ABC Blurs Out “TEXT TRUMP AT 88022” on Podium During Tuesday’s Speech to Block Donations to His Campaign – But They Didn’t Blur the Ad for Joe Biden

And they suck at pretending not to suck.
You have a way with words.
Election interference.
Yeah seems it
In-Kind donation.
I hope everyone in the media fucking dies a horrible death
Not sure why someone would downvote your comment ,, they deserve it . They are behind people dying horrible deaths esp children ! I hope they hang by there feet or worse !
People are stupid
abc = disney what do you expect from pedos
More here. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/04/state-run-media-at-work-abc-blurs-out-text-trump-at-88022-on-podium-during-tuesdays-speech-to-block-donations-to-his-campaign-but-they-didnt-blur-the-ad-for-joe-biden/
Lowers my opinion of ABC, and it was already lower than what I stepped in.
If they are giving each candidate equal coverage, I think it is called election interference.
I love it. It is very blatant, and will come back to haunt them.
No matter. Anyone watching abc news doesnt donate to trump anyway
Is ABC still a broadcasting company? ? ?
Still dispensing KM/DS propaganda
Don't they have to give EQUAL COVERAGE?
That’s a communist tactic. This isn’t allowed on U.S. soil.
Cabal Commandment IIV
Thou shalt not give or provide any possibly advantage via fair play to he that opposes us.
ABC is a state run platform.
This is not the first time MSM has done this to President Trump
We know how to find a place to donate.
Oh look, state-run media influencing a presidential election.
Makes me wonder if they ran the ad for free and didn’t charge the Biden admin or campaign to do it.
Doesnt matter too much except as an exercise to show their bias to the non awake. Anyone going to vote or donate for P. Donald J. Trump will find a way....also they probably aren't watching that network.
Election interference? Yes. But what do you expect from a company that promotes fucking kids?
In-Kind Donation
I thought I saw yesterday this was debunked?
Is it now rebunked?
Shame on ABC for this election interference
Maybe because China Joe was paying for the ad, and Pres.Trump was getting "free" air time?