Welcome to General Chat - GAW Community Area
This General Chat area started off as a place for people to talk about things that are off topic, however it has quickly evolved into a community and has become an integral part of the GAW experience for many of us.
Based on its evolving needs and plenty of user feedback, we are trying to bring some order and institute some rules. Please make sure you read these rules and participate in the spirit of this community.
Rules for General Chat
Be respectful to each other. This is of utmost importance, and comments may be removed if deemed not respectful.
Avoid long drawn out arguments. This should be a place to relax, not to waste your time needlessly.
Personal anecdotes, puzzles, cute pics/clips - everything welcome
Please do not spam at the top level. If you have a lot to post each day, try and post them all together in one top level comment
Try keep things light. If you are bringing in deep stuff, try not to go overboard.
Things that are clearly on-topic for this board should be posted as a separate post and not here (except if you are new and still getting the feel of this place)
If you find people violating these rules, deport them rather than start a argument here.
Feel free to give feedback as these rules are expected to keep evoloving
In short, imagine this thread to be a local community hall where we all gather and chat daily. Please be respectful to others in the same way
Creepy freaky swish-boy. I knew it.
🙏Prayer Garden Podcast Episode 9: Pastor Daniel Nelms 🙏
On this episode we speak with the Lead Pastor at my church, Pastor Daniel Nelms. Pastor Dan has been a great leader and mentor not only for our church, but with my personal walk with Christ as well. If you perhaps feel a call to ministry, this episode can help enlighten and encourage you with that decision. In this episode we discuss his childhood life growing up in Georgia, when he got "the call" to pursue pastoral ministry and the struggle between giving up worldly desires to lay down your life for the Lord. We hear about some of the "ups and downs" about being a pastor and how Jesus is with you every step of the way helping you grow and develop. We also hear about his family life and how he and his wife are raising and homeschooling their six children together. Finally, we discuss the vision and revitalization of our church and how we are intertwined with the community that surrounds us.
Thank you for tuning in! Together through Christ we have endless potential.
Best of luck in the new job, fren.
Your lack of garrulousness has not gone unnoticed.
Today is national pet day. And the GA bulldawgs announced today they are retiring UGA 10 QUE, and announced UGA 11 BOOM! will be replacing the mascot! It's 4-11-23. 4-11 to me means information. We'll, that's what we used to dial way back in the day anyway to get info. Lol. I know, probably far reach. Just thought it might mean something. Idk. I do have a post.
Interdasting about the names.
Thank ya'll. I appreciate ya'll.
Explosion last night in Dayton Ohio , heard 3 county's away, can't get any real info on local news. I live 17 miles away and I heard it.
Wow! Anything since you posted this?
No , only that I heard it shattered some windows , but I know an explosion that can be heard that far away was something powerful, and there should be some massive damage.
It's incredible that it's not being reported on. Or has it been reported since you posted last night? VERY suspicious. Have you talked to neighbors and other people about it?
I have heard nothing. Yes, it's unbelievable bc I heard it with my own ears. All they said on news that it could be heard 3 county's away.
That is very, very strange. My goodness. Refusing to give people the info only makes people more curious. I hope you'll keep us posted and let us know if you do find out. It's very concerning. Appreciate the update, fren.
Exactly, I can't see a benefit to keeping it quiet. Dayton Ohio is a democrat run city by a lesbian (Nan Whaley). News center 7 is the most popular if anyone wants to dig.
I was hoping someone who lives in Dayton would know.
It’s muh 40th birthday, frens u/#HatPepe
Happy Birthday to a fellow April baby. I hope you had a great day. Just celebrated my 56 last week. I'll never get to old to blow out the candle.
So awesome! Many candles blown out! Happy belated fren! My parents are in their 70s. I’ve always had older friends I learned from. I used to hang out with an older couple that didn’t have kids, owned a property JFK and Marilyn Monroe would rendezvous at outside DC. Just shot the shit, learned cooking techniques, and did yard work.
Oh, such amazing experiences. I know you treasure that. I'm the same way, since I was a kid I preferred older people to those my own age. Could be because I had four grandparents and a great grandparent influencing me into adulthood. At one of my jobs a lady nicknamed me Old Soul.
Hap, hap, happy birthday! I hope it was a great one.
ThanQ it was awesome! Family, friends, so beautiful!
Aww, that sounds great. Wishing you many more.
Happy Birthday Fren! Hope you had a great day and hope you have a wonderful year. 🎉🥳
God bless! Suzy is my MIL name she’s so sweet. I call her “SuzyQ” it’s silly but she loves it. She is awake big time. Her late husband was Air Force 20yr Japan, Middle East. Smart man died too young a few years back.
Oh how precious. You’re so fortunate to have such a gem for a MIL. My name is Suzanne and my grandmothers name was Susie. I was always called Little Susie, but as I got older it went to SuzyQ. My little 3 year old grand baby boy calls me SuzyQ too. Music to my ears. ❤️. Sorry about her husband but he is watching over her here, and that’s a blessing. 🙏🏻
Happy birthday!
