Police want to block it, politicians want to block it, now the school wants to block it. I don't use the word "bombshell" because it's a "the sky is falling term", but in this case, I would use it. Whatever is contained in HIS manifesto is a bombshell so devastating that it probably implicates HIS handlers as being FED boi's, and they were the driving force behind this.
I think the document listed all terrorist acts the group planned to commit, of which this shooting was to be one of multiples. The massive censorship of 'trans day of vengeance', banning of accounts pointing it out, banning of anyone reposting any of the flyers, and the effort to memory-hole the atrocity and instead call it a 'trans day of visibility' shows massive and coordinated efforts by the entire deep state apparatus. To justify actions like this, there must have been a proportionally huge revelation that the manifesto outed.
So its my take that the precious marginalized but yet hero group of which all corporates fly the pedo flags dutifully in homage to, has reached its final form. An actual terrorist group, as if antifa was not enough of a precursor.
The school is probably the only organization that was providing the tranny a way of escape. But the brainwashing is deep, so while trying to escape the mind Fuckery of the world, there was a complete existential breakdown. Thus the shooting.
Sad but true.
These people were trying to help this child, person, whatever you want to refer to it. In trying to do so, he lost a child. The one that was shot that is. His little girl.
she was not the shooter - plain to see that different shoes, different camo pattern, different belt was on the video of the shooter - she was a patsy - like oswald, like the vegas shooter dude, like derek chauvin (played by Ben Bailey)......wake up people
It smells to high heaven. The two pairs of shoes..... a shooting drill at Covenant only a few months before the actual shooting..... the refusal to release the manifesto.... and now the school is filing a lawsuit to keep it from being published?
There's more to this story and it's becoming more obvious the school itself is involved in perhaps in this false flag event.
This school was deep into a child sex scandal while she went to school there. I bet they don't want her manifesto to come out as it will definitely implicate their precious richy rich pervy school and maybe half of Nashville too.
Tell this to redpill others:
The media and pundits want to dig into every nitty gritty detail about school shooters. This is how they create narratives that conservatives breed mass shooters. BUT they don't want to do the same for this shooter. SUDDENLY, his privacy is respected.
School held a drill rehearsal with same reporter in the previous year. Reporter has connections with Democrats and employees at the school. Stooge entered while connected employee on break. Yes this is normal for complicit school to suppress any leads to their involvement in the FF
The school, through fear, under the guise of 'child safety' has capitulated to the demands of the very same fringe lunatics who ...oh please, let me guess, its all about the children right?
If your child is in school you're a lousy parent. IMHO of coarse. They have proven unequivocally that school, and your child's future means diddly squat. What more will it take? Face reality for a start. School is a weapon, that has been designed for the advancement of slavery. You're child's slavery.
In other words, pay up, shut up, we all know this is about money right?
"As I was walking around school the other day, a well dressed man, sporting a finely tailored suit and Ray-Ban sunglasses approached me asking about my interest in starting a revolution. And I'm like, who me? He's like, yeah, you. I'm thinking, yo, this is exactly what my teacher had been telling me too. Far be it for me to turn my back on the chance for change in order to force society to progress my way. If it's a violent revolution, so be it. So my antifascist cohorts and I met at Starbucks to decide our next move. They all thought it was funny how I wore a red baseball cap because it looks like a trumper hat. After having a hearty laugh, We knew that had to be part of the plan. So the next day I approached my English teacher and they/them seemed very sympathetic to the situation.... "
In the summer of 2007, a youth worker at Covenant Presbyterian was told by a high school junior-to-be that she had been repeatedly sexually molested by her adopted father when she was a young girl. This youth worker reported the allegations of abuse to a pastor at Covenant Presbyterian and confirms that pastoral staff at Covenant knew of the abuse allegations in 2007. For several months the adopted father of the girl, a man who happened to be a church officer at Covenant and the owner of 'the safe house' where the pastors placed the four children of Greg Lurie in the spring of 2002 without Greg Lurie's knowledge, repeatedly denied that he had sexually molested his minor adopted daughter.
