posted ago by RedPillQ17 ago by RedPillQ17 +76 / -1

Posted 4/24/23: (Veteran) Derek Johnson tells (former Navy Seal) Michael Jaco about receiving his media press credentials for his upcoming trip to Guantanamo Bay to report on military tribunals (with "surprise guests" he says) in June or July 2023. Johnson says they're not going to pre-announce who's REALLY going to be having their military tribunals (on a public calendar).

Johnson also talks about various 'comms' coming from President Trump in recent speeches, as well as some of the recent National Guard interstate flights and interesting foreign military flights in American skies. His website has 'flight tracker' screenshot receipts out the wazzoo.

4/24/23 Derek Johnson interview with Michael Jaco: https://rumble.com/v2k98uw-derek-johnson-on-gitmo-tribunals-trump-comms-military-working-day-and-night.html

Here is Derek Johnson's channel on Rumble (RattleTrap1776): https://rumble.com/user/RattleTrap1776

Here is Derek Johnson's massive data goldmine on his "1776 Nation" website with all his 'receipts' - including President Trump's pivotal Executive Orders, key military laws & regulations, and a repository of National Guard interstate and international flights. He posts endless flight tracker screenshots of 'federalized' (by POTUS Trump) National Guard flights crossing state lines and flying to other countries - all providing piles of documentation indicating that the USA is under COG (Continuity of Govt.) status, since early on in President Trump's first term: https://thedocuments.info/

4/29/23: Derek Johnson interview on X22 Report, discussing that he'll be reporting from Gitmo on military tribunals this summer: https://www.bitchute.com/video/D3z0u1nX1a1g/ (see time stamp around 48 minute mark)

4/6/23: Derek Johnson interview (with Nicholas Veniamin & Lewis Herms) where Johnson talks about being invited to Guantanamo Bay - with press credentials - to report on upcoming military tribunals: https://rumble.com/v2gofvs-lewis-herms-and-derek-johnson-says-tribunals-are-very-close-with-nicholas-v.html