Welcome to General Chat - GAW Community Area
This General Chat area started off as a place for people to talk about things that are off topic, however it has quickly evolved into a community and has become an integral part of the GAW experience for many of us.
Based on its evolving needs and plenty of user feedback, we are trying to bring some order and institute some rules. Please make sure you read these rules and participate in the spirit of this community.
Rules for General Chat
Be respectful to each other. This is of utmost importance, and comments may be removed if deemed not respectful.
Avoid long drawn out arguments. This should be a place to relax, not to waste your time needlessly.
Personal anecdotes, puzzles, cute pics/clips - everything welcome
Please do not spam at the top level. If you have a lot to post each day, try and post them all together in one top level comment
Try keep things light. If you are bringing in deep stuff, try not to go overboard.
Things that are clearly on-topic for this board should be posted as a separate post and not here (except if you are new and still getting the feel of this place)
If you find people violating these rules, deport them rather than start a argument here.
Feel free to give feedback as these rules are expected to keep evoloving
In short, imagine this thread to be a local community hall where we all gather and chat daily. Please be respectful to others in the same way
We need to have a no cellphone day, like a holliday. Guess would require an EMP of sorts for it to work
I've gotten really crappy sleep over the last 2 weeks. It got so bad that I not only started failing at basic online classes I've been taking, but I also started posting news stories on GAW 1-4 hours after someone else posted them here already.
We're all better off with some time out and some time on your A game than all the time as mediocre. I know this for a fact fren.
Truth. You need to relax as hard as you work.
What's up everyone I'm from El Paso, Tx and now I reside in Midland! Hope y'all doing great!
As bad as we know the FBI is, I think they are just running cover for the CIA to conduct domestic ops.
CIA does the crime. FBI does the cleanup domestically.
They didn't have their troll bots primed for the IRS Whistleblowers. I've only seen one so far and he was retarded. The swarms are likely on their way but interesting they didn't have them ready for release.
The Spraying persists.
Now comes the weeks of rain and clouds.
Rain rain go away, spray again another day!
You may THINK you’ve seen the SUN…. Yet have you really seen it SHINE?
Rain helps the crops. It's the endless grey overcast days that challenge my soul.
Yes rain helps crops.
I prefer it to be less laced with whatever they’re spraying. Animal bloods and pathogens, viruses, metals, chemicals.
And as Flynn seems to imply 5G NANO TECH?
When they speak of the “INTERNET OF THINGS”
They intend for you and I to be every bit apart of those “THINGS”…
The grey days challenge the soul for sure…
Less time after work…. Darkness
No energy to plant, grow, create, hobby’s, extra side hustles, GROUPS AND COMMUNITY GATHERINGS where people reach out to eachother and GROUP TOGETHER….
The natural weather cycles are changing, as part of a larger natural cycle.
There were rainy days, and rainy weeks, long before the Wright brothers took flight.
frens please take a moment of silence for the passing of my 17k comment score. i held out for 4 whole days. 🤣
Here go fren. Let us celebrate your time in the 17k club. https://files.catbox.moe/n9byuv.png
Haha thank you! I'm gonna have to get another a2 now.
That meme "Winter is Coming" applies to all who have lived up here in the beautiful Northeast Kingdom. First day of summer, my wood for next winter is being delivered as I type. I've been buying and bartering with the same logger for 20 years. Tough guy, looks like a dwarf from WOW, French Canadian stock, Boys are they tough! Yesterday, a neighbor who is 80 drove by with his skidder and waved, he is still working, still can speak French with his wife, born in the USA. Back when they settled the area, there were no passports, they sort of moved in through the late 1800's, built the area, and had kids who logged too. Americans all the same. These men can drop a tree to land perfectly between your house and your garden fence. A lost art, their grandkids did not follow suit, everyone is wanting pellet stoves, (that depend on electricity, go figure). I still heat the old way, and when my son gets lazy and limits his woodstacking to two hours a day, I just shake my head. Up until the age of when he could help, I did it on my own, and could do 3 cords in a day. You get into a zone, and it's lovely. Personal computers have made entire generations physically weak, I don't think we will see the likes of men like these anymore, it's sad.
this is just a nice post, thanks. if it makes you feel better, I've had the privilege of working with youth lately and i can confirm they are not all weak physically, intellectually and morally.