(They deliberatlely broke up this guy Lurie's home by convincing his wife to leave him and put his kids under the care of a molester in their "safe house" If you think this is crazy, you haven't researched calvinist churches enough, because it happens. See the Truth about New Calvinism by Paul Dohse)
However, at some point in early 2008, around the time Austin Davis was willing 'for the sake of peace' to sign a statement that he would "never challenge ... or dissent with (Covenant Presbyterian) leadership again," the father of the girl 'confessed' to church officers his acts of child molestation. The confessed child molester was assisted by Covenant leadership to enter a sexual treatment clinic. Upon returning home from treatment, the wife of the confessed child molester filed for separation. Nearly a year later, on March 13, 2009, the wife of the confessed child abuser filed for divorce, giving one of the reasons for the filing as:
"The past acts of abuse and molestation of the parties' minor child." (Allegation #8)
Ironically, in the summer of 2007, when Covenant leadership became aware of the allegations of molestation against one of their church officers, I stepped to the microphone at the Southern Baptist Convention and made a motion that ...
"A database be developed containing the names of all Southern Baptist ministers who have been credibly accused of, personally confessed to, or legally been convicted of sexual harassment or abuse, and that such a database be accessible to Southern Baptist churches."
Though I am not a Presbyterian, my motion was rooted in the knowledge that there is a tendency within religious denominations to 'conceal and cover' sexual abuse by church officers and ministers out of concern for the "reputation" of the church. TIME Magazine declared that the failure of my motion was 'one of the Top 10 most underreported stories in the nation that year.'
When the church officer at Covenant Presbyterian 'confessed' to his molestations in the spring of 2008, there seems to have been no effort by Covenant Presbyterian leadership to 'make known' or 'reveal' the sins of their church officer. There is no police report. There is no public record. There are no discovered church court minutes recording his sins. The Tennessee Department of Child Services, the Davidson County District Attorney's Office, the Tennessee Attorney General's Office, and other civil authorities can produce no record that they were ever notified by the Covenant Session in 2007, 2008, 2009, or 2010 of the child molestations.
In addition, the child molester continued to attend Covenant Presbyterian without notification of the church body of his confessed actions, meaning there were no boundaries in place to protect children.
What does happen at Covenant Presbyterian Church after the confession of the child molester from April 2008 to July 2008 seems shocking, and it forms the basis for the lawsuit by Austin Davis against Covenant Presbyterian, the Nashville Presbytery, and the National PCA.
At that same Session meeting, the 'resignation of a man from the Diaconate was 'accepted.'
That man is the one who confessed to child sexual molestation. The minutes of the Session record no background being given on that man.
For two additional years (2008 - 2010), that confessed child molester is allowed to walk freely through the buildings, halls, and classrooms of Covenant Presbyterian Church and The Covenant School.
For those same two years (2008 -2010) Austin Davis is under perpetual 'threat of arrest' for harassment of the leaders of Covenant Presbyterian Church.
Finally, in June 2010, Covenant Presbyterian Church "excommunicates" the confessed child molester. The 'ex-communication' occurs during the same summer Austin Davis, after 15 months of silence due to intimidation from church officials, and with the encouragement of a helpful FBI agent, begins to again ask questions of the Session. When the child molester is excommunicated from the church, the official stated reason is that he has been:
"...committing a heinous and repetitive sin against his family and has not shown evidence of repentance."
Police want to block it, politicians want to block it, now the school wants to block it. I don't use the word "bombshell" because it's a "the sky is falling term", but in this case, I would use it. Whatever is contained in HIS manifesto is a bombshell so devastating that it probably implicates HIS handlers as being FED boi's, and they were the driving force behind this.
I think the document listed all terrorist acts the group planned to commit, of which this shooting was to be one of multiples. The massive censorship of 'trans day of vengeance', banning of accounts pointing it out, banning of anyone reposting any of the flyers, and the effort to memory-hole the atrocity and instead call it a 'trans day of visibility' shows massive and coordinated efforts by the entire deep state apparatus. To justify actions like this, there must have been a proportionally huge revelation that the manifesto outed.
