungry they are easily controlled. They don't fear countries that are in failed states as they have no means leading a revolution against them.
It's not a foregone conclusion that the shots will ruin people. Probably a lot of them were placebos. Probably there are cures, like NAC and others. My entire family was injected (except for me) and I am not aware of any ill effects yet.
My grandma got it and was fine but my dad got it and had immediate side effects. I put him on NAC immediately and all seems okay so far.
ya....nac and ivermectin. plus, i think the boosters were the deadly ones
I agreed. At least we know the conservatives are the ones who are going to reproduce and not the freaks of the liberals. Thanks God.
Growth by attrition
How r u doing today fren? Can I pray for you for anything
Nice catch. His other posts have a similar feel.
Just trying to be observant with my family here. Trying to help in whatever small way I can. 😁🙏♥️ This battle isn't easy and the world often brings us down. Together through Christ we have endless potential. Love u fren
Ok prayers going up now. Ah yeah I forgot u were doing a diet. How is that going. Great prayer request fren!!!
Just that the Lord will continue to grow me and the prayer garden. Ty fren. Being prayed for means the world to me
Prayer how u feel led fren. I appreciate the fact u would go to God on my behalf and am not seeking to decide how that connection is made. All glory to God. Thanks again
And a big chunk of that 30% are in Africa and India. The percentage of resistant population in actual civilization is much lower.
Says Sam Kinnesen...ITS A DESERT!!
And perhaps there is a fix that we aren’t privileged too?
Agree. It will affect our entire civilization for Two or Three Hundred years, and the downward draft will last several generations. I didn't think this when it was first rolled out, but the way so many just bought it - hook, line and sinker - thanks to a full-on psych-op assault, shocked me. . . I just didn't think psy-ops could be that strong. The Root Cause of the susceptibility to negative psy-ops must be faced by everyone, so that it will never occur again - or if it does, that it has no systemic societal affect to any large degree. Thanks God, for my stubbornness.
Early on in this psy-op, I came to the realization that of all my friends, acquaintances, and family who got the jabs might be dead in a few years. It's difficult to accept, but that is my new reality. A close friend, fully jabbed and boosted, has had two TIAs that may have actually been strokes. Another, who had to have the jabs because of his profession, now lies in a hospital ICU for some unknown malady they first thought was a gall bladder attack, but now they aren't sure what it is. I sincerely pray and hope that he survives.
We are living through a new Dark Ages with our very own "Black Death" haunting us all.
I'm hopeful that most of the vaxxed can still be saved - spiritually and physically.
All the sins of the world were nailed to the cross. Past, present, and future. Otherwise Jesus would not have said "It is Finished". One sin remains - rejecting Christ, and his sacrifice that cleanses away all sins. Some people don't like that though, because it's harder to control people when you can't put a load of guilt on them. The apostle Paul made it clear that living under the law means falling from grace. Eph 2:8-9 For it is by grace that you have been saved, through faith, and this is not from yourselves. It is the free gift of God, so that no one can boast about themselves.
I don't think so. Murder of another is worse.
This and my own personal experience in my family was the jabbed cut off their unjabbed family. I feel like I’ve already had a grieving process for them that is never ending and on going until they finally succumb to the poison orchestrated on their physical and spiritual selves. It’s quite difficult to process
I think our individual reactions will depend on our psychological makeup. On the Myers-Briggs Personality Inventory, I consistently rank as an INTJ. A loner, an introvert, logical, etc. I think that is why I have more easily adopted my attitude toward others in this age... people make their own decisions, even if it's based on a psy-op, and they have to live (or die) with those decisions.
I realize other people are much more empathetic toward others, and will have much different reactions.