Great news!
There is a sense of foreboding developing in this country, a type which I have never seen before. An eerie feeling, disquieting, and a level of discomfort that I can't put my finger on. Something's up, I just can't nail it down. I just get this thing in my head that some small spark is going to start it, and I have to admit a small part of me doesn't want to be around when that happens.
As long as the sense of foreboding is coming from all corners and not just the ones who have been awake for a while, we are good.
If you've been awake long enough, there is no foreboding feeling. I'm pumped for what I see in front of us.
It's going to be good. No worries.
What does the missing sub have to do with Q? It's filled this board the last few days.
17 bolts, Titanic, Pakistani container magnate, Rothchild connections, TerraMar...several potential connections have be suggested.
Is any of it valid? Beats me.
If the missing sub is connected to the Cabal, one way or another, it is relevant to us.
What's up with this avatar thing on all the titter link posts?
The links seem to be live and working. Idk. The coincidence is a bit interesting though....
I misunderstood. Either way, it is just a curiosity to me.
I was wondering that myself. Never saw it before yesterday.
Can you say what town you're in?
Interesting, thank you! hmmm not far from Nashville
So I have seen people on here mention that chemotherapy actually works against certain types of cancers. Does anyone know which cancer types is it effective at treating?
Pretty interesting. Delta for a week from now.
Is sunshine bad for you in any way or does the problem lie in the lotions sunscreen etc that are encouraged. Do the 'solutions' bake into your skin and cause melanoma, sun spots?
It appears that people with autoimmune disease cannot tolerate UV from our sun, Lupus, Rhuemotoid Arthrhitis, Lyme, MCAS, Herpes, all flair with exposure. I would say it depended on other things too, skin complexion, skin toughness or fairness.
Is it the autoimmune disease or the 'solution' they've been prescribed?
The whole idea behind sunscreen is to prevent skin cancer, specifically hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). However, if you look at HCC rates since the main sunscreen chemicals were introduced, they’ve gone up 5x. I’m not going to hypothesize on a mechanism but whatever its doing is not lower skin cancer rates.
I hear that non-nano zinc sunblock is the best since standard ones can cause what you mentioned. It's why I asked about something similar a week or so ago on this daily general chat, because I work with a woman who meticulously applies sunblock constantly, even though she works indoors.
I’m curious why there doesn’t seem to be much discussion of drops anymore? There’s a few mentioned here and there but I haven’t seen people rabbitholing like in this past. I’m guilty of becoming lazy with the drops for a few years, so not one to judge. Q did say we have more than we know, maybe with things spicing up we can start discussing ideas on drops again and see what we connect.
i think there's less discussion after several years and more guidance to be had. for you, fren:
Thanks, fren. Im not looking to divide, just floating the idea around that we still could have missed some things. I’m comfy right now, but am still seeing a lot of folks who keep saying nothings happening. Just had a conversation on lunch today about how the submarine and hunter Biden crap the last few days is distractions from Durham speaking. They had no clue that was even happening or what it was about even though they do share some theories with me. Told them you don’t hear about the important things because the mainstream news still has too much static being broadcasted, and that we have to sift through the static to find the signal.
Raytheon CEO just comes out and says it: China has the US by the balls.
Didn't happen overnight, wasn't a surprise, and the decades of incursions by China into Africa to build control over the rare earth elements needed by technology were plain as day. Of course they'll throw somebody under the bus, the people who signed supplier contacts exactly as they were told, or the people who ordered the supplies, or the QA people who inspected, or the receivers at the docks or the inventory people or anyone except the actual guilty parties, who want to sell antiquated war tools and don't mind DIE'g their company to death or killing their people with injections they won't take.
Xi invited Trump into the Forbidden City. I hope he's a secret anti-cabal ally. Humans vs reptiles.
''At certain times, meaning uncertain times....''
Charles Dickens - Great Expectations
What is involved in censure - he can't vote on anything? Didn't the dems do this to mtg?
Don't mean nothin fren. Don't mean shit.
Purely symbolic.