I am just trying to calm down after this event and needing some prayer. I’ve been around this community for a while and I know there are many prayer warriors. Just me getting this off my chest and on “paper” so to speak will help clear my head and calm me down.
The background on this all is my neighbor’s garage burned down spectacularly yesterday evening and caused me to be uneasy. They are right across the street and took many firefighters to put out.
Well, the main issue I’ve been referencing happened while I was sleeping and felt like a demonic attack. I woke up to chocking on bile and tried to take a breath but it went to my stomach instead. After gaging for a moment, I swallowed and got my epoglottis under control. It really felt like my epoglottis was in the wrong position for a moment and cause me to wake up without air in a panic. I didn’t feel like my throat was swollen before going to bed but it is definitely now. Just seems like tonsils and the lymph nodes below my jaw. I also ended up burping a ton as it seems I had air in my stomach from the initial panic, can’t breath moment.
I could use prayer and any insight into this issue, it’s happened one other time about a year ago. It also felt like a spiritual attack since I am standing for Trump, Q, and the 1 Billion Soul harvest coming. God has also given me many dreams and visions about these coming days and this vision of sickness being healed in Jesus’ name for everyone in the room. Like regardless of what was wrong, every single sickness or thing wrong with our bodies was all healed in the same moment. We were just worshiping God and it flowed out in that moment.
I know I am not alone in this but just asking for help, thanks
I am not a doctor, but from experience of both those symtoms: The swollen throat symptom can be a sign of Iodine deficiency - the thyroid gland sits at the base of the throat and swells into your esophagus, when you are chronically low on iodine. The burping thing can be a salt deficiency, which is quite common, given the sustained propaganda we are subjected to re: sodium levels - however, the stomach is upset specifically by a lack of the chloride part of sodium chloride. Your stomach functions to digest protein due to hydrochloric acid. If you are low on chlorides, the stomach contents start fermenting instead, and they start bubbling.
Given that many governments put iodine in salt in the past, because iodine deficiency is so common, a combination of those symptoms makes me think that you might have been avoiding iodized salt, or salt altogether.
Re: the Iodine, get some oral iodine drops. They work really fast.
Re: the salt, put a half of teaspoon of table salt, preferably without free-flow advertising (e.g. rock, sea or Himalayan), and dissolve it in a glass of water. Keep that by your bed and drink a few swallows, if the burpy bile starts bothering you. It feels cooling in your stomach and should work instantly.
Re: Psychic attacks - this can be a side effect of Iodine deficiency, the dreams can be quite hallucinatory. But praying helps - a lot.
Useful post, thanks!
Great response, but would change two things: would recommend a pinch of salt, rather that a teaspoon. The saline solution has to be isotonic (i.e., 0.5% NaCl) so that it doesn't further irritate the tissue. A teaspoon of salt would make it hypertonic. Dissolve it in warm water, and not hot, as that would burn.
Secondly, instead of drinking it (which might make you nauseous), gargle with it for about 15 to 20 seconds and then spit it out. Do this every few hours until your throat is healed.
Hope that helps.
To add to this. If you know your iodine levels are ok(good diet of food containing iodine) you also may be iron deficient as iron assists in iodine uptake. Low iron prevents the body from using the iodine.
That aside. Being there was just a fire. Might want to ask your neighbor if they had any common household/yard chemicals in the garage. Namely bleach or car cleaners. Then research what happens when those chemicals burn. See if that could bean issue and consult a Dr.
Also of note, it sounds to me like you have occasional severe acid reflux and the epoglotimus sensation was a result of the acid and your internal physical reaction to that.
Yeah, I wasn’t down wind but there was a lot of plastic and other things burning. Tires, wood trim, fridge, tools, a number of batteries, fiberglass ladders. One propane tank exploded and scared the house owner into getting away for safety, he was trying to put it out with a garden hose.
I purchased Lugols Solution 2% but havent taken it because I didnt know how many drops to take? Do you know what would be safe to start?
I take up to 10 drops at a time once a day in the morning. If you are iodine deficient, you may feel tightness in your thyroid area at first if you take a lot. I did at first and it went away after a few days. Start with 3 drops and work your way up from there until you are happy with it. You need to have enough selenium in your system if you are taking iodine. Some need to supplement and others get from their diet. I supplement. Also, UNREFINED salt is a must. The iodine will help rid the body of Bromide but that process can make you feel bad. Salt binds to Bromide and helps get it out without feeling like crap. I use Redmond's real salt. I also take it a night for leg cramps when needed and it works instantly. Listen to podcasts/interviews with Dr David Brownstein, this is almost all he talks about .
