Hey Pedes, looking for clarity on a theory I'm mentally mulling around. It's kind of wild, but also, could have drastic implications if there is any truth to this.
I'll preface this by saying I am a believer in Christ, and only looking for truth, please don't shoot the messenger, this is an open debate and one I expect to see some heated emotions over.
The Greek word for "ante" is "αντι-", and although the current accepted translation of ἀντίχριστος is Anti-christ, there is little literature to explain the use of Anti vs Ante.
There is a possibility that the word "antichrist" in the Bible has been mistranslated or misunderstood, and that it may actually refer to an "ante-Christ," or a precursor to the coming of Christ, similar to how John the Baptist preceded Jesus. The book of Revelation, a highly symbolic and metaphorical text, may not actually predict a future apocalypse or end times, but rather symbolizes the ongoing struggle between good and evil in human history. According to this theory, the arrival of the "antechrist" figure may not be a negative event, but rather a necessary step in clearing the way for Jesus' return.
Let's analyze Trumps actions in contrast to the antechristos.
Abraham accords - negotiating peace with Isreal, only to turn his back in 3.5 years time. Does this fit with Biden getting into office?
The concept of a peace deal or covenant made by the antichrist is not explicitly mentioned in the book of Revelation, but it is described in some other parts of the Bible, particularly in the book of Daniel. In Daniel 9:27, it says:
"He [the antichrist] will confirm a covenant with many for one 'seven.' In the middle of the 'seven' he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And at the temple he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him."
Is the end of sacrifice, the end of child, human sacrifice to Baal? Or worse? This kind fits to me. Especially considering the Mossad connections with Epstein et al.
in Revelation 13:3, where it says, "And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast." This wound is described as being healed, and as a result, people are amazed and follow the beast.
I've often wondered if Trump gaining the presidency again would fulfill this passage?
There is a lot more to this theory, but it's a lot to type out, I'll leave it at this for now.
There are alternatives to this as well, as Obama/Biden could also fulfill the above prophecy by Biden essentially being an Obama Manchurian candidate. I don't know enough about Obamas political deals with Isreal to make a call on the first one.
One final thing here, Is to look at the way Jesus responded to Caiaphas and the high Jewish court :
You know neither me nor my Father. If you knew me, you would know my Father also."
This is very telling that Jesus did not see YahWeh as his "Father" in heaven. Jesus never once mentioned Yahweh when referencing the father. He used Abba, or other terms.
Thoughts, pedes?
Interesting fren. Thanks for putting yourself out there and sharing this. Honestly I have always personally felt that the current understanding of revelation was not really correct. Especially the idea of rapture and people disappearing and some being left behind. I always tell people I feel it's something outside the current box of understanding. All sides(pre trib, post trib, ect) can all use biblical text to prove there right and they are all so so very passionate about it as well. This tells me there is something different and God is purposely bringing us the challenge of disagreeing so he can then bring us back together..this is very interesting.
Man I don’t know who downvoted you. I’m so with you brother, all the contradictory interpretations makes me just assume no one has it 100%, and if accurately interpreting something so complex is critical to our salvation, I think heaven is going to be pretty devoid of humans
God sometimes gives us pieces that might APPEAR to contradict each other because it allows us to come together in a deeper more meaningful way(please read comments below to better understand what I mean). I'm all for people exploring a specific way of view. However when they begin to put themselves on a mountain I think it stunts there growth. You know me I'm all about being an outsider..one might say I relish in it 😁 God has also surrounded me with a great council to turn to as he grows me
Where does God contradict himself? I've not come across any example.
The fullness of God doesn't. If we take a piece and compare it to another piece, we each receive, it can appear that way. It only because the simple facts our minds are tiny compared to his endlessness. Notice I said might. He doesn't give us more than we can handle so in the moment things might appear that way, which is fine, it's all meant to bring us together in the end
I would add the word appear. My mistake
Does this make more sense u/undine53 I didn't word that the best. Thanks for pointing it out so I could clarify a little
Thank you.
If your rubics cube is off by a couple spots, its safe to say they didn't make it that way, but rather the solution or interpretations are not right. The Bible explains the attributes of the antichrist and Trump could match one or two but not all. So its not him at all. There's a match for all but its taboo. https://whitethroneministries.org/resources/lessons/summary-of-the-characteristics-of-the-anti-christ Trump has never spoke blasphemy against God. We don't need an interpretation to define blasphemy since Christ was accused of Blasphemy twice so those accusations are what they defined as blasphemy at the time. They accused him of claiming to be the Son of God and claimed to forgive sin. Obviously its not blasphemy if the claims are true. Do we know anyone today that claims to forgive sins? What about being a substitute for God on earth? What is Vicarius Filii Dei?
These are just thought trains that really need to be explored. If we knew it all we wouldn't be in the mess were in.
God is mysterious and has a sense of humor. The demonic ones have been hell bent on controlling us. Is it for to assume some things have been mirrored to cause confusion?
What else seems that way lately?
Revelation anyone?
Oh I'm in no way trying to prevent thought trains fren. I'm truly just playing along. We can explore the idea together. Sorry if it came off like I was attacking. I truly appreciate your willingness to explore ideas knowing people will attack
Cue those three guys who think they've got Revelation all figured out, just like every generation of Christians for the past 2000 years in 3...2...1...
Too late.
