Pastor Reads From The Book, "It's Perfectly Normal" At A School Board Meeting In NC. The Book Is In The School Library
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Your time is up, "that makes two of us".
Perfect response
This happened where I live, in Blount County Tennessee. The liberal, woke school board member who thinks this garbage is okay in the school library actually turned off the microphone of the parent who was reading this same book at the school board meeting. The chairman of the school board gave the instruction to allow the parent her right to speak for her designated time, and the parent continued to read from this book. The woke woman left the meeting in a huff and within the week announced she would not be running for reelection. Vandy Kemp, Blount County TN School Board. We are winning, one step at a time.
God Bless this Pastor and all parents who are warriors for the children. 🙏
Overturn the School Boards! This is the way.
It's things like this that I use to say that winds are changing direction.
I agree. I looked into the background of this woman, Ms Kemp, and she's been a thorn in the side of the conservative community here for some time. From her tenure as the Dean of the local woke college, to her surprise win as a write in candidate for the school board, she's been a woke activist, pandering to the left and disregarding the views of the community she's supposed to represent. Good riddance, finally! And yes, the winds are changing, fren!
"Write-in" candidate. I'm sure that was above board.
Sadly, it was within the laws, and leftist activists love to exploit any loophole. It's a good reminder of what happens when conservatives get complacent and the leftists get into these positions of responsibility. Fortunately the TN legislature changed the laws and this can't happen again, and now she has resigned, so that's one stain removed from the political landscape here. We have to stay so vigilant at all times.
To bad theres no active volcano around to toss her in.
This is Vandy Kemp's current job
Senior Consultant with Prosper & Partners, a consulting firm working across the U.S. and beyond on matters related to equity and opportunity.
Doesn't this sound like something you would read on the Clinton Foundation website? 🤮
Good stuff! Keep up the fight.
Howdie neighbor.
That’s a good man right there. God bless him.
That guy's awesome.
This school board needs to be fired. All of them.
Needs to be arrested for distributing pornographic materials to minors.
I like your idea better. Some states already doing that!
Agreed! This man of GOD should have laid down some scripture for these scumm - to understand.
Those demons might have caught fire.
Also, appealing religiously does nothing for people like these. It's important to appeal on the basis of universal facts that the people who don't follow God can understand.
If you let them turn off their brain before you can complete the message, you may as well walk off because they become hopeless.
I was totally hearing Jules when that pastor said "Was it something I said?".
"Say what again." "I dare you." "I double dare you."
I was totally hearing Jules when that pastor said "Was it something I said?".
"Say what again." "I dare you." "I double dare you."
To be a Dem today, is to be a mentally ill pervert.
Make ‘em squirm preacher!
I wonder why they get all embarrassed and then mad when they books they allow to be in the school library are read aloud?
Good fucking man
God bless this man!
The ending was fantastic!
Why does it have to be WHITE clown face, bigot??
Exactly. It's so over the top and cartoonish
Why are there no black mimes....😹