Holy Father, bless u/Tankstir with the very certainty of Your Love for him. Relieve him of his ailments and reassure him of Your Holy Protection.🙏🏻
Acid reflux , don't eat before bedtime.
I didn’t eat 2 hours before bed. I was really scared because I woke up not being able to breath for a bit
Perhaps sleep apnea? If its feeling like you cant breathe then maybe you really couldnt breathe. Idk if anyone else lives with you but if not try audio or video recording yourself sleeping so yo can know if its heavy snoring thats causing problems
I've been there! My wife almost called 911! For me it was food and beer too close to bed. I'm a little over weight also. Never happens when I'm normal weight. Acid reflux. Sometimes it's just annoying coughing at night. But that one time scared me!
Acid reflux. Eat your last bite at least 4 hours before lying down to sleep. If you can't manage 4 hours, prop yourself up to sleep.
It's also very much dependent on WHAT you eat and drink.
Yeah, I’m mildly overweight so that doesn’t help. I also had ice cream earlier in the day and didn’t sit the best
Did it burn? Sounds like acid reflux to me, I'm no doctor tho
Yeah, it definitely seems like this was the case. Likely caused me to choke and epoglottis got stuck due to acid
I’m praying for you, friend.
I’m not a doctor but it sounds like a panic attack to me. The burning down of your neighbor’s garage making you uneasy only reinforces my belief that that’s what you’re dealing with. The rest of what you’ve said is equally heavy stuff. It could be that you’re under way too much stress at the moment.
Two weeks ago I went through something similar. After scrubbing my deck, I developed hives/an allergic reaction. The itching was driving me crazy and keeping me on edge. A day or two after the itching started, I felt like my throat was closing off and I couldn’t breathe. Came this close to going to the ER but it finally eased off.
I completely understand what you mean by it feeling like a spiritual attack. It can feel the same way to me at times, though I have panic and anxiety attacks way more often that you’ve said you do.
On one hand, I don’t want you to ignore something that may be something more than a panic attack. On the other hand, one big rule of thumb is to practice slow breathing in the moment to try to calm yourself down. Pay close attention and assess if it only FEELS like you can’t breathe, or if you truly, actually can’t breathe. If you’re actually breathing okay and nothing seems urgent, give yourself some time to work on relaxing your mind and body. Be gentle with yourself and understanding. Accept the panic, don’t fight it.
Other things to try in the moment: talk. If you can talk, you can breathe. Walk around. If moving around makes you feel a little better, it is more than likely a panic or anxiety attack. Find a “panic come down” video on YouTube. These can help a lot. It’s calm, slow talking that helps you slow down, breathe slowly and fully, and realize that you can get through this.
If you want to talk more about this I’m more than willing. I’ve dealt with panic and anxiety for almost my entire life, since I was a very young child.
Maybe a post on this. How is everyone coping in light of world events, earth events? Frens with your experience of panic disorders have a lot to offer.
I agree, We need some full posts like this, and other struggles people are dealing with.
Yes, I had it for years and didn’t realize I had panic attacks, no one told me that is what it was. I also internalized it and it came out as high anxiety about my health and fear of dying. I pray in Jesus’ name all fear be gone
Luckily my mind broke long ago, now I embrace the chaos
Yeah, likely all this was going on. I’ve had a lot of kid health issues I’ve had to deal with and it’s hard being in the hospital with your kids and them not feeling well. Just mainly 2 week old really really sick and daughter was in the hospital that same year and 2 years prior and a few years before that at birth. I did have a panic attack after and had to pray and writing this post helped enough that I could go to sleep
Oh, I’m so sorry. I sincerely hope they’re both doing better now and am praying for them too. That’s definitely not easy to go through. Sounds like you need to take some time for yourself to try to heal your mind and soul and recharge.
