These words should be immortalized forever. We need this man in office more than any other president in our history. It is imperative that we rid ourselves of the parasites that have infested our beautiful country and want to destroy all that is good and kind, taking what doesn't belong to them and corrupting the rest. I pray that God protect and guide President Trump on a mission of national cleansing and renewal and that brave patriotic people surround and help him in this task.
What's the difference between tears of sadness and sorrow and tears of frustration and defiance? You're MAGA 1st. We know the plan and what our part is. It's in Gods hands now.
The funny thing is that he knows that nobody went to bed sad last night at all. Either you know he's conducted all of this and is acting and directing and making a movie, or you don't know about that at all and just see him about to be punished for his crimes like you hoped would eventually happen anyway.
But because he knows the ending and will eventually be able to reveal that Biden isn't even the real Biden, but an actor. And then of course, the rest of it.
I believe there is still a group in the middle who is drawn to Trump yet clueless as to what is really going on. Those are the ones the DS hopes to pick off by inducing doubt. They can't tolerate much anxiety and if someone assures them DeSantis will calm things down they will turn from Trump. I have no idea how big of group it is but DS is working hard on them so Trump is reaching out to them.
Yeah, I could see that. Good point. And frankly, I have much sympathy for that group. I'm projecting of course, but I imagine a lot of this group are people we know and love. They have built much in their communities and families, and simply don't want to lose it. They want to have steady things and they thrive off of structure and stability. They keep their nose to the grindstone and don't have time or inclination to become emotionally disturbed over geopolitical events on the other side of the country/world and the potential butterfly effects and potentialities. They're humans alright. I'm rambling. .
The one I am thinking of in particular has conservative leanings but has always valued belonging above all else. His own convictions evaporate in favor of being accepted by someone he perceives is in authority. He may make noise about rebellion but quickly obeys. Just not a strong person.
May just have a different strategy for managing his sanity while still trying to bring warmth and joy to his children, family and friends. Not being contrary, it's just that I challenge myself to be as compassionate as I can. I like giving people credit.
What I am seeing here is once again a bunch of people getting sucked into the latest hoax. We’ve already gone through this with Russian Collusion, and Mueller, and Fine People, and Impeachment, and Jussie Smollett, and Covid, and HCQ, and Horse Paste, and Drink Bleach, and Hunter Biden’s Laptop, and the Epsurrection, and blah blah blah.
Is the pattern not obvious yet? Why does anyone not see the idiotic loop they have us in? Yeah after a few months go by the hoax is exposed, but the point is to start seeing through the latest hoax as it is happening, not after.
As Jeff Clark said yesterday "the process is the punishment". They don't care that it's later refuted. They are all about the punishment they can inflict because people believe them. It is truly cruel and sick. Somehow there HAS to be a way to break the spells and break them right away.
We need him back, more than ever. I just wish I knew what he knows that’s getting ready to happen. God bless him. Hoaxes, indictments, impeachments, verbal abuse and disrespect, he still keeps going. There has to be something coming to make him sound so confident.
In watching the left be happy with the indictment, it made me think. You can indict a tomato if you try hard enough, but that doesn't mean you can make a case. They're getting excited about the wrong thing. They think this is some sort of slam dunk. Fingers crossed we get to see them lose their s*it all over again, like on those clip videos of 2016, when this gets tossed, he gets acquitted, or it somehow or other doesn't end in their favor.
The ones arguing with me on Twitter are adamant that they understand more than we do. But they don't understand that an Indictment is written from a completely one-sided viewpoint expressly to justify a trial. If the other side got to refute any of it game over. But once they hear something it's a fact and Trump is a criminal.
Anyone who watches and listens to Trump, how he exudes complete confidence, and still dooms, is one of two things -- deliberately ignorant or a complete moron.
These words should be immortalized forever. We need this man in office more than any other president in our history. It is imperative that we rid ourselves of the parasites that have infested our beautiful country and want to destroy all that is good and kind, taking what doesn't belong to them and corrupting the rest. I pray that God protect and guide President Trump on a mission of national cleansing and renewal and that brave patriotic people surround and help him in this task.
One of his best posts ever. Beautiful.
Comes from the heart and damn, love that he has always been sober.
What i want in a leader.
Passion and sobriety.
Powerful combination.
