Are you seeing it, still? I’m throughout central and north Florida and black people are the ones wearing masks everywhere; including driving their cars, riding bicycles and walking along the road.
I want to go shake them and tell them that they have been enslaved by globalists; but I am sure that wouldn’t hear me.
I see it while out shopping still. I've even seen a few morons wearing masks alone in their cars. Some just want to live in fear forever because it gives them meaning in their lives.
But mostly it's just hospitals and clinics that are still forcing masks. There are a few hospitals I know of that will undoubtedly never get rid of masks, for employees or patients.
The pot smell is spreading everywhere. Tired of it. If I can't even escape to my own home and avoid the smell of pot, then my rights are being infringed as well.
The funny thing is, the people who were totally pro legalization (which is distinct from decriminalization) said that people wouldn't smoke and drive...yet it's every time I'm driving. Every time.
Kek well played fren😂🤣😂
Call some more shit…
A 'two more weeks!' prophecy finally fulfilled!
So does this mean the jabs are now illegal since they are still under EUA and there is no more "E"?
Apparently Biden is spending $5B on the new jabs for the next fear campaign they’re planning.
The current jab should be pulled off the market, and that includes Paxlovid.
If I hear that damn commercial one more time I’m gonna go crazy!
what the hell are you listening to for that commercial to be heard, i believe you are tuned into the wrong message stream?!
Are you seeing it, still? I’m throughout central and north Florida and black people are the ones wearing masks everywhere; including driving their cars, riding bicycles and walking along the road.
I want to go shake them and tell them that they have been enslaved by globalists; but I am sure that wouldn’t hear me.
I see it while out shopping still. I've even seen a few morons wearing masks alone in their cars. Some just want to live in fear forever because it gives them meaning in their lives.
But mostly it's just hospitals and clinics that are still forcing masks. There are a few hospitals I know of that will undoubtedly never get rid of masks, for employees or patients.
The pot smell is spreading everywhere. Tired of it. If I can't even escape to my own home and avoid the smell of pot, then my rights are being infringed as well.
The funny thing is, the people who were totally pro legalization (which is distinct from decriminalization) said that people wouldn't smoke and drive...yet it's every time I'm driving. Every time.
I don’t doubt it. Very few Asians where I am, though.
Suprisingly, I noticed the same thing.
Now begins all the gushing over how biden “beat the pandemic”
No ones going to believe that narrative. Everyone stopped caring a year ago.
If 16th the day, surely before Easter 🐣
Very interesting day if you understand what 4,10,20 means.
Newbies may be able to figure it out if they look at the drops. Good test for the newbies and a reminder for the veterans.
Someone explain how they ended the Covid national emergency but extended the vaxx requirement for entry for non citizens?
I was one of those who thought the whole shebang would be over. Covid? Pshaw.
He meant 2020.
So are we able to deduce that we are running on a 3 year differential timeframe?
I call shenanigans.
This show plays till 2025.
Just in time for round 2 in 2024.
But Monday was after Easter?