Look we can protest, or pray.
It troubles me that a 76-year-old man, who is being subjected to yet another inquest/hearing/witchhunt. He’s definitely been through a lot.
I put his name on a temple prayer roll. I hope it helps!
Look we can protest, or pray.
It troubles me that a 76-year-old man, who is being subjected to yet another inquest/hearing/witchhunt. He’s definitely been through a lot.
I put his name on a temple prayer roll. I hope it helps!
Earnestly praying for a hedge of protection around Donald J. Trump and his family, and those protecting him! In Jesus name! Amen!
Here Here!
Dear Father in heaven MAKE AMERICA GODLY AGAIN and protect this true President of America and of all Americans against all evil. Help us to live in your light, love, truth and wisdom with faith, endurance and engagement to serve your will and the benefit of all in freedom and peace.
amen. truly hope the end is near for these godless retarded psychopaths. they're so deranged and demented I can't believe this country has been run like this for so long
Definitely praying
Praying for our President🙏 Priest told us the demons would be out in full force this week b/c of Holy Week. Keep your heads on a swivel & keep God in your daily lives.
Praying for our real POTUS!
Great idea. I may do the same next week.
Thank you!
It's all to draw attention away from Ukraine. Trump will be fine regardless.
Not to mention the economy....
Which hunt?
Witch hunt!
Praying for a good outcome
Q said he is well insulated. Still, I will pray for him, his body doubles, and humanity. What a show!
Why do you add in "might have some moral failings?" You only know about alleged moral failings from the fake news media. Innocent until proven guilty. If we're going to bring up moral failings, he doesn't molest children and shower with his pubescent granddaughters. The Democrats don't give a caveat that Biden "might have some moral failings." You should drop that line.
I dropped it!
Because we’re all only human! He’s truly wonderful but still not perfect! I’ll take him as he is! A great man!
Pray for his enemies, to soften their hearts and embrace Christianity. And if they don't, pray that their eternity in hell goes by fast.
I dont know what a temple prayer roll is
<Taking little Pepe to the search engine and showing him how to type in, "What is a temple prayer roll?">
Mormon thing I believe.
King of the Earth, we pray for our Real President. Please give him divine wisdom to lead this country. We pray that he would serve and revere You in his words and actions. We humbly ask that You grant him grace to know how to unify our country.
We are facing immense challenges regarding financial hardship, economic shutdowns, racial tensions, devastation from violence and riots in the streets, and great political division among many other things. Our President faces fierce challenges and opportunities on the domestic and international fronts. Please grant our President divine wisdom to navigate through his arraignment tomorrow annd our country through the uncertain path that lies ahead.
We've been meeting every evening for several years to pray for our country and God's people around the world. The Trump family has been part of them since day one.
Thanks! That’s probably why he keeps dodging these unrighteous accusations!
Pray well for Trump's safety! My dad was told earlier today that several generals were telling Trump not to go to New York for fear of assassination. I'm sure Trump has the best security possible but who knows what the deep state will try now that he's in their territory.
That’s what I was thinking! Like a lamb heading for the slaughter..