THE GUARDIAN SAVES THE DAY! Certain niches of internet are already rife with the “plandemic” theory, which alleges that the spread of the virus has been designed to create big bucks for pharmaceutical companies and the philanthropist Bill Gates (whose charity is funding many efforts)... LOL

All five of those arguments dissolve when you show someone the articles by Dr Peter McCullough, Dr Malone, and many other doctors who've done the research. Some of these people, like McCullough, are more qualified than Fauci.
We're at the point where anyone who supports the vax should be on the defensive. Ask them why they're supporting a government that censored the above mentioned doctors which was proven in the Twitter Files. Ask them why we should rely only on peer reviewed journals like the Lancet after they completely made up a fake study about HCQ (doesn't matter if HCQ works or not -- they lied). Ask them why they're behaving like Amway sales agents for big pharma despite its criminal history.
No conspiracy theories there. It's all backed up by fact. I recommend providing them source material for those facts, which I'd link to myself but it's Saturday and I need to get back to my pancakes.
EDIT: A better question regarding the Lancet: How many fake peers are required to review a fake study?
This is the kind of comment that GAW was built for. Nicely done.
He changed his stance on that after omicron
It was Omicron where the natural immunity did much better than the vax.
The vax at this point was worthless.
So some doctors are allowed to change their minds after new evidence is presented? ;)
Well all doctors are obviously thats how science works, before Einstein changed the status quo, there was a difference concencus right? Or when new evidence erupts, obviously a good doctor would reposition themselves, imagine not
Oh I was just teasing about how people love to display before/after clips of what Fauci said in 2020 vs 2022 etc
Ahh ok that makes more sense my bad
wow I can't believe they use that photo of Gates as a way to portray him as something good! Evil is stupid
....but he has his own song now.
When will they be going the same way as Buzzfeed? None too soon, I think.
Oh noes! I caught a cold when I could have caught myocarditis. Sucks to be me.
Quick! Put this frog on Remdesivir!
I guess I'll have to wait in line after the people who overdosed on ivermectine.
Thanks for the tips on how you all manipulate the public. Projection at it's finest.
They're scared because they know how the masses can be swayed. Difference is our side is interested in the Truth. Not pushing an agenda.
This kind of argument is known as pleading. You essentially move the goal posts whenever someone presents evidence that would disprove your point. Ask them why their research wasn't in the Lancet, a single journal with unknown financials? Or, suggest that their research is somehow "not credible." Or ask why all "major scientific institutions" disagree with them?
Geez.. it's just always projection with these people. I really wish they had at least a little gorm so it would be an actual challenge to see right through them.
My personal favorite. Reminds me of the global warming scam. Everything that happens is caused by climate change so you can never disprove their theory
This article is 1.5 years old. How is this relevant or sticky worthy?
It’s actually 2.5 years old. November 2020.
Agreed regarding the question. Not worth attention, not worth sticky stats.
And it reads like it’s 2.5 years behind
It's never been on GAW is why
Bill gates wants to be the next Soros
Shame on David Ike, for profiting massively and greedily from the plandemic misinformation, while generous heroes like Bill Gates donate their last few pennies selflessly towards the cause. I heard that David Ike has become the richest man in the world by profiting from his evil deeds, while Bill Gates has basically taken a vow of poverty by how much he has donated.
Lol yes it’s a “conspiracy” that Big Pharma got rich off the poison vax.
Eat shit Guardian! Hurry up and get your 6th boosters journalists!
Can you be more specific.
Do you need to be a nutjob to believe that the response to the c19 virus has been engineered to maximise profits for the pharmas?
There are a lot of links between regulators and pharma
More like elevating the nutjobs as strawmen to attack the rest of us. You need to rethink what the purpose of the media is.
oooh, a troll. How sweet. You found something to do.
Good boy.