CBDC - For THEM not US
I am 100% for all Gov $'s to be tracked via CBDC on an open ledger that we get to track and account for every dollar they receive and spend.
No more of this endless money that goes to their special interests and is laundered around the world back to the deep states pockets.
They make the nonsense CBDC's to control us, I say hell no to that - but they should be 100% controlled by their own evil creation. No more billions disappearing into the deep state swamp... hopefully the white hats have this game planned out to implement against the creators.
I like your thinking.
We should have control over our employees. CBDC's for our government servants, to make sure they're not skimming. Regular money for the bosses of those employees (the people).
We should decide their salaries too. Make them submit daily status reports as well.
Agreed. When an employee steals from the petty cash, they usually get fired. This is not-so-petty cash.
You spelled Sound Money wrong 🤠
CBDC means Central Bank Digital Currency. they are inherently centralized. if you want transparency just use real crypto. CBDC is just digital fiat currency that they control entirely.
Isn't Bitcoin, etc, just digital fiat currency that is somewhat controlled by it's developer? It only has value because people agree to trade in it. Ethereum shifting from proof of work shows how much leverage the developers have over it. Sure you can keep bitcoins offline in a wallet but you can do the same with cash and the value can become 0 just the same as a dollar hidden under your mattress.
"It only has value because people agree to trade in it." That would be anything, gold included. No, gold does not hold a magical property called value; its worth is impacted by consumer interest. Obviously, if no one wants a thing, that thing is worthless. When cooked down, that's all this trope about decentralized crypto (like Bitcoin) really says: "It's only worth something because someone wants it for some reason." Well, yea. Of course. We want Bitcoin because it's not a centrally controlled Fed bank scam like CBDC and cash. We want it to trade or (maybe) we want it for any variety of other reasons.
There is a difference between intrinsic value and what fiat currency or digital currency is. Gold, silver or any other physical asset can have an intrinsic value that goes beyond any instrument of trade. Gold, silver, copper, nails, hammers, screws, medicine, food...etc have an actual use that can be consumed/utilized for real world purposes, as well as a medium if trade. The concept of fiat currency is as an accepted medium of exchange that has no inherent value and is not usable for any real world purpose. I suppose you can argue that dollars can be toilet paper, so I guess it can have a real world purpose beyond any ideal, but I don't know about digital assets. They can be used for individual concrete numbering/identifying purposes, but only if you have access to a network to prove the identity of an individual coin.
"There is a difference..." If nobody wants it, nobody wants it, and the value is zero. Yes, this can happen to gold, too, (for example) through factors like government force or other influence. The precious metals market can also be manipulated, proving that gold holds no inherent value. Discussions of intrinsic and extrinsic value are academic; if no one wants the stuff for any reason, its value becomes zero.
The difference is that gold and silver have actual uses for electrical/technological uses. They have actual real industrial uses and are extremely commonplace in my field of work. They are so important that a huge spike in price would be quite devastating. The discussions in references to intrinsic and extrinsic are actually quite pertinent when you are discussing ideological value vs practical value. Most people view precious metals as purely a monetary instrument, however it is far more pervasive into our lives than people realize. Every piece of electronic gear that you own has a substantial amount of precious metals that are essential for reliable durability and for optimal operation.
"The difference is that gold and silver have actual uses..." Bitcoin has an "actual" use: it's a weapon.
Nothing has inherent, immutable value, including precious metals. It's just consumer interest (including industrial consumers). Metals are interchangeable in applications, with compromise in their properties. "...intrinsic and extrinsic..." is just a way of insinuating inherent value where none truly exists. All the "...intrinsic and extrinsic..." talk truly amounts to is an academic discussion about consumer interest.
Either people (and industry) want a thing or they don't; that is the only source of value in anything, gold included. Material applications are just another form of consumer interest and they are not immutable.