ThanQ you anon! Tx for life!
You have no idea how young you are at 40. You're like still a baby...to someone my age. Holy shit if I was 40 again I'd realize I had my whole life ahead of me and really make it count!! Congrats on being 40, fren!
I know I know! Thank you, anonfren! I am so blessed with my wife and kids, 3&6. We work hard and teach them the way. ThanQ!
I haven't slept in almost 48 hrs. I can't sleep. I'm so mad and angry. I have lots of hatred in my heart. Thst I don't want. I've prayed. K did relieve a miracle. But the evil took the goodness away. I knkw I'm sorry. I'm literally sleep deprived.
I take regular breaks from this site and unplug. Life itself can get hectic and your brain needs to relax.
Feel free to take a break from this site every once in a while if things get too heated.
Thank you.
Try here.
B: because
U: you
D: deserve
E:: every
I: individual
S: should
E: enjoy
R: regularly
A Sgt in usmc taught me thst back in the 90's folks. Can't believe I haven't seen it here yet. Or maybe it missed it. And if I did. Oops sorry.
Someone I know wants to quit smoking after a lung cancer diagnosis. Was told hypnosis would make smoking repugnant to them. Sounds like a powerful "tool" to achieve their goal. Just have two unrelated questions:
Why isn't this used in our prison systems to make crime, pedophilia, etc. repugnant to them?
And is this powerful "tool" being used to activate these mass shooters who all seem to have a common denominator of having a relationship with a "therapist" trained in hypnosis?
Many people that want to quit smoking because of health reasons but still crave smoking turn to smoking herbs. I don't know if this is ok with lung cancer or lung problems. Not all herbs are suitable for smoking. Some herbs are used by smoking to relieve some medical conditions. I'm not an expert and can't give further advice. I've seen it discussed years ago when I was in Facebook groups.
There were or still are pills to take that make cigarettes taste so incredibly shitty that it helps you quit. I quit but not with pills or nicorette or anything, I quit because someone I love was scared about me smoking. I quit for them. And I was a wreck for months with no crutch and suffered like fricken bloody hell and felt such fury because I was on my own with this. But by God I did it.
Thank you for your feedback. I appreciate it very much!
That's awesome. Good for you. Must feel great.
There is hypnotherapy which can help some people but alas it’s in the hands of the shrink industry which is probably more corrupt than the mainstream medical establishment.
Had a friend quit using hypnosis, it worked but he started again a year later and it didn't work the second time. I tried it and found out I can't be hypnotized. It works really well for some and doesn't for others.
had a friend try hypnosis multiple times... he finally resigned himself ti nicorette.
I wonder, how it is when we go see the lung specialist for my step dad he doesn't have the symptoms that ask him. But secretly I do! He's the one going for cancer. And doesn't have a damn aymptom. But when they ask, this, that, the, other I have every single one! I have terrible sinuses . Yes copd runs in my family. But when they ask him about night sweats, blood in cough ups, etc he says no. Chest pain no! Me ,I'm sitting there like yup! Got it all! Oh well. Life
Your symptoms could be excessive mucus caused by inflammation. Most of the time mucus and inflammation comes from a food allergy or sensitivity. I've experienced allergies and heavy mucus for a long time. The mucus gets worse if I eat too much sweets or peanut butter. I don't think it's the PB, probably the sugar in PB. If you think that could be the problem research detoxing. certain herbal teas, warm water with lemon and ginger if you like the taste. Apple cider vinegar with the mother. I hope you and your dad find relief. Edit: I didn't see coughing up blood until after my posts please get checked out before trying natural remedies.
You need a checkup. Coughing blood is very not normal.
If you think you may have something physically wrong...it sure doesn't help to eat yourself up with worry and anguish....there are cures for absolutely everything these days. You are going to have to focus on what you can do to improve the physical symptoms that you are seeing. There is a lot of information on this site concerning ALL kinds of protocols for healing...especially cancer. I pray that you find peace in the midst of your storm...
Found out my favorite dry shampoo has too much benzene. For years I used baby powder as dry shampoo. I am blonde. Baby powder caused ovarian cancer. Could it not also cause lung cancer?
I have a friend who died as well from lung cancer who never smoked. It's speculation but he lived in a crappy basement apartment for many years, I honestly believe the cause was radon.
radon and mold, basements need to be monitored for mold, even with my woodstove down there, the walls near the concrete floor, the sheetrock can start to turn
I'm so sorry for your loss.
Thank you very much.
Vitamin B17 for cancer. Also fenbendazole.
Check out Apricot Power for your B17 needs. It is the only place I found it.
Thank you very much! Saved to folder. It scares me. He says no to the questions. But I can answer yes. I so much appreciate it.
Also, cancer thrives on sugar, so a ketogenic diet has been helpful to people by starving the cancer.
Thank you.
Just checking through my notes:
Ivermectin against cancer https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5835698/