Amen. Been praying too
We need a monumental dose of “Trump-ermectin”!
I just looked on Truth Social and the 2nd "the" has been removed.
Great catch. I read right by it in the TS post.
Great catch. Lots of Ghislaine pictures.
What's the difference between tears of sadness and sorrow and tears of frustration and defiance? You're MAGA 1st. We know the plan and what our part is. It's in Gods hands now.
That man is definitely on something ...
... either that or he knows something we don't!
You can be sure of that.
The funny thing is that he knows that nobody went to bed sad last night at all. Either you know he's conducted all of this and is acting and directing and making a movie, or you don't know about that at all and just see him about to be punished for his crimes like you hoped would eventually happen anyway.
But because he knows the ending and will eventually be able to reveal that Biden isn't even the real Biden, but an actor. And then of course, the rest of it.
I believe there is still a group in the middle who is drawn to Trump yet clueless as to what is really going on. Those are the ones the DS hopes to pick off by inducing doubt. They can't tolerate much anxiety and if someone assures them DeSantis will calm things down they will turn from Trump. I have no idea how big of group it is but DS is working hard on them so Trump is reaching out to them.
Yeah, I could see that. Good point. And frankly, I have much sympathy for that group. I'm projecting of course, but I imagine a lot of this group are people we know and love. They have built much in their communities and families, and simply don't want to lose it. They want to have steady things and they thrive off of structure and stability. They keep their nose to the grindstone and don't have time or inclination to become emotionally disturbed over geopolitical events on the other side of the country/world and the potential butterfly effects and potentialities. They're humans alright. I'm rambling. .
The one I am thinking of in particular has conservative leanings but has always valued belonging above all else. His own convictions evaporate in favor of being accepted by someone he perceives is in authority. He may make noise about rebellion but quickly obeys. Just not a strong person.
May just have a different strategy for managing his sanity while still trying to bring warmth and joy to his children, family and friends. Not being contrary, it's just that I challenge myself to be as compassionate as I can. I like giving people credit.
That's cool. I value Integrity and Loyalty myself.
Right on.
What I am seeing here is once again a bunch of people getting sucked into the latest hoax. We’ve already gone through this with Russian Collusion, and Mueller, and Fine People, and Impeachment, and Jussie Smollett, and Covid, and HCQ, and Horse Paste, and Drink Bleach, and Hunter Biden’s Laptop, and the Epsurrection, and blah blah blah.
Is the pattern not obvious yet? Why does anyone not see the idiotic loop they have us in? Yeah after a few months go by the hoax is exposed, but the point is to start seeing through the latest hoax as it is happening, not after.
As Jeff Clark said yesterday "the process is the punishment". They don't care that it's later refuted. They are all about the punishment they can inflict because people believe them. It is truly cruel and sick. Somehow there HAS to be a way to break the spells and break them right away.
Boy, are we counting on it! MAGA!
Those words bring tears to my eyes.
This is why he’s president,….still my president and will continue to be.
Well said. Thank you, President Trump.
We need him back, more than ever. I just wish I knew what he knows that’s getting ready to happen. God bless him. Hoaxes, indictments, impeachments, verbal abuse and disrespect, he still keeps going. There has to be something coming to make him sound so confident.
"We caught them all."
Does this mean we've reached the end of the darkness?
Cozy AF
What a beautiful post. Might be his best.
How about a big F-U to the jackass, that down voted this post.
Extra F U for the down dooter
Amen. Make it so.
In watching the left be happy with the indictment, it made me think. You can indict a tomato if you try hard enough, but that doesn't mean you can make a case. They're getting excited about the wrong thing. They think this is some sort of slam dunk. Fingers crossed we get to see them lose their s*it all over again, like on those clip videos of 2016, when this gets tossed, he gets acquitted, or it somehow or other doesn't end in their favor.
The ones arguing with me on Twitter are adamant that they understand more than we do. But they don't understand that an Indictment is written from a completely one-sided viewpoint expressly to justify a trial. If the other side got to refute any of it game over. But once they hear something it's a fact and Trump is a criminal.
Anyone who watches and listens to Trump, how he exudes complete confidence, and still dooms, is one of two things -- deliberately ignorant or a complete moron.
Boy - do I like the word "Q UICKLY" !!!