Jews, fake Jews that is, the ones that control everything (AKA the name-stealers, khazarian mafia, deepstate, cabal)
No I honestly feel its more the people that are over zealous about there current view of revelation and don't allow themselves to think outside box
I've often thought that the vision of the future Jesus showed John was the future before John wrote the book of Revelation. A possible future. However by the act of writing it, John gave the evil ones (WEF, etc) the blueprint of evil works, while also giving sight to believers to rise up and prevent them from achieving their goals. In other words, God wants us to prevent the Antichrist from taking over by identifying his evil works. God warned us about the Mark of the Beast, thereby giving us discernment by this warning and be saved.
You have to have the right intellect, right IQ to be saved. “All ye who thirst, come and THINK, figure it out with your own understanding to save yourself” /s
Hi Ryan, someone zeroed your response, so I gave you my vote :)
This is the first I've heard you saying "Honestly personally always felt that the current understanding of Revelations is not correct", which I find interesting - because as you know I asked thrice in that christianity joint about it, & of course SR defended it each time, so in asking Jesus I don't get an Answer about it. So what am I to believe??
Hello little sis. Good morning
Oh that's not very nice of them. People get very passionate about this topic. Often times it is ego though..
Yes I am in a similar situation. I have asked Jesus many times and I never get an answer. Which leads me to think it's something else but we aren't supposed to know. Glad to hear u are experiencing similar non answers. 🙏😁🤗♥️
Could be you don't get an answer from Jesus because HE ALREADY HAS WRITTEN IT VERY CLEARLY IN HIS BOOK.
Where do u stand with this topic?
Also do u not ask him to help u understand the bible?
Great questions! I don't mean to defend "current understanding of Revelation", and I don't personally believe the "secret rapture" pretrib understanding u/Slechta5614 speaks of (which I used to years ago), which u/Kunkussion describes as "an event where a select few just happen to get lucky and don't have to fight". I defend all the classic understandings, even those that appear contradictory, because as he says they will reconcile in time, the appearance will be removed. Whenever I ask the Spirit of Jesus about it, I get some kind of answer, but usually an answer to some other thing than I thought I asked! I'm working on a post comparing the current classic versions, if you're interested.
In all the classic versions (amill, postmill, covenant, dispensation), the rapture is not secret but an event where everyone can see that a higher power has intervened, where vast numbers of people will be separated out. Those that remain on earth may have a short or long destiny ahead, that is disputed; but it's clear to me that many among them will recognize God after the fact, and many will deny that the higher power involved is indeed the Creator God.
So although the "secret rapture" is taught by some today, it shouldn't be regarded as "the current understanding" but as a warped version of the dispensational view. Also, the "imminent general rapture" might almost be admitted as one of the classic views, but to defend it requires dealing forthrightly with Scriptures like Ezekiel 38-39 about wars before the rapture, and more important every believer should be prepared to be raptured individually (rather than with a group), just like Elijah was. So any focus on imminence should not be a threat but an encouragement to pursue holiness.
At c/Christianity we have one person in his second study of amill Revelation, we have one complete study of Revelation by myself (covenant) and another (dispensation), and we have postmills check in now and then anytime you see calls for restoring a Christian state. The mod board is similarly eclectic. I intend to defend all these equally because the claimed contradictions will be removed as we mature in understanding and drop our nonessentials.
And remember that Revelation is excellent war comms and delivers what you need to know without tipping off the enemy. Blessed is he who reads it, and always ask the Spirit for understanding.
Thank you for your response. When I speak of the quote you referenced of mine, it is a very popular, twisted understanding, even in media, and I am glad we have the same general understanding, that we cannot be predictive of God's plan and somehow know exactly the order things will be carried out as we fight Satan in his realm. It's also a flaw within this movement as well; asserting absolutist ideas and not studying the passage of events as a grand strategy that involves all of us, so this is where I pick at grifters especially on this. Many passages of the bible have the context "simplified", for lack of a better word, and it is between that context that many other messages lie. Hebrew is very interesting and quite hard to translate. Not to mention the fact that not all of the books of the bible were necessarily written in hebrew, so essentially we must study the Bible multiple times and still accept that its am open interpretation.
Also been wanting to link to c/Christianity more over here. It keeps slipping my mind though, thanks for doing that because it helped remind me 😁🙏
I guess common and classic understandings would be better choice of words
There is also the bit about the 2 witnesses, and I've always felt Q was one of them, trump or similar would be the second. Both have been "slain in the streets" more or less, but the 3 day time frame doesn't add up, not yet anyways.
Trumps arrest and 3 day hold, then release, for Q and trump to go ballistic? I really hope so, that would be badass, and fulfilling haha.
Enoch & Elijah went to Heaven without dying. They are the 2 prophets that come back and are killed. All mankind owes a death because of original sin.
This is a theory but we absolutely can't say for sure my fren
Only mankind that rejects the FATHER suffers a second. Moses will not suffer a 2nd death. When we pass away & are reborn, we are unto the Angels, who do not die. That is why we get a new body & why Lucifer & the fallen will suffer for all of eternity.
Oh this is an interesting theory. How would u explain the 3.5 years of prophecy part. Hasn't Q been around longer then that..same with Trump. I do love this type of thinking though. To many people are like the people in biblical times, getting caught in there own view and missing out. Just like they missed out on Jesus because they were expecting him to come and destroy Rome and Free everyone
The 3.5 year timeline is interesting. I've been wondering If this is the number of Bidens days in office. But also, could be something else.
Time will tell I guess.
It also said if God had not shortened the days there would be no flesh left to live. Another time anomaly in the mix.
yes there's something about the 3 days. this is a whitehat site about Mount Vernon; has a lot of number hints, and notice how they held George Washington's body for 3 days after he died...