My industry is not consumer based. It actually has nothing to do with consumerism, it is based on the properties of the metals and their unique uses. The prices of the products are irrelevant because we spend other people's money to buy them, so the uses are determined by the material properties and the requirement for these to be perform at a certain level for decades.
"...etc have an actual use..." This just amounts to consumer interest. You may choose to ignore Bitcoin's uses, but people are using Bitcoin (and not only by trading).
Bitcoin is purely a monetary instrument. If they were to be excluded as a monetary use item, what else can a Bitcoin or any other digital asset be used for? I know that there is the ability for some digital coins to be utilized as contracts and as verifiable identifiers for unique goods, but the simple digital assets that are representative of a monetary instrument have no practical use outside of a medium of exchange. These types of monetary instruments do not have any true usage or value like precious metals. Precious metals have industrial uses and unique chemical properties that are essential for many practical real applications, not simply decorative or as a medium of exchange. This is the real difference between precious metals and digital algorithms. All things being equal, I wish gold was super plentiful to allow their use on water piping. I would build my house with 14K or 18K water piping and be happy knowing my water system would last thousands of years. The challenge would them be to build a structure that would equal the piping durability. That would be fun!
"...what else can a Bitcoin or any other digital asset be used for?" Bitcoin and other decentralized crypto can be used to help destroy central bank faggots. There's one example.
Good point. However it is a temporary fix. There are more permanent ways to take care of these people. I am not a crypto naysayer. I do have a couple of accounts and do have some long term investments in several crypto "currencies", but that is because it isn't a terrible idea for international or long distance transactions. For local transactions I use physical cash for most person to person transactions. I am not saying cryptocurrency is bad, I am saying it has no physical applications outside of a digital network. I like gold, silver and copper for their practical uses and their monetary exchange potential. I have stored up some of these assets as well.
"Isn't Bitcoin, etc, just digital fiat..."
Nooope. "Forge" a bitcoin to prove this assertion. ⏱️
Exactly. This post is dumb.
Hey. I like your thinking. Just like I thought we should jab them 10 times to help preserve their lives from Covid.
That is actually a really good idea. I hadn't considered using this nasty piece of work against them.
All government representatives should be required to transfer all of their money onto a CBDC and WE get to vote on what THEY can spend money on.
Also needs to cover any family members, as well as any companies in which they have a beneficial interest. Any representative transacting outside of the CBDC system should be impeached and arrested for money laundering.
Could have used this system on 9/10/2001 when Rumsfeld lost the $2 trillion.
All of the above and more are accomplished by Bitcoin, which was more than likely created by the Q team.
What led you to this theory?
Check out Rugpull Radio on Badlands. Probably best to start from Ep 1 if you are new to the Bitcoin angle. Almost no one else is talking about the possibility of BTC being part of the plan, but the connections are there.
the digital currency will be to track our usage and for control, it's not for them.
Bitcoin Cash fixes this.
Excellent idea! I've been thinking for some time that anyone running for office should have to have "open books" regarding their banking etc. If they're really bad with their own money, why the heck should they be allowed near taxpayers' money?
And since they like these new technologies so much, they can have trackers implanted as well. Removable ones of course, because there should be term limits and they don't need to be tracked after they leave office.
It's an original idea, I'll give you that. But my gut says this will be turned against us somehow.
Never underestimate the swamp's creativity and cunning.
It's like the people pushing a National Sales Tax to replace all the other taxes we have. You know they'll never actually repeal those other taxes. We'll be stuck with the bill.
This is BS. Every day I get a message that someone hacked into my accounts. Then the computer 'glitches' and your $ disappears.
If you havent yet learned its rules for thee but not for me, you better wake up QUICK.
Or you could just use gold and as there would be no inflation it would put a stop to it on it's own.
"No more billions disappearing into the deep state swamp." I promise nothing that makes CBDC a wicked control mechanism will equally apply to the satanic collectivists. Nothing else in their system applies equally to tyrants and peasants. There is no silver lining in their deeds.