An overheating Piers Morgan tries to claim he’s not influenced by anyone and savage Kari calls him out: “You work for one of the corporate giants and you work for Rupert Murdoch and I understand he is for making sure Trump doesn’t get into office.. and that’s who signs your check, Piers.” 🔥
🌶️ - S P I C Y - 🌶️
She’s a total pro. And a savage.
She's really clever in the way she triggers the media shills, she definitely got his goat and made him looking like an indignant, pompous ass.
She didn't need to do that last part. He did that himself a LONG time ago.
She’s a pit bull, wow 🤩
A beautiful one too...
He said it all @ 0.40
Yeah, you and all other MSM ignore his corruption completely!
Imagine how bad of an Aneurysm the media would have with a Trump / Lake administration!
I really want her to be VP
We need her in AZ first.
If she became POTUS there would be zero media celebration about having the first female POTUS.
The pink man doesn't hide lying very well.
Didn't PDJT fire him during an episode of the Apprentice?
Hmm, I don't think so. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-548055/The-man-didnt-fired-Piers-Morgan-wins-U-S-Celebrity-Apprentice.html
He was fired by The Daily Mail. Also, Piers took part in "Comic Relief Does The Apprentice" - and was promptly fired by Lord Alan Sugar.
Piers Morgan gets owned a lot. His English 'snootiness' seems to always return, doesn't it? I once knew an old English engineer, Fred, who we all really liked. He'd use his English 'snootiness' around us too and get 'owned' a lot in debates. However, Old Fred was always really good-natured and light-hearted. He use to refer to America as the "colonies". I once responded and told him we kicked you 'lemon-suckers' out in the war and ya'll left with your tails between your legs. Mockingly, he corrected me saying, "You mean 'limey' don't you?" My response was, "I prefer calling you bastards 'lemon-suckers'. They both pucker and make you talk funny." I still remember 'Old Fred' standing there with that classic smirk on his face he always had.
Piers Morgan is a μαλάκα! Known in England as a w@nker.
Pis Morgan, the buccaneer, paid by HRM.
I like it how Kari remains focused. Her voice just drops a little to come across stronger.
Kari to Piers: I got your number.
She needs to be our Governor NOW to clean up AZ.
His denials are as convincing FJB's, the guy he is fecklessly covering for....