So its my take that the precious marginalized but yet hero group of which all corporates fly the pedo flags dutifully in homage to, has reached its final form. An actual terrorist group, as if antifa was not enough of a precursor.
She’s born a biological female.
Ahh sorry, Dyslexia have must I
Must be scared that the school will be blamed for this happening.
Yes, one of the elders at this church admitted to molesting kids. There is a systemic history of corruption, collusion, and coverups at this church
Now EVERYONE wants to see that manifesto.
Basically - kid was MkUltra’ed!
The school is probably the only organization that was providing the tranny a way of escape. But the brainwashing is deep, so while trying to escape the mind Fuckery of the world, there was a complete existential breakdown. Thus the shooting.
Sad but true.
These people were trying to help this child, person, whatever you want to refer to it. In trying to do so, he lost a child. The one that was shot that is. His little girl.
All of these so-called manifestos are nothing more than creations by the deep State intelligence agencies designed to create a narrative
she was not the shooter - plain to see that different shoes, different camo pattern, different belt was on the video of the shooter - she was a patsy - like oswald, like the vegas shooter dude, like derek chauvin (played by Ben Bailey)......wake up people
It smells to high heaven. The two pairs of shoes..... a shooting drill at Covenant only a few months before the actual shooting..... the refusal to release the manifesto.... and now the school is filing a lawsuit to keep it from being published?
There's more to this story and it's becoming more obvious the school itself is involved in perhaps in this false flag event.
This school was deep into a child sex scandal while she went to school there. I bet they don't want her manifesto to come out as it will definitely implicate their precious richy rich pervy school and maybe half of Nashville too.
Tell this to redpill others: The media and pundits want to dig into every nitty gritty detail about school shooters. This is how they create narratives that conservatives breed mass shooters. BUT they don't want to do the same for this shooter. SUDDENLY, his privacy is respected.
No way a Catholic school is molesting children.
It's a covenant school which is presbyterian.
Perhaps there's more going on at this school than we think?
Percey? Is that you? Walkin the mile?
Wasn't she a student there? If there's information that she has written pointing blame at the school, I could see why they'd want to block it.
CIA gotta make sure that they don't name their trainers
How does the school/church know what's in it? Maybe it implicates them in sexual abuse of the children and no one wants to release that info?
School held a drill rehearsal with same reporter in the previous year. Reporter has connections with Democrats and employees at the school. Stooge entered while connected employee on break. Yes this is normal for complicit school to suppress any leads to their involvement in the FF
Completely suspect. There is always so much more to these stories.
It's always "for the children."
Still, the Deep State is digging in its heels even more deeply than usual, this time. Must be some really explosive material in that "manifesto."
The school, through fear, under the guise of 'child safety' has capitulated to the demands of the very same fringe lunatics who ...oh please, let me guess, its all about the children right?
If your child is in school you're a lousy parent. IMHO of coarse. They have proven unequivocally that school, and your child's future means diddly squat. What more will it take? Face reality for a start. School is a weapon, that has been designed for the advancement of slavery. You're child's slavery.
In other words, pay up, shut up, we all know this is about money right?
Begin manifesto:
"As I was walking around school the other day, a well dressed man, sporting a finely tailored suit and Ray-Ban sunglasses approached me asking about my interest in starting a revolution. And I'm like, who me? He's like, yeah, you. I'm thinking, yo, this is exactly what my teacher had been telling me too. Far be it for me to turn my back on the chance for change in order to force society to progress my way. If it's a violent revolution, so be it. So my antifascist cohorts and I met at Starbucks to decide our next move. They all thought it was funny how I wore a red baseball cap because it looks like a trumper hat. After having a hearty laugh, We knew that had to be part of the plan. So the next day I approached my English teacher and they/them seemed very sympathetic to the situation.... "
In the summer of 2007, a youth worker at Covenant Presbyterian was told by a high school junior-to-be that she had been repeatedly sexually molested by her adopted father when she was a young girl. This youth worker reported the allegations of abuse to a pastor at Covenant Presbyterian and confirms that pastoral staff at Covenant knew of the abuse allegations in 2007. For several months the adopted father of the girl, a man who happened to be a church officer at Covenant and the owner of 'the safe house' where the pastors placed the four children of Greg Lurie in the spring of 2002 without Greg Lurie's knowledge, repeatedly denied that he had sexually molested his minor adopted daughter.
