Window tint or those shade things that stick to the windows is about the only thing you can do. I hate those shade things because I often try to look out those windows if I'm not driving and I see something interesting but they block my view. Wife put them on the side windows in the back since we have our granddaughter sometimes in the car.
You're probably better off having those car-seat/infant carriers that lock into a base that stays in the car. Someone would have to get up next to the car and look in to be able to see the base since it is much lower than the window. Still can't do anything about it when the kid is in it though.
The judge that let her out is in on it. No question about it. Lucifarian gutter trash protecting their supply lines. How in the fuck are there not a million pissed off parents and grandparents raising hell in Ohio????
New York State beat it for number 4 with only 4 additional calls. Think about this for a moment. This not only includes the city, but also Finger Lakes.
Ohio has the most Masonic lodges out of the entire country, except for its neighboring state, Pennsylvania.
If you dig in Ohio, you will find a lot of dirt.
If you see a distressed person coming out of Ohio with a crazy horror story, believe them.
The name of the game is to make the victims believe they are the crazy ones.
7th biggest population in the country.
Rockefeller left a huge impact there, and is even buried there with a pig benis of an obelisk there.
Theres a lot of things for the Tartarian theorists to dig on out there too. Airships and architecture, you name it.
Theres a Federal Reserve Bank there, but dont you DARE talk about the underground tunnels in that city, or the possibility of them connecting to the Library or the Courthouse next door. Its just a coincidence.
Also, dont talk about the Nazi German-American Bund that was started there by a Nazi spy, Walter Kappe, who disguised himself as a German reporter.
Or the Schottensteins, who were close to Epstein, and Les Wexner, and who even created a Babylonian Talmud.
But beware of the cog diss though. People will turn into Agent Smith and conspire against you for talking about Ohio. It's the darndest shit.
How about the hospitals there? The Cleveland Clinic (CC = 33 - just like Central Casting, right?)
The same area where Trump debated Biden in 2020, and everyone on Trumps side got Covid except Mike Pence. Do the hospitals in University Circle have the facilities to transport a virus to Case Western Reserve?
All down the road from the old Rockefeller mansion, the new Rockefeller mansion, and his grave.
Cleveland wants to be the first 15 minute city, and IBM (who also worked for the Nazis) has built its office right next to the 3leveland 3linic.
Just perfect for Digital ID.
Did you notice the mural next to the Hell's Chicken restaurant nearby. How its a picture of the "Thinker" statue from the Art Museum on one side, and a robot version of statue being programmed by a doctor on the other side?
If you see a distressed person coming out of Ohio with a crazy horror story, believe them.
The name of the game is to make the victims believe they are the crazy ones.
Like the guy on the video posted here yesterday whose father worked for UN and who killed both his parents after a lifetime of alleged abuse - sane and lucid, locked up for life in a nuthouse
Knowing that you cannot change the past and cannot control the future leads to a simple and logical conclusion, you can only control what you do from moment to moment. How you view the world around you and what you decide to do reflects who you want to be. It is a continuous struggle to be who you want to be without letting your past affect how you see the world, but it can be done. I still struggle to avoid being affected by my past, but it is getting easier every day. Maybe it is simply becoming habit or age brings wisdom, but whatever the reason, I am becoming more like who I want to be. The first and most important step is to let go of the past, forgive the trespasses against you and avoid interacting with those that would continue to do so. You can forgive without continuing to allow them into your life.
I grew up in a Cleveland suburb. Parents and teachers had us scared straight about strangers in cars offering candy. My mom even warned us about "Gypsies" and how they come looking for kids.
It was so imprinted in my head that I warned my fellow classmates that we should all walk to and from school together.
Makes me wonder if there's some connections to the "Gypsies" and the old Kazarian methods. 🤷♂️
I had a college roommate from Ohio. He always creeped me out. To this town I can't stand the guy. Probably just a coincidence.....or part of the environment he grew up in.
Really not fair of me to paint all from Ohio based on one experience I had with a college roommate. I'm from deep south Louisiana and I was attending a college in Connecticut. EVERYONE was different from me LOL!
Those women may have been trafficked and moved up in the system just to keep from being raped. Or, they could be victims of life long abuse. People like her have handlers or pimps just like prostitute's. I'm not an expert on the subject I've been watching videos and listening to survivors for a while.
I’m glad they caught and removed this woman from doing further harm. I think more people will be aware with SOF movie on how fast their kids can disappear
Time for all laws to be scrapped and let patriots start over. There’s a time for a slap on the wrist and then there is a time to interrogate someone and get all the info on who she knows so you can interrogate them and so on and so on until every last predator is in jail with a Bible and a chance to repent.
