It is not really divide and conquer. It is sleight of hand, a shift of focus. The focus should be on banks and groomerment.
The collapse of the economy impacts everyone, yet... Look at this faggot, or look at what happened to this brown person, or what this white person did. The system caused harm, but the media only shines light on spots to small to see the bigger picture.
Even when you know the trick they are so good that it is still magic.
Describe what pattern you're seeing and who, exactly, you believe is committing the pattern, because all I see are cabalists of every ethnicity and supposed religion.
The American Dream used to be a unification of our dreams though, a commonality among people from different religious backgrounds, different cultures, even different countries.
That dream is dangerously subverted and perverted.
I think the race pushers are for surely deep state.
It is not really divide and conquer. It is sleight of hand, a shift of focus. The focus should be on banks and groomerment.
The collapse of the economy impacts everyone, yet... Look at this faggot, or look at what happened to this brown person, or what this white person did. The system caused harm, but the media only shines light on spots to small to see the bigger picture.
Even when you know the trick they are so good that it is still magic.
Penn & Teller - Smoking/Sleight of Hand Trick
Here's a very early version of that routine.
Too bad Penn turned out to be a(n).......
Racism diverts from classicism.
The true raping of humanity
Actually, there is no reason why it cannot be understood as both. Divide and conquer always involves some level of deception.
I agree but a lot of the parts that go into the magic act is how we got Covid and PCR testing at 40 cycles. Smoke and mirrors.
Yes, divided into so many buckets. Pitting kids against parents has to be one of the worse ones yet. (Child trans movement stuff)
That's funny because I have this saved already.. Agreed that it's slight of hand and magic to fool the people..
I'd say that's a complicated Yes AND No answer.
There's truth in the conflict, but the 'Synagogue of Satan' puts a magnifying glass over the issue to push us all towards their Race War.
If we ignore the uncomfortable truths then we're complying with political-correctness and "Social Justice."
Stereotypes exist because patterns of behavior DO EXIST.
It's a careful balancing act of seeing the truth for what it is; while simultaneously not allowing our own emotions to blind us into their "Race War."
Something that helps bring awareness to this tactic is Saul Alinsky (HRC):
Patterns of behavior DO EXIST based on UPBRINGING and ENVIRONMENT.
Not based on race.
Blacks in America grow up in DISFUNCTIONAL homes. Which now increases the odds of destructive behavior.
That has nothing to do with race. That has to do with the environment.
Blacks that grow up outside of the hood. Act completely differently than blacks inside the hood.
It's a greater Tuskegee program.
I suggest you read this book.
Thomas Sowell PROVES that behavior isn't racial. That it's upbringing.
He tells the story that Ghetto Blacks get their culture from White Slave Owners who were violent rednecks.
Sowell is a credit to the American People.
I’ve seen a couple of his videos in my recommendations on YouTube.
Thanks for the recommendation.
Really check it out.
It’s a must read.
"Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6
Most slave owners were jewish
People who say one race behaves a certain way BECAUSE of physical traits is a bad way of thinking.
Now... if you say "XYZ group from the violent ghetto" tend to behave a certain way.
Then I would agree with that.
This is because we would have a logical explanation of WHY they behave the way they do.
That's because of the culture they were brought up in.
When people yell at people for making RACIAL ASSUMPTIONS. They are logically doing so for a reason.
That's because that form of thinking is LOW IQ and TRIBAL!
Jesus said the "Synagogue of Satan" is not Jews.
Describe what pattern you're seeing and who, exactly, you believe is committing the pattern, because all I see are cabalists of every ethnicity and supposed religion.
That's the thing.
You cannot apply a general truth to people.
This is because we are individuals with different hopes and dreams.
The American Dream used to be a unification of our dreams though, a commonality among people from different religious backgrounds, different cultures, even different countries.
That dream is dangerously subverted and perverted.
Most people want common sense. God gave us the 10 commandments for a reason.
These are common sense universal rules that most people would agree with.
It’s now rebranded “American nightmare”
Yes. Anyone adding malice to an issue is not a friend of our movement -- or of humanity in general.
If depends on what we mean by truth.
Truth comes in different data types.
I could go on and on.
The problem with racial truth is that most people think of it in binary yes or no.
You cannot assign a binary value to a group of millions of people.
This is why I don’t care about truth.
I care about Value to the world.
Humans don’t think logically first. Humans are designed to think emotionally for survival.
Then we use logic to rationalize our emotions.
The Cabal knows this.
This is why they must confuse children. Once you can confuse they way people feel about the world.
You can confuse how they rationalize their reality.
This is why IQ is a bad indicator of anything.
100% and the ones saying " why are we not doing something now !" ( Wanting vigilante & violence)
I agree!