(They deliberatlely broke up this guy Lurie's home by convincing his wife to leave him and put his kids under the care of a molester in their "safe house" If you think this is crazy, you haven't researched calvinist churches enough, because it happens. See the Truth about New Calvinism by Paul Dohse)
However, at some point in early 2008, around the time Austin Davis was willing 'for the sake of peace' to sign a statement that he would "never challenge ... or dissent with (Covenant Presbyterian) leadership again," the father of the girl 'confessed' to church officers his acts of child molestation. The confessed child molester was assisted by Covenant leadership to enter a sexual treatment clinic. Upon returning home from treatment, the wife of the confessed child molester filed for separation. Nearly a year later, on March 13, 2009, the wife of the confessed child abuser filed for divorce, giving one of the reasons for the filing as: "The past acts of abuse and molestation of the parties' minor child." (Allegation #8) Ironically, in the summer of 2007, when Covenant leadership became aware of the allegations of molestation against one of their church officers, I stepped to the microphone at the Southern Baptist Convention and made a motion that ... "A database be developed containing the names of all Southern Baptist ministers who have been credibly accused of, personally confessed to, or legally been convicted of sexual harassment or abuse, and that such a database be accessible to Southern Baptist churches." Though I am not a Presbyterian, my motion was rooted in the knowledge that there is a tendency within religious denominations to 'conceal and cover' sexual abuse by church officers and ministers out of concern for the "reputation" of the church. TIME Magazine declared that the failure of my motion was 'one of the Top 10 most underreported stories in the nation that year.'
When the church officer at Covenant Presbyterian 'confessed' to his molestations in the spring of 2008, there seems to have been no effort by Covenant Presbyterian leadership to 'make known' or 'reveal' the sins of their church officer. There is no police report. There is no public record. There are no discovered church court minutes recording his sins. The Tennessee Department of Child Services, the Davidson County District Attorney's Office, the Tennessee Attorney General's Office, and other civil authorities can produce no record that they were ever notified by the Covenant Session in 2007, 2008, 2009, or 2010 of the child molestations.
In addition, the child molester continued to attend Covenant Presbyterian without notification of the church body of his confessed actions, meaning there were no boundaries in place to protect children.
What does happen at Covenant Presbyterian Church after the confession of the child molester from April 2008 to July 2008 seems shocking, and it forms the basis for the lawsuit by Austin Davis against Covenant Presbyterian, the Nashville Presbytery, and the National PCA.
At that same Session meeting, the 'resignation of a man from the Diaconate was 'accepted.'
That man is the one who confessed to child sexual molestation. The minutes of the Session record no background being given on that man.
For two additional years (2008 - 2010), that confessed child molester is allowed to walk freely through the buildings, halls, and classrooms of Covenant Presbyterian Church and The Covenant School.
For those same two years (2008 -2010) Austin Davis is under perpetual 'threat of arrest' for harassment of the leaders of Covenant Presbyterian Church.
Finally, in June 2010, Covenant Presbyterian Church "excommunicates" the confessed child molester. The 'ex-communication' occurs during the same summer Austin Davis, after 15 months of silence due to intimidation from church officials, and with the encouragement of a helpful FBI agent, begins to again ask questions of the Session. When the child molester is excommunicated from the church, the official stated reason is that he has been:
"...committing a heinous and repetitive sin against his family and has not shown evidence of repentance."
And who knows what else was going on there?
I think not.