Just an example for the newfrens and the oldfrens that haven't seen it before. This is what OSINT and autism can do. Old, but so so good.
🐸 Anon History 🐸
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Remember when 4chan got an ISIS camp bombed? Pepe Farms remembers.
Member they gave the details to the US, and they passed on it (of course because they were funding it), and gave it to the Russians who put down their Vodka and turned off the hard base and said LETS RIDE and they fragged them.
Wait…… wut??
I knew about the Shia ordeal, but what’s this all about? This tale is new to me.
ISIS posted something on the internet about one of their training camps with pictures, the anons figured out exactly where the training camp was, told the US who did nothing, then they told the russians who wiped it off the map
Yes how do we do this to ANTIFA? Patriots wanted to know Kek Kek!
label it as a conservative militia group? nah wouldn't work, they're all created by the CIA
"... was known to us."
i dont so can you recap??
See @bedminster post below. They triangulated a "secret isis base" by tracing the height of surrounding mountains and using the only electrical tower visible from the training tape.
I remember this. It was amazing to watch the autists go all laser-eyed.
(Remember the guy honking his horn? Lololol…amazing).
This still amazes me. This was the pinnacle, the proof of ability, and the beginning. I'd even say this is why Q chose 4chan.
Absolutely! This was so glorious to watch in real time, I was thoroughly entertained. Remember the sound of frogs alerted autists to nearby water?
Didn't see it in real time, but have enjoyed this video multiple times! Capture the Flag
Agreed. Glorious to watch in real time.
Internet Historian has a great summary of this. Complete with like 7 seasons.
Playing capture the flag with Shia was one of my favourite times to be alive, not gonna lie. Fond memories. The original feed (accessible to the public) also showed me how most of pol was literally all other races larping as Nazis for the keks. A true moment of unity between people all coming together to troll Shia LaBeouf rofl. We drove that poor bastard insane(r), lmfao
Best comment:
Second best:
This was one of 4chan’s greatest achievements, was absolutely hilarious
A Triumph of Humanity, if you will.
The flag went down, up went a maga shirt and bucket.
I watched a video about it from InternetHistorian, but I did't have this screenshot collage, thanks man.
That was probably my first official follow on youtube. I love that channel
This is what moved me from "Q is nice but will it work with such losers as citizens" to "LETSGOOOOOO!!!"
It was the moment when the gov bated their breath and started to truly understand the raw power, terror and determination of what is now known as—
So excellent! I remember seeing this and it convinced me of a couple of things… first, that it’s impossible to hide from excellent anons. Second that Shia La Boof, besides being a a celebrity sheep, was way out of his league. Third… That I could trust information from this site, because… this kind of investigation ability (followed by action) is awesome beyond belief.
Agreed. 😂
The good old days - go back every now and again - not the same. Do y'all remember the back and forth with LDR? That was some crazy stuff.
Jurassic autism
I kinda miss these types of deep Digs and info coordinations.
Best part, it was just another troll
We didn't know how good we had it.
Can this be laid out in sequential order for us retards
Here is the entire story. Chronological. Image above all took place in a day.
Did no one suspect the 'anons' who did this were themselves 3 letter agencies working for the good guys? Or early Q team
I remember when this happened though i wasnt on the chans, my husband showed it to me. Looking back now afyer Q op i do believe it had to be them.
Sorta. Q recruited the best of the best anons, using little games like this. Look up "cicada 3301" for another fun one.
He Will Not Divide Us. Look here fren: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=14pKJCvliNY
Shia was og Trump Derangement Syndrome nutjob. Kept getting his shitty flag replaced with maga hats. Look up internet historian on yt, he has some good coverage of how it all went down.
The Shia formerly known as a man was the pinnacle example of showing how much better we were at investigation than Redditards.
Ahh I remember the day they finally found it by honking while driving around. Good times. Almost as fun as Hitler-did-Nothing-Wrong Mountain Dew, and voting Taylor Swift to perform at the school of the deaf lmao.
That was just the one flag. There were several.
That’s shit was hilarious to watch live when it happened, good times!
Damn when everything was operating as a well oiled machine.
The details are fuzzy for me, but wasn't there also a decode of comms gone viral ahead of time for a planned shooting in Gilroy, CA? Or was it another location?
Wow. That’s very impressive!!!!
I remember hearing about this at the time. I had mad respect for these anons as it takes commitment, dedication and cooperation to get something like this accomplished.
Was this actually to do with Shia LeBouef? what was he livestreaming, a random flag?