Tankstir, well done for fighting your corner. It is not just psychic attacks on individuals but we are also being hammered energetically, electro-magnetically, by the Sun. The earth's magnetic field is much, much weaker, coming to the end of a cycle, so the usual protection is not there. Opportunity for the dark forces. There are several levels on which you could tackle the issue. Calm your nervous system down - magnesium, GABA, chaga, vit C, probiotics Stay off caffeine. Fast for 3 days, water only, if possible. During the attack, keep saying 'Thank you Jesus' even if you feel like you have to force your way through cotton wool to say it. When you feel confident enough, go towards the attacking entity, forgiving their trespasses. And protection, I have sprinkled holy water, rosemary and salt, burnt sage and incense, to ward off any opportunists. I also have a crucifix on front and back door. And lastly, give yourself a pat on the back. For you to draw the attention of these entities means you are over the target.
Not a doctor but am a nurse. Been noticing that my plegm has been more tacky than normal over the last two years. Hands are also more tacky after washing them on a daily basis now. About six months ago, had a mucus plug in my throat that nearly choked me to death in the middle of the night but was able to spit it up. Conclusion: something is making our body fluids more tacky but unable to pinpoint exactly what. Guessing at this point, it's either the water supply, food supply, air contaminants, or vaccines. Probably a combination of all the above. Also, salt can be very beneficial in the right amounts. Use salt to your advantage. Throughout history, many wars have been fought over salt mines alone.
I've had catarrh since I had the covid symptoms in Jan 2020.
Love and Light your Way 💕
lots of energy in motion these days. just let it pass through you. prayer and faith are all you need.
Prayers. I once had someone tell me the burping was forcing evil out of you.
Praises for your healing dreams!
For those dealing with acid reflux issues, consider that as we get older the stomach makes less acid. "Acid reflux" is more an issue of acid in the wrong place (in the esophagus) rather than too much acid. Stomach acid after a meal provides the stimulus for the lower esophageal sphincter to close (and is needed for digestion). Too little acid causes the sphincter to stay open, allowing reflux of stomach contents into the lower esophagus. I add about 1 tablespoon of raw apple cider vinegar (ACV) to a glass of water at lunchtime. This has helped my reflux issues very much. If I have heartburn due to a spicy dinner meal, another glass of water with ACV in the evening helps relieve the discomfort. Pills that block acid production can aggravate acid reflux over time.
I concur. Stopped taking the acid reflux script and started using the apple cider vinegar and water. I don't take it every day (may consider doing so) but when I have an attack, it works and within minutes, I'm fine.
I accept your vision of healing and pray that God the Father will allow me to be in such a place. I declare and decree that God is capable of doing such miracles and that we will see it happen soon. In Jesus’ name.
It's time to put on the armor.
Prayers on the way fren.
Stay strong.
Did it cause acid reflux?
I will be of no help with your physical issue. However, I used to have dreams where it felt like I was in the presence of evil demonic beings. I have always been a follower of Christ. The dreams did finally stop not sure on timing it was years ago. They didn't stop because I became perfect, I am far from it. They stopped when I called on Jesus to stop them. In a dream state I called to Christ, the bad spirits left. Further, I realized these dark spirits have no power in comparison to God. Don't try to fight them yourself, call on Jesus to do it for you.
A 2nd story. My brother was staying at an old beach house with a friends family. He was planning to sleep on the couch. His friend told him they won't sleep in the Master bedroom it is haunted. My brother is Christian and didn't really believe in this type of thing. He went to bed, he felt a cold draft on him in the middle of the night and heard footsteps in the room. He got up to see if his friend's kids were stirring, they were not. He laid back down. He heard a loud boom on the roof, he heard it again and again. He audibly called out, "in the name of Jesus Christ leave my presence." It went silent and did not come back.
God has the power, ask him for help. I will say a prayer for you as well.
Acid reflux can be caused by a hiatal hernia. Here is an article describing a maneuver to correct it.
Update: I tried following a random video online on how to help this and got relief. I felt my stomach click back into place, thanks!
Oh wow, that sounds like exactly what I have. I will have to try some stretches for that as I have that pressure they describe. Sounds like some fasting would help or losing weight
Added to my prayer list fren.
Some fam & friends have had their breathing issues corrected at night with a round pillow under their neck (to create a CPR bend/tilt of the head to open the air way).
Also possibly a CPAP could help.
FWIW I've woken up choking on bile a few times. Acid reflux. I stopped eating close to bedtime and that solved it. Can't speak to the rest of it Fren, but sending good energy your way...
Wow, thanks for the sticky! I’m honored