I agree - numbers are exaggerated. My (rural US) county posted 28% 'had received at least one dose' at its highest, then they stopped publishing numbers. We received the vaccine in our (very red) area about 6 weeks after the large population areas started theirs, and the first few days of administration here had several bad events. People passing out in the '15 minute' post-shot waiting period in the health department waiting room. Word got out quickly about those problems. As the weeks went on (about 6 weeks, as I recall) more jabbed people had heart attacks/strokes and the folks around here quickly associated the jab with the heart problems. Even the local health department and municipal offices didn't require the jab for their employees. I don't think our town is much different than a lot of other rural communities around the US. (I believe that a high part of that 28% were nursing home populations and the staff because jabs were mandated in those businesses. Lost a lot of NH patients from 'covid'.)
At 99.97% recovery rate, I never considered an injection or a mask. Why? That high recovery rate only applies to those who actually got sick. A lot of us never got sick and ever got tested, which I believe is why we didn't get sick. The 99.97% only applied to the people who got sick. The risk of death from eating peanut butter is higher.
Fear is the best motivator.
Skip to 1:30
Daily Beast rep chimes right in with "conspiracy theory"
User Clip: Operation Mockingbird exposed on C-Span A caller to Washington Journal, May 27, 2018, raised the repeal of the Smith Mundt Act, legalizing domestic propaganda and the complicity of the media with the Deep State. The Daily Beast's Eleanor Clift dismissed this fact as a conspiracy theory, but the Washington Times' Cheryl Chumley reminded her of Operation Mockingbird in which intelligence assets were placed in the media. Eleanor looked very unconfortable....
She looked uncomfortable because Operation Mockingbird is ongoing and she's apart of it.
That's true. But it's easy to forget that during the Obummer years, there was a constant push towards more and more vaccines, in spite of the evidence coming out about autism and other vaccine related injuries. Anyone who questioned the efficacy and safety of vaccines was ridiculed and openly mocked. They were preparing the world through propaganda, and flu shots. How many large companies had free flu shots the last few years?
I think it’s more than that, and lots of people got fake vax cards.
My bet is higher than that. I know people who created or purchased fake cards, and then handed them into the University or their job and they were accepted. Chances are very high those people were all counted among the jabbed also.
i tried to not take it but the government did their economic terrorism forced me. Atleast my family remains homed and unvaxed. But I would be right there hoisting up the lamp post the ones that pushed the vax.
They lied about everything.
How we can believe their data are correct now?
What about 60% unvaccinated?
We're ready to save whatever we can save,
That's the same for almost every conspiracy theory. When the news is trying to paint you as a nutter, you are above the target.
I believe they lied about the % of vaccinated people in the United States. Like their polling, they beef up the numbers to get others to go along I think their plan didn't work.
UN News
This line cracks me up; “If the world’s rich are enjoying the benefits of high vaccine coverage, why shouldn’t the world’s poor? Are some lives worth more than others?"
It was free and they were paying people to take, beer, gift cards. WTH does being poor have to do with it? He's just pissed Africa already played this game and learned their lesson the hard way.
Historically, food and beer was rationed to slaves to keep them going. Nothing special about throwing in a little FIAT.
I like to think that number will slowly increase once the jabbed start dying off.
That portion of unvaxxed includes the hordes of migrants invading Europe and the US and corrupt government leaders and celebrities who faked getting the vax.
Would be nice if they were all picked off, but no, the rest of us unvaxxed are stuck with them.
Fuck any elected politician or unelected money-grubbing billionaire pos that thinks they have any power to compel me to bend to their will over my personal health choices.
Only 30%? You’re telling me that 70% of humanity took the shot? I’m not shocker too often these days, but I would have thought the number was much lower.
I am ungovernable
Well, we should have the science to grow babies from the cell of a single vaccinated person without the normal male/female genetic combo. Maybe someone can start growing those babies and the unvaccinated can step up and offer their cells to regrow the population that will die off from the vax
The vaccinated braindead sheeple are more than welcome to exit the gene pool on their own volition to leave more universal basic income for the remaining people.
2.5 billion legends, im one of em
Maybe we are the portion of the population that doesn’t need depopulating?
I am struggling with this number. Is there data to back this up? Amount of vaccinated seems too high. Any numbers on US population?
I don’t think you can detox gene editing