Sarcasm, of course. It seems our government is over focused on the wrong things constantly. Forensicly fucking us on trivial shit and ignoring what we expect of them.
Just a reminder that Joe Biden accepted bribes from foreign countries and is thus a traitor. I don’t want any collapsing cranes in NYC to distract anyone.
Thank goodness for the government oversight and inspections. It could have been so much worse.
Good thing the people in the building it hit were vaxxed and boosted or it would have been so much worse.
sarcasm or not?
My sarcasm meter pegged out, fren... 😁
Sarcasm, of course. It seems our government is over focused on the wrong things constantly. Forensicly fucking us on trivial shit and ignoring what we expect of them.
Damn you, Climate Change!
I’m not worried because my crane isn’t on fire- Ukraine is.
That'll buff out...
Just a reminder that Joe Biden accepted bribes from foreign countries and is thus a traitor. I don’t want any collapsing cranes in NYC to distract anyone.
Would anyone think it could be sabotage?
"Complex systems won't survive the competency crisis."
Atlas is shruggin big time now.. 😢
The fire must have melted the steel of the Crane lol
They should have fastened it with passports; those things are indestructible.
Seen there was a car with flashing lights arriving there a second or two before the crane part hit the ground. Interesting, very interesting.
The whole city's falling apart...literally.
Must be Chinese steel.
The 911 peeps at it again
There was smoke before the crane collapsed. I wonder what happened?
Heck of a place to have a meth lab.
Cigarette, mechanical overheating? It was 90 degrees in NYC today but the real feel was close to 100.
Not surprised at all. They will want FEMA emergency $$$$ to cover the repairs.