Just think. IF we're repulsed by Creeper Joe and his exploits, imagine that what we currently know and are repulsed by as a truly "phuqed up" family is barely scratching the tip of the Pedophile-human & organ trafficking Iceberg. This Iceberg is massive beyond imaginable scope. Going to be very interesting when this finally gets exposed and just how deep it reaches throughout the world. Once the children are exposed, there will be no place they can go or hide.... NCSWIC
Normies are going to freak out when they find out about the children and the andrenochrome. I sincerely feel bad for those who are about to find out these horrors. Truly horrors beyond any imagination.
I don’t know why I read comments on Twitter…glutton for punishment, I guess…
It’s faked
No one has filed charges so it can’t be true
All he did was invade Ashley’s personal space
But, but, Trump and Epstein….
Sigh…I’m not sure people are waking up at all. are they all bots?
I read them strictly for the entertainment value... I laugh at the level of stupidity and/or lack of cognitive reasoning...
It's amazing how many are blind...
The lazy skeptic / advocate usually does that "show it to me, because I don't know how to search for it myself" / "show it to me so i can discredit your source".
VaccinesCauseSIDS... that's evidence we'd rather not see... but! I'd be willing to wager there might be a "secret" video of Creepy n Ashley water exploits on ol Hunters lap top?
This picture has been floating around for months. Everyone said it's fake and this particular quote was not in the diary. Has this diary page been confirmed and I missed it?
Just think. IF we're repulsed by Creeper Joe and his exploits, imagine that what we currently know and are repulsed by as a truly "phuqed up" family is barely scratching the tip of the Pedophile-human & organ trafficking Iceberg. This Iceberg is massive beyond imaginable scope. Going to be very interesting when this finally gets exposed and just how deep it reaches throughout the world. Once the children are exposed, there will be no place they can go or hide.... NCSWIC
This ^ 💯 percent!
Normies are going to freak out when they find out about the children and the andrenochrome. I sincerely feel bad for those who are about to find out these horrors. Truly horrors beyond any imagination.
So repulsive. I feel terrible for all victims of such perverse atrocities. Even to write “can you imagine” makes me gag.
But love is love.
And trying to conserve the planets water supply too.
Wow! The comments are awesome!
The bots defending oBiden are getting hammered.
He fucked all the kids and probably still does with Hunter. Even just fleetingly seeing his shitface makes me nauseous.
Yes. The real Biden is DEAD
Be careful the faggot shills will attack you like they did to me when I dared to say the same thing.
Ah nevermind ... fuck them!
Exactly how old was she was this happened? I know I knew the answer before but have forgotten since. Anyone know?
IMMRC.. she was 10-14?
I don’t know why I read comments on Twitter…glutton for punishment, I guess… It’s faked No one has filed charges so it can’t be true All he did was invade Ashley’s personal space But, but, Trump and Epstein…. Sigh…I’m not sure people are waking up at all. are they all bots?
Sheep will not wake up until the MSM is fixed.
I think many are bots. Or, at least I hope many are bots.
I read them strictly for the entertainment value... I laugh at the level of stupidity and/or lack of cognitive reasoning... It's amazing how many are blind...
So true. I’ll keep that in mind. Cheers!
She asked grandpa to shower her with love, not shower with me love.
Creeper's idea of a 'shower of love' is definately not what she had in mind...
Dumbass: show me the evidence!
The lazy skeptic / advocate usually does that "show it to me, because I don't know how to search for it myself" / "show it to me so i can discredit your source".
mfw they complain about a youtube video,
when they are on reddit.
I just read some of his tweets. Seriously low IQ. We must have compassion for people this stupid.
They're the 4-6%...
VaccinesCauseSIDS... that's evidence we'd rather not see... but! I'd be willing to wager there might be a "secret" video of Creepy n Ashley water exploits on ol Hunters lap top?
This picture has been floating around for months. Everyone said it's fake and this particular quote was not in the diary. Has this diary page been confirmed and I missed it?
ThanQ Dinesh for all your redpill tweets.
Nope, no other way to look at it, that was/is the real Biden.
I met Ashley at a bar. She was hitting on me something fierce. The only way to get rid of her was to say I don't want Joe's sloppy seconds.
She said she hears that a lot lately.