Suspend due process when children's lives are in jeopardy. Torture that skank until she gives up the info. Save the kids, then break out the wood chippers.
CPS is as dirty as area agency on aging..make no mistake not all but the structure n people in power are human trafficking these kids. Aging agency pillage the elderly like they did to my mom. Wealth harvesting n they get money from state for supposed care strapped in a chair over medicated underfed and left to waste away. FACT.
I had both scourage me in last 20 years.
Did anyone even call CPS to see if: 1) the badge is valid and active, 2) is this woman working for CPS currently or in the past, 3) do any of the other missing children cases match this woman’s description, 4) was she asked why and for what purpose she was trying to entice this child to leave with her? This is such a minuscule bail that the judge should be investigated. Do not take your eyes off your child or children playing out front of your house, be sure your child arrives at his friend’s house, even if close to you. If blocks away, take your child there. It is a scary world out there these days.
Do not put stickers on your rear window with the number of children in your family! Anyone can follow you home and find out where you live.
I have stickers of my guns and dogs.
There are some that may want to take those too
Don't advertise the firearms. Pets are fine, but anything else is TMI. Discretion is the better part of valor in this clown world.
Can't do a whole lot about installed car seats, though.
Window tint or those shade things that stick to the windows is about the only thing you can do. I hate those shade things because I often try to look out those windows if I'm not driving and I see something interesting but they block my view. Wife put them on the side windows in the back since we have our granddaughter sometimes in the car.
You're probably better off having those car-seat/infant carriers that lock into a base that stays in the car. Someone would have to get up next to the car and look in to be able to see the base since it is much lower than the window. Still can't do anything about it when the kid is in it though.
This shakes me to no end! Kudos to that little boy for thinking to ask Mom first!
How much do you want to bet she worked for a sex trafficking ring?
But remember folks, msm says child trafficking doesn’t exist…
The judge that let her out is in on it. No question about it. Lucifarian gutter trash protecting their supply lines. How in the fuck are there not a million pissed off parents and grandparents raising hell in Ohio????
See my comment in thread. The Cabal fucks with Ohioans hard.
Massive red pill reposted from previous comment:
Ohio is a Masonic Hell Hole.
Ranked the 5th worst state for human trafficking.
New York State beat it for number 4 with only 4 additional calls. Think about this for a moment. This not only includes the city, but also Finger Lakes.
Ohio has the most Masonic lodges out of the entire country, except for its neighboring state, Pennsylvania.
If you dig in Ohio, you will find a lot of dirt.
If you see a distressed person coming out of Ohio with a crazy horror story, believe them.
The name of the game is to make the victims believe they are the crazy ones.
7th biggest population in the country.
Rockefeller left a huge impact there, and is even buried there with a pig benis of an obelisk there.
Theres a lot of things for the Tartarian theorists to dig on out there too. Airships and architecture, you name it.
Theres a Federal Reserve Bank there, but dont you DARE talk about the underground tunnels in that city, or the possibility of them connecting to the Library or the Courthouse next door. Its just a coincidence.
Also, dont talk about the Nazi German-American Bund that was started there by a Nazi spy, Walter Kappe, who disguised himself as a German reporter.
Or the Schottensteins, who were close to Epstein, and Les Wexner, and who even created a Babylonian Talmud.
But beware of the cog diss though. People will turn into Agent Smith and conspire against you for talking about Ohio. It's the darndest shit.
How about the hospitals there? The Cleveland Clinic (CC = 33 - just like Central Casting, right?)
The same area where Trump debated Biden in 2020, and everyone on Trumps side got Covid except Mike Pence. Do the hospitals in University Circle have the facilities to transport a virus to Case Western Reserve?
All down the road from the old Rockefeller mansion, the new Rockefeller mansion, and his grave.
Cleveland wants to be the first 15 minute city, and IBM (who also worked for the Nazis) has built its office right next to the 3leveland 3linic.
Just perfect for Digital ID.
Did you notice the mural next to the Hell's Chicken restaurant nearby. How its a picture of the "Thinker" statue from the Art Museum on one side, and a robot version of statue being programmed by a doctor on the other side?
Like the guy on the video posted here yesterday whose father worked for UN and who killed both his parents after a lifetime of alleged abuse - sane and lucid, locked up for life in a nuthouse
You probably have an Ohioan living in your home state. Get him in a private conservation and ask him why he left.
And if they pull the "everything is fine" routine, just be like "no really, whats up." or "what do you like better about living here?"
Once they trust you, they will spill the beans, and you will probably hear some crazy shit.
This is why "nothing (everything) is wrong with ohio" is a meme.
Keep in mind, its the 7th largest population in the US. The Cabal uses Ohio as a microcosm of the United States
This means that when Ohio wakes up, that is a major sign the rest of the country is waking up.
I have an unnaturally strong faith in God.
Happens all the time. Some people are just luckier than others that way.
Check out videos of SRA (Satanic ritual abuse) survivors. They relate remarkably similar accounts of their maltreatment.
Yeah, it's not easy to compartmentalize
Knowing that you cannot change the past and cannot control the future leads to a simple and logical conclusion, you can only control what you do from moment to moment. How you view the world around you and what you decide to do reflects who you want to be. It is a continuous struggle to be who you want to be without letting your past affect how you see the world, but it can be done. I still struggle to avoid being affected by my past, but it is getting easier every day. Maybe it is simply becoming habit or age brings wisdom, but whatever the reason, I am becoming more like who I want to be. The first and most important step is to let go of the past, forgive the trespasses against you and avoid interacting with those that would continue to do so. You can forgive without continuing to allow them into your life.
I grew up in a Cleveland suburb. Parents and teachers had us scared straight about strangers in cars offering candy. My mom even warned us about "Gypsies" and how they come looking for kids.
It was so imprinted in my head that I warned my fellow classmates that we should all walk to and from school together.
Makes me wonder if there's some connections to the "Gypsies" and the old Kazarian methods. 🤷♂️
Yes. There's a lot of Eastern Europeans and Germans in Ohio.
I'm one of them. Third generation and nearly 100% pure blood Eastern European.
Keep up the good dig, sir! There is a plethora of Cabal bullshit in your area!
; ^)
I had a college roommate from Ohio. He always creeped me out. To this town I can't stand the guy. Probably just a coincidence.....or part of the environment he grew up in.
Environment. The poor guy probably has a tragedy hes holding close.
Really not fair of me to paint all from Ohio based on one experience I had with a college roommate. I'm from deep south Louisiana and I was attending a college in Connecticut. EVERYONE was different from me LOL!
Why doesn’t somebody pick her up, interrogate her, and get some answers?
I still can't get over all these WOMEN being involved in child trafficking
30 years ago, they may have been trafficked themselves and only know this way of life.
Those women may have been trafficked and moved up in the system just to keep from being raped. Or, they could be victims of life long abuse. People like her have handlers or pimps just like prostitute's. I'm not an expert on the subject I've been watching videos and listening to survivors for a while.
Good job mom & dad, you trained your son well.
Bets she actually works for CPS.
5 minutes is more than I would need to I have her spill the beans, squealing like a pig. . . Peace out.
I’m glad they caught and removed this woman from doing further harm. I think more people will be aware with SOF movie on how fast their kids can disappear
"Removed this woman" ?? Bond was set at 1,000 cash. She was let out on the streets to entice little children in a very short period of time.
Time for all laws to be scrapped and let patriots start over. There’s a time for a slap on the wrist and then there is a time to interrogate someone and get all the info on who she knows so you can interrogate them and so on and so on until every last predator is in jail with a Bible and a chance to repent.
100% This.
Suspend due process when children's lives are in jeopardy. Torture that skank until she gives up the info. Save the kids, then break out the wood chippers.
That's disgusting.
Tell me you didn't read the article without telling me you didn't read the article.
She got probation and an ankle monitor.
CPS is as dirty as area agency on aging..make no mistake not all but the structure n people in power are human trafficking these kids. Aging agency pillage the elderly like they did to my mom. Wealth harvesting n they get money from state for supposed care strapped in a chair over medicated underfed and left to waste away. FACT. I had both scourage me in last 20 years.
Also, stop posting your children's pictures everywhere. There are some very sick people out there.
Did anyone even call CPS to see if: 1) the badge is valid and active, 2) is this woman working for CPS currently or in the past, 3) do any of the other missing children cases match this woman’s description, 4) was she asked why and for what purpose she was trying to entice this child to leave with her? This is such a minuscule bail that the judge should be investigated. Do not take your eyes off your child or children playing out front of your house, be sure your child arrives at his friend’s house, even if close to you. If blocks away, take your child there. It is a scary world out there these days.
The article mentions Cincy and Cleveland. I always found this empty lot mural odd. Did some digging but came up empty.
More creepy shit from Ohio